HomeMy WebLinkAbout457-Eckerds/46&Rinehart MARYANNE hiORSE CLER~ 0!'" :"': '~ ;+': :.5 : '!' COURT 60538l SEHINOLE COUNTY, F L RECORDED .%. VERIFIED 2000 OCT 20 AH 8:35 CD GRANT OF EXCLUSIVE CITY SERVICES EASEMENT (CORPORATE) THIS INDENTURE, made this ~ day of CCi'~)bji ~:-- A.D. ~/2hl') between Seminole Farms Trust, " IV whase-a~!clr~;~311 2rid St., Sanford, FL , County of Seminole , and State of Florida , party of the first part, and the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, which is situated in the County of Seminole, the State of Florida, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, that party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants and conveys to party of the second part, its successors, assigns, licensees, an exclusive perpetual easement, as described and illustrated below, which is to be under, upon, and across the Northerly Fifteen (15) feet of the property situated in or near the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: (See Attached Exhibit "A' - Legal Description and *Also known as S.R. 46 access road to Northgate PD PROPERTY ADDRESS Drawing) · Sanford, Florida* (Seminole County Parcel ID No. Z~.I~'.3Z? '30~2' 00..~2.~9/'~ ) for city services, including but not limited to, city owned utilities, hereafter on said property, such easement to include the right of free ingress and egress over and across said property for the purposes of constructing, installing, and maintaining said facilities. This Grant of Easement shall not be construed as a grant of right of way and is limited to a City Services Easement. The party of the first part shall have the right to use the area subject to the easement granted hereby ( the "Easement Area"), including without limitation for parking areas, driveways, and landscaping, which are not inconsistent with the use of the Easement Area by the party of the second part for the purposes granted hereby. Provided, however, that the party of the first part shall not have the right to grant utility easements to other parties without the prior written consent of the party of the second .part. If the party of the second part disturbs any landscaping or improvements within the easement area, the party of the second part shall restore such landscaping or improvements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first part hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and year first above written. - Semino Fa "Trust, IV (Printed Na~ of Witness) (~~  Title: ~stee Richard H Mann dress: 1311 2nd St. (Printed Name of Witness) S~ford, STATE OF FLORIDA, COUN~ OF SEMINOLE ~. ~,~nc~ ,the fcv~of ~n~e ~ , ~ho ,. ,...o..,,,,.o.. ,o ,. o._.,o T ' '~Y O~S ~O Z ) ~ ~U R N Jj - e of FJor'da ' ~ ' Printed N % ' ) B- 5 / .--- ' OCT 2 0 20 ' CERTIFIED COPY ]I)/,ARYANNE MORSE DI. ERK OF ClR4DUIT COURT r. .......... SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION 15-FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A PORTION e,F tHE NORthEASt ~/,~ OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 19, SOUTH. RANGE 30 EAST, SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ... ;'OMMENCE Ar THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; RUN THENCE S89'45'37"W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29 A DISTANCE OF 125.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF RINEHART ROAD; THENCE RUN NOO'17'O8"W ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 807. 15 FEET; RUN THENCE S89"42'52"W A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF A PERPETUAL AND PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2218, PAGE 1433 AND OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2691, PAGE 1513, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE NOO'lT'O8"W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT A DISTANCE OF 260.89 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT; THENCE N44'52'54"W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT A DISTANCE OF 35.26 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAO 46; THENCE S89'42'52"W ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 17.].24 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; RUN THENCE S00'17'08"E A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE $89°42'52"W PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 46, A DISTANCE OF 18.31 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1785,08 FEET; RUN THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1'18'45", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 40.89 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENCY; THENCE NOO'17'O8"W A DISTANCE OF '15.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 46 AND A NON-TANGENT POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1800.08 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING N89'O3'50"E; RUN THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1'18'05" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 40.89 FEET TO A POINT OF TANCENCY; THENCE N89'42'52"E ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 18.31 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTAINS: 888 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. S. R/w LINE, STATE ROAD 46 c, L · ,..~89 4252 W''Jlr' 173.24' '" _;_;,. P.O.B. cf L2 CURVE CHART :.~ '30P W :.jp'50" E UNE TABLE L1 S 00'17'08' E L2 S 89'42'52" W L3 N 00'17'08' W L4 N 89'42'52" E DATE* dUNE 11 I 999 SCA[kl 1' = ~30' . DRAWN BYI A THIS SURVEY MEETS THE "IqINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS' AS t~XI!l~a ~Y CHI~PFER 61617-6 FLURIM BOARD [W* LAND SURVEYORS PtAt~.~NT TO SECTION 47e.087 FLDRH)A STATUTES, ROBERT C. JOHNS~ PSM,55tl 90'00'0O" 25,00' I UJ rO L - 39.27' \4, ', CHORD: ,.,, ,.-. I I I I . ~ !!. h, I ~"' I I I S89'42'52"W N I~.00* /~~ 12.00' 18.31' ' 15.00' ...... L . ~ P.O.C. 18.31' ' .~ N. LINE, SE V4, sE cO~NE~, NE I/~ I ~: S89'45'37"W lf f25.00' THIS SKETCH 1S NOT A BOUNDARY SURVgY. REV~S~BNS~ PREPARED FOR, THE SEHBLER COHPANY BEARING STRUCTURE BASED gN, V. R/V L/NE, RINEHART RD. LEGEND -~v ~-~ ............. ~_~ ~ -~ O~a~do. Flo~ 82803 ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~~ (4or '"