HomeMy WebLinkAbout467-White's Site Developmentzo/xo/oz 09:53 F~ 407 3a0 564~' cit~ of Se~fordlllllNlllgliRHli~lllllllgllglOmlgll~RiHi ~ G~NT OF EXCLUSIVE Cl~ SEWICES E~EMENT (CORPO~ . THIS INDENTURE made this 10t~ay of October ~D E he~een ~ite's Site ~1o~ F] oriSR ~r~ration Slate of F1Or~ A~ . pa~ of the ~t pa., and the tiff OF ~NFORD, FLORIDA, a munlclp~ corporation, ~ich is situated In the ~un~ of hmino e. the State of Florida, pa~ of the second WITNESSETH. that pa~ of ~e first pa~. for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and oth~ valuable coMidem~on paid ~ pa~ of the s~ond poH, ~eIpt ~ereof is hereby aeowledged, arena end conve~ to pa~ of ~e second pad, i~ su~e~ors, assigns, licensees, an exclusive pe~etu~ easement. as described and illustrat~ below, which is to be under, upon, and acr~ the ~el of the p~pe~ si~ed in or near ~e Ci~ of ~nfo~, Seminole ~un~ Florida, more pa~culerly described as: (See Attached ~hibit 'A" - Legal Description and ~ibit "B" - D~wing) 'Also known ~ 4000 N~ite ~ve , Sanford, Florida* PROPER~ ADDRESS (Seminole Coun~ Parcel ID No, ~ ~ ~j~ ~ ~C ~ ~' ) for ci~ sewices, ;ncl~ng but nee limited to, d~ o~ed ~ilities, hemher on said prope~, such easement to include the Hg~ of ~ee ing~. and egress over and o~e~ said prepe~ for the purposes of construdlng, indglling, and mainlaining said realities. Th;s Grant of ~sme~ shall not be construed as u grant of fight of w~ and is limited to a d~ $e~kes Eosemenf. ~ pa~ of ~ ~l pall shall ~ve ~ r~ht to use ~e a~a subied to the easement granted hereby { Ihe "Easement AreaS, induding ~o~ limitation for pa~ing ureas, drivewGys, and la~scaplng, ~ich are not inconsimnl wi~ the ~e of ~e Easement ArN by ~e pa~ of the second pad for the pu~oses granted hem ' Provided, however, that the pa~ of ~e first pg~ shall n~ h~e ~e right to grant ~li~ easements other padies ~thout ~e prior ~en consent of ~e pa~ of ~e second puH. If the pa~ of the second pad dislugs any land$~ping or improvemen~ ~thin ~e easement area, ~e pg~ of the second pa~ shall redore su~ landscaping or improvemum. IN WITNESS WHE~OF, ~e peH;~ of ~ ~ pa. hereunlo ~t ~e;r hands and seals on the day end year first above ~en. NED, S , A DELIaRED IN THE PR NCE (P~n~d Name ~o~ ~. ~e ) Title: Addr~: ~,O, ~ ~p~ ) " ~lando, ~ 32878-0549 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUN~ OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was a~n~edg~ before me this 10~ deK ~ ~to~r 2001 A.D. ~t ~- ~t~ .~e Presid~t ~ite's Site ~v., I~c. Xwhe is personally known to me or __ who prodded as identification. Fea~ u a LEGl~ UNSAT~SFACTO~' N t P bl S a e. ~ I r0~ M~C~rrj ~MN~ Prjn~d Name ~ E. ~T ~- 5 N~ ~1~ ~ of FI0~ ~ co~: ~. July C~. N~. CC~3~58 FILE NUM 2001761798 OR B(~OK 0~13C P~C~: 10q2 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION CITY SERVICES EASENEWT SECTION ~ TOWNSHIP ~8 SOUT~ RANGE 3~ EAST SEmINOtE CQUNT~ FLORIDA. LE ,\ ~ POINT ~ ~ ~ LI N "W z LB N89°B3'OT"E 20.00' GRARHZC SCALE t"=lO0' 0 100 200 300 N i, THE PURPOSE OF THIS SKETCH kS TO PROVIDE BRA~IC ~ ~ INFORNATIDN FOR A CITY SERVICES EASENENT, ~ 6 ~ 2, THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, ~ ~ ~ ,3. ALL WORK DONE TO OBTAIN AND SHOW THIS INFORNATION ~ ~ FILE NUM ~001761798 OR BOOK 04192 PAGE 1043 L EGA L DESCRZPTZON CITY SERVICES EASEMENT SECTION 13. TQ~fNSHIP Ig SQUT~ RANGE 3i EAS~ SEMINOLE CQQNf~ FLORIDA. LEGAL DESCRIPTION, COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP ~9 SOUTH, RANGE 3t EAST, RUN NORTH O0°OB'40' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH B9'59'~0" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 634.20 FEET TO THE NEW RIGHT OF WAY LINE, OF CAMERON AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 00°0B'58" WEST. ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 380,32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.THENCE NORTH 00°0S'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°53'07" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'0B'58" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 130,00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88'53'02' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.060 ACRES, MORE OR LESS,