HomeMy WebLinkAbout465-Quizno's/4301 W SR 46 ~2/~3/o~ 14:~3 F~: 407 33o ~64e c1~ o~' E d Orlando, FL ~205 , County of O~a~g; , State of F] a~ da . party of the first pari, and the Ci11' OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a muni¢~ corpo~a,ion.~h,.h ,s s,,ua.ed ,n ,he ~o~nty o, ~m'ne, e. ,"e S,a.e o'"erl~a, pa~oO~e se.o.d pa~ ~.~E"E.". ,"~a.~ o, *e .rs, pa~, ,at and ,ncans, dera,,on o, ,he sum *one do.a. and o.~ ~valuabie cor~slderul~on paid fay po~ 0f the second pa~f re~pt whereof is hereby cc~wledged, grg~ and conveys to pa~ o~ the s~ond pa~, its succeed. a~jg~, t~cense~, an ~cius~e pe~et~ ~asement, as d~ibed and iliumrated be[ow, ~{ch is to be under, upon, and acro~ ~e m (See ~ached hhlbit "A" - ~gal Desc~ption and ~ibi~ "B' - Drawing) PROPER~ ADDRESS~ (Seminole Coun~ Parcel ID No. ~-~-~-~-~_~ ) for ci~ sefllc~, including but not limited l~, d~ o~ed utilities, herea~er on said prope~ such easeme~ to include the ~ght of ~ee jngre~ and egrHs aver and acra~ said' prepe~ for the purposes c~n~ructing, i~talling, and maintain~ng said This Grant of Easement shall not be con~rued as a grant of ~ght of ~y ~nd is IjmJ~d to a Ci~ 5ewtc~ Easement. The pa~ of the fi~t pa~ shall hwe ~e dght to ~e the area subje~ to she ~sement gran~ ~hereby ( the "Easement Area"), including wigout tlmitefion for pa~kEng areas, ddv~s, an~ landcoping, which are net jnconsj~ent ~sh the use of the Eas~ent Area by the pa~ of the second pa~ for the pu~ose~ granted hereby. PraySdad, however, that the pa~ of the ~r~-pa~ shall net have the right to b nt uSi i~ ~ men s m I e t o~er pa~es ~o~ ~ pdo~ ~en consent of the pa~ of the second pa~. If the pa~ af the seco~ pa~ djstu~s any landscaping or imprevemenb ~thin ~e easement area, the ;a~ of the second shall restore such landsaplng or Improvemenh. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhe pa~es of the fi~t pa~ hereunto set their hands and seals on the d~ and ye~ fir~ abo~e wri~en. , ~D DELNERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: (P~nte~ame of ~tness) ( rlnte~ Name of Witness) Orlando, FL RPS0% 0 15' EXCLUSIVE CI~ OF SANFORD CI~ SERVICES EASEMENT THE NORTH 15 FEET OF THE NORTH 150.00 FEET OF LOT 4 ('LESS THE WEST 7~.00 FEET AND THE EAST 10 FEET THEREOF.), OF THE M.M. SMITH'S THIRD SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE P~T THEREOF RECORDED IN P~T .H BOOK 1, PAGE 86, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUN~ .H