HomeMy WebLinkAbout836-Sem Co Boating Improvement Project x.RWM€ MOftSE, CURl( iF CtRWlT WJftr j t:uRK CF Semo.E COOOY ., 06047 PGS (K384-'0391 -LE NOM 20052]8996 1211912005 03:50:~ PM INS FEES &9. 50 BY t holdtn ci (' ~ n ~ tt V) 1 ~' ~ 1 {. ~ j;; ~t -..::.VJ l~ C 0"-.)'- ~(.3G ~ SEMINOLE COUNTY BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STANDARD LANGUAGE FOR PROPERTY RECORDS BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Notice of Limitation of Use/Site Dedication t The Property identified in the attached project agreement and boundary map has been developed by the project sponsor with financial assistance provided by Seminole County, Florida in accordance with Florida Statute Section 327.25. Pursuant to requirements of that rule, land developed by the project sponsor with grant assistance shall be dedicated in perpetuity as an outdoor recreation area for the use and benefit of the general public. If the project sponsor should convert any part of the project area or the facilities thereon, to other than County approved recreational uses, the project sponsor shall replace the area and facilities at its own expense with a County approved project of comparable or greater scope and quality. In lieu of such replacement, the County may require return of granUi.mds disbursed to project sponsor. I certify that copies of the Notice of Limitation of Use/Site Dedication form and project boundary map have been filed in the County Courthouse with the deed to the property on which the following grant project is located: Sanford Marina Improvements Project Project Name and Number ~~ U,.......I..........h~.1 .-.3 '"""- '" ~ ' /JJ%;. Signature of Authorized Representative 10 Form SCBIP-09 Revised 3-14-00 S~minole County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number DAVID JOHNSON. CFA. ASA PROPERTY APPRAISER SEMINOLE COUNTY FL 1101 E. FIRST ST SANFORD. f'L.32771-1468 4a7 -6615-7506 GENERAL Parcelld: 25-19-30-515-0000-0080 Owner: SANFORD CITY OF Own/Addr: ATTN MONROE HARBOUR INC Mailing Address: PO BOX 716 City,State,zipCode: SANFORD FL 32772 Properly Address: 531 PALMETTO AVE N SANFORD 32771 Facility Name: Tax District: S3-SANFORD-WATERFRONT REDVDST Exemptions: Dor: 20-AIRPORT,BUS,MARINA T SALES Deed Date Book Page Amount Vacllmp Qualified Find Sales within this OOR Code LAND Page 1 of 1 2006 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY Value Method: Number of Buildings: Depreciated Bldg Value: Depreciated EXFT Value: Land Value (Market): Land Value Ag: Just/Market Value: Assessed Value (SOH): Exempt Value: Taxable Value: Tax Estimator Market 1 $441,954 $4,471 $262,200 $0 $708,625 $708,625 $0 $708,625 2005 VALUE SUMMARY 2005 Tax Bill Amount: $14,345 2005 Taxable Value: $718,877 DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION Land Unit Units Price 43,700 6.00 land Value PLATS: Pick... LEG LOT 8 SANFORD RIVERFRONT $262,200 PROJECT PB 14 PG 88 land Assess Method SQUARE FEET Frontage Depth o 0 BUILDING INFORMATION Bid Num Year Bit 1967 Fixtures Gross . SF Stories CONCRETE BLOCK - MASONRY $441,954 Bid Class 1 MASONRY PI LAS 5 24,102 Ext Wall Bid Value Est. Cost New $792,742 EXTRA FEATURE Description Year Bit Units EXFT Value Est. Cost New 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE 1989 200 $521 $1,200 ALUM SCREEN PORCH WICONC FL 1989 1,071 $3,950 $9,104 OTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax purposes. *** If ou recent! urchased a homesteaded ro ert our next ear's ro rt tax will be based on Just/Market value. httn.//UTUTUT C'f'no:>fl r\rlT/nlC'/ur~h/r~ ur~h c<~."..'n",l~ F'",nnhr +,+l""')~n~F'""l-,), 1 O"H\, 1 ,1\1\1\1\1\1\0 1 "'l/1 , l"'l {\{\ , ~ ADD (2) NEW' lIGHTS ~~ (1) POLE REPLACE 3 EXISTING LIGHTS ADD 2 NEW' LIGHTS ON XISTING POLES 250LF NEW' FENCE 520LF NEW" FENCE o = EXISTING POLE ~ = NEW' POLE ~Dn~ ~~@)[fi) [F@~ (p)~@[W(Q)~~(d] ~(Q)(Q)~ ~@)~D[fi)@) ~mm[PJ~@\Yl~mm~[fi)n~ As au. "c DA TE: 12/19/03 DRAWN BY: D.SWEET ~ ADD (2) NE\J liGHTS ~, (1) POLE REPLACE 3 EXISTING LIGHTS ADD 2 NE\J LIGHTS ON XISTlNG POLES 250LF NE\J FENCE 520LF NE\J FENCE o = EXISTING POLE C%) = NE\J POLE $Dfi~ ~~@)ITI) IF@~ (p)~@[PJ@$~(Q] ~ (OJ roJ ~ [M1J @) ~ 0 ITI) @) ~ ITiJi] [PJ ~@ \Yl~ mru ~ [fi]fi$ l3eu~ DA TE: 12/19/03 DRAWN BY: D.SWEET , ,j .j I .('0 1itrJ;;L.~~ ft~:t;:1!1S '1~'IY J B;~ 5 . 0 ~;~S OFFLORlDA \.J I /1 ~::. ~Hilti(jLE CB. rl. I::,. ' CHAPTER 65.2213 ':~r,.': HOUSE BILL NO. 2805 .1 :::. AN ACT grnnting unto the City of Sanford, Florida fee ,im. { ;'-;: pie title to 11 portion of the bottom of Ll\ke Monroe owned .....\ or controlled by the State .of Florida' for the purposes of es- I .;;. tablishing a, marina nod commercial complex; describing J '~':'::" said. grant; providing exceptions for existing riparian own- / .' .'. ershlP. f -:. I'" i .~< Be It Enacted by the Legislature 0/ tlte State 0/ Florida: ( , " Section 1. That the State of Florida hereby granl9 to the City of Sanford in fee simple, nbsolutely, the following portio . '---' . 1:: of the bottom of Lake Monroe, to.wit: '.', ~: i. .:', I . I ~' I . ~ !..,: i ~:' I '; 1/. :! :;:~. \ ----., j. " . i. I L., CHAPTER 65.2213 II.'.: . '. f.:' , Beginning at the intersection of the East right of way line of Park Avenue extended nod the northerly right of way line of Seminole Boulevnrd as shown on the plat of Lake View Park recorded in Plat Book 3 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run Southeust- erly along said northerly line of Seminole Boulevard n distance of 1,100.00 feet to a point; thence turn an angle to the left of 90 Jegrl!es nnd run a di3tance of 900 feet to a point; thence turn un IIllgle to the left of 90 degrees and run n dist.'lnce of 1,100,00 feet to n point, thence turn an angle to the left of 104 degrces nnd rUn a distance of 550.47 feet, more or less, to n point of intersection with the Eust right of WilY line of said Park Avenuc extended Northerly; thence turn nn angle to the left of lt16 degrees, more or less, nnd run South along the extension of the East right of way line of snid Purk A venue n distance of 389.36 feet to pOint of beginning, all of the nbove lying ill nnd situated in Lnke Monroe within the corporate'limits of the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida. , (or the establishment by the City of Sanford of a municipally controlled marina nnd commercial complex. \ I. ~ .....: , .. j , I . . I ..' ( I : I . I '. , . j -. J j I , , . Section 2. Nothing contained herein any WilY nbridgG, limit or impair the private riparian ownership. IlL,. . . in this grant shall in rights of any existing J. .1 :~1195 ~ -41 .. lH ~ ;\ H OJ ::r: tT> X ro rLl p.. iU ~ jf'~ I ~ 1"1~,l~ t. ~. ~ llUt' 'l ~!I! ~pl' ;:I'~!' ;U,l ill ~i IN ~ t I , . :,IJ,.I,;1 ~r rr4n ~dh~ J~~l~~~ 1'1 ~:I'l'" ;I"~ lr' t ~l' t . \ ~'(I !t.'., l ~ I 1, !;.~ I !niP~ In{fjn IJ. i ~'j' . I , '~ II I :- ~'~! iI' . J~ '/ "j.i : t) !..t l~ '. I"~ iH~1IT d'..I+ :d~~ \ "l' " Wir: J11(l....' J \~ 1 111'111 in.li j/1 !2 Irl ~ jl :~Il ;ur Ij r I ii j! Ii ih.llf' ~ 1 ~I . ;'1' ' 1'/ : 1t; . ' \" '1 j l, , :!~ir :q, vi /, \ , ,I , ' \~/. CHAPTER 66.2214 LAWS OF FLORIDA '. \\ Sectio') 3. This act shall. tnke effect immediately lIpon be- coming b\w. Became a law wit~out the Goyernor's l\pproval. Filed in Office Secretary of State June 25,1965. CHAPTER 65-2214 . HOUSE BILL NO. 1390 I T reluting to Santa Rosa county, county health d art~ ment; uthorizing the department to establish, char. e and collect 1 s for issuance of henlth certificates, cerli!" d copies of vitni l' ords nnd for other services; provid' g for the accoundng 0 disposition of said fees; providin I\n effective date. . Be It Enacted by the egislature 01 the State be filed W: th the state board 0 Section 2. The county ealth clepnrt nt shall maintain re- cords ot all fees collec d under the pro' ions of this net in .accordanc:~ with acco ling procedures that hall be prescribed by the l\tnLe board 0 ealth. Section 3. AI Tees collected under the provislo at this act shall be depo . ed not less thnn once each month the state. treasury ~o he credit of the said county health de nrtment. Sectio 4. This act shall be effective immediately aw. .' pproved by the Governor May 25, .1965. Filed,in om~ Secretary o{ State May 25,1965. ". "-': , "J I EXHIBI,T "B" ~ t DESCRIPTION "-...J CD C/) <:) fTl C) S>C"", /: --., CIl -" ~ C::J C) r- :r.. m ,- ..~ n r', Cl C) c'; c::. .." N ;JJ -0= r- :r~ Co.") ~ CJ [T) I ." Page~ofL Beginning at the intersection of the East right-of-way line of Park Avenue extended and the Northerly right-of-way line of Seminole Boulevard as shown on the plat of Lake View Park recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 41 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run S.69016'45"E. along said Northerly right-of-way of Seminole Boulevard 1600.00 feet; thence run N.20043'15"E., 900.00 feet; tnence run N.69016'45"W. 440.00 feet; thence run N.20043'15"E. 60.00 feet; thence run N.69016'45"W. 1087,94 feet; thence run S.34043'15"W. 553.07; thence run S.680~3'15"W. to the Northerly extension of Easterly Bulkhead of a City Park; thence run Southerly along said extension and Bulkhead to the P.O.B. . \ '-.../ - -.:....t.J- t /-AI.:;;r€e.=~-ot ' a... ,?c;-'-", - -;;:;:.- - ( ;1-e- t::/,.... -'- - - ..---;:::._.... ./" r7~ - ....;-- _ _ u'",," f< C;;, L.-o-:.....,.,;- z:;....v~_ _....,..'...:-........ V ,_~~.' 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