HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.01.12�S�877!!9 City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday — November 1, 2012 City Commission Chambers Sanford City Hall 1 Floor 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida WORK SESSION 10:00 AM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Silence 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Presentation on the Visioning and Strategic Plan for the City of Sanford Facilitator: Whit Blanton - Renaissance Visioning 5. Staff Reports 6. Commissioners Reports 7. Adjournment In accordance with the Americans with Disahilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to the public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) Page 1 of 1 Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission November 1, 2012 -10 AM City Commission Chambers City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present Jerry Mills, Chairman Steve Esler, Vice Chairman Eddie Green Michael Padgett Steve Newton Michael Loader Members Absent Lindsay Oyewale - excused Others Present Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager Nick Mcray, Economic Development Director Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney Russ Gibson, Director of Planning and Development Services Dave Richards, Development Services Manager Mary Moskowitz, Planner Mary Muse, Administrative Coordinator Mr. Mills called the meeting to order at 10 AM. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Minutes Mr. Loader moved to approve the Minutes of the October 18, 2012 Regular Meeting. Mr. Esler seconded. Motion carried 6 -0. Economic Development Director Nick Mcray informed the board Renaissance Visioning will be holding a group discussion regarding the "vision" and priorities for Sanford and the board's feedback will be considered in the "Imagine Sanford" project. City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. stated this is an exciting opportunity for Sanford to decide how we want Sanford to look. There is an active campaign involving the residents defining what we want Sanford to be and thanked the board for their participation in the project. Minutes — November 1, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 Economic Development Director Nick Mcray introduced consultant Whit Blanton of Renaissance Planning Group. Mr. Blanton requested the board's input regarding their "vision" and priorities for Sanford, which will be considered in the "Imagine Sanford" project. Topics of discussion included: the need for activities and development along the waterfront area, improvement to the Marina area, resurrect a previous project that was planned to bring residential /entertainment/retail to the west side of 17 -92, resolve the midge problem, the need to tie the downtown to the waterfront, relocate city hall and the courthouse to allow development opportunities to connect the downtown with the waterfront, the need for a hotel that could offer guest accommodations, convention center and meeting room opportunities, include the entire city and not just the downtown for special events, bring waterways into areas of the city to help bring future development, have a YMCA, use all four forms of transportation, need a secondary level of elected officials that would represent the entire city and not just specific district areas, offer airlines incentives to show a 3 -4 minute video about Sanford on the plane before they land, make the main corridors into Sanford clean and attractive, a need for a bike path into Sanford and transit boat dock spaces, consider golf carts to be allowed in the communities, and marketing/advertising is a key factor in bringing people to Sanford. Citizen Participation None, Staff Report Mr. Gibson thanked the board for their input and informed them there will be a November 15 meeting. Commissioners Reports Mr. Loader asked staff if the City works with DOT in regards to the maintenance of the medians along SR 46 and Sanford Avenue. Mr. Gibson stated he would follow up with DOT and report back. After discussion regarding changes needed in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Mr. Newton made a motion to correct the wording on the first page as it relates to changing The Villages to City of Sanford. Mr. Padgett seconded. Motion carried 5 -1, Mr. Ester against. After discussion regarding the future land use designation change for the area around the Tanner project/Airport area, Mr. Newton made a motion to amend the land use designation from ROI to AIC. Mr. Loader seconded. Motion carried 5 -1, Mr. Ester against. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11 .56 AM- 0