HomeMy WebLinkAbout4032 Ordinance No. 4032 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to the redistricting of City Commission District Boundaries in accordance with the controlling provisions of applicable law; providing for legislative findings and intent; providing for the revision of the four (4) City Commission District Boundaries; providing for description of the new City Commission District Boundaries; providing for the adoption of City Commission District Boundary maps/exhibits; providing for future redistricting after each Decennial Census; providing for codification; providing for severability; providing for conflicts and savings; and providing for the effect of enactment and an effective date. Whereas, the provisions of the Charter of the City of Sanford provide in Section 2.01 (a) "[t]hat there is hereby created a city commission of the City of Sanford, Florida to consist of five (5) members; four (4) commissioners and a mayor, who shall also be known as a commissioner, each of whom shall be elected for a term of four (4) years. The city commissioners holding office shall continue in office until their present terms of office expire and until their successors are elected and take office, unless vacancies therein otherwise occur'; and Whereas, the provisions of the Charter of the City of Sanford provide in Section 6.01 that "City commission seats are hereby designated as Mayor and seats 1,2,3, and 4. Candidates for the offices of Mayor and Commissioner shall file to qualify for that specified commission seat as provided by law"; and Whereas, as a result of Federal litigation the redistricting of City Commission District Boundaries into single member districts occurred pursuant to the Order of the United States District Court in the case of Alfred G. DeLattibeaudiere, E. N. Smith, Samuel Wright, Jr., R. Fletcher McGann and Hannah Pinkney on behalf of themselves and all others equally situated vs. City of Sanford, Florida; Lee P. Moore, Mayor; David T Fan-, Edwin O. Keith, Milton Smith and Ned Yancy; Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, their successors and agents, all in their official capacities. (Civil Action Number 83-739-CIV-ORL-17) United States District Court for the Middle District (Orlando Division) and, by later stipulation of the parties, and by Order of the Court, the active litigation of the Court action was terminated, but the single member district requirement resulting from that litigation has been left in place; and Whereas, the City Commission endorses the following principles in providing for City Commission District Boundaries: 1. Each City Commission District shall be formed of compact, contiguous territory, and its boundary lines shall follow the center lines of natural and man-made separations, such as canals, streets, etc., 1 where practicable considering the irregular shape of the City Lirnits of the City of Sanford. 2. Each City Commission District shall be based upon the principal of equal and effective representation as required by the United States Constitution and as represented in the mathematical preciseness reached in the legislative apportionment of the State"; and Whereas, the City Commission has considered numerous proposed redistricting plans and has held numerous meetings and considered a great deal of public input and, in essence, has afforded an opportunity for the entire citizenry of the City of Sanford to participate in the redistricting efforts and considerations which resulted in the enactment of this Ordinance; and Whereas, the City Commission based its evaluation and has made its determinations as to the actions taken herein in view of the guiding principal set forth in districting and redistricting judicial decisions that there should be a one-personlone-vote weight at each election and that the concept of one-person/one-vote means that districts from which representative elected officials are elected should be roughly the same size in terms of population in order that, as each elected official is selected, each voter's vote will count in essentially an equivalent manner and each vote will be cast on equal terms; and Whereas, the decisions of the United States Supreme Court, and other applicable law, require that the development of electoral districts for representative offices be accomplished in a manner that results in each district having roughly equal populations as nearly as may be "practicable"; and Whereas, the City Commission has adhered to and complied with the provisions of the Federal Voting Rights Act that provides that electoral districts cannot be drawn in a way that would dilute or minimize the voting strength of racial and other minorities or which would result in political unfairness; and Whereas, the City Comrnission has adhered to and complied with the provisions of the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Thornburg v. Gingles, 478 U.S. 30, 106 S. Ct. 2752, 92 L. Ed. 2d 25 (1986), and other applicable judicial decisions in developing revised City Commission District Boundaries; and Whereas, the City Commission has considered the various cornmunities of interest that may be present within the City and have insured that each such community of interest shall be provided with adequate, effective, and proportional representation; and 2 Whereas, the City Commission has complied with the controlling provisions of applicable law with regard to the procedures mandated for consideration of this Ordinance; and Whereas, Artide VIII, Section 2(b) of the Constitution of the State of Florida, provides, in pertinent part, that U[m)unicipalities shall have governmental, corporate and proprietary powers to enable them to conduct municipal government, perform municipal functions and render municipal services, and may exercise any power for municipal purposes except as otherwise provided by law"; and Whereas, Section 166.021(1), Florida Statutes, provides, in pertinent part, that U[a)s provided in s. 2(b), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, municipalities shall have the governmental, corporate, and proprietary powers to enable them to conduct municipal government, perform municipal functions, and render municipal services, and may exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law"; and Whereas, Section 166.021(3), Florida Statutes, provides, in pertinent part, that U[t)he Legislature recognizes that pursuant to the grant of power set forth in s. 2(b), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, the legislative body of each municipality has the power to enact legislation concerning any subject matter upon which the state Legislature may act" except for certain very limited matters; and Whereas, this Ordinance is consistent with all applicable provisions of State and Federal law and the City Charter and furthers a valid municipal purpose benefiting the citizens of the City of Sanford. Now, therefore, be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the recitals (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance, the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the redistricting of City Commission District Boundaries. (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. Section 2. City Commission District Boundaries. (a). The City Commission District Boundaries for the Districts of the City Commission are hereby created and established and shall exist as set forth in the maps that are attached as exhibits to this Ordinance and the said exhibits are hereby incorporated into the text of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein verbatim. 3 (b). Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the Decennial Census data every ten (10) years, the City Commission shall initiate redistricting of City Commission District Boundaries by such means as it may deem appropriate which may be as a result of City staff recommendations, a study committee composed of residents, through the use of a consultant, or by the City Commission through its own efforts or any combination of the above or other appropriate means or method. Section 3. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it is hereby ordained, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall be codified in the City of Sanford City Code; provided, however, that sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall not be codified. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 5. Conflicts/Savings. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed and all previous actions taken relative to City elections and electoral processes are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date/Effect. (a). This Ordinance shall take immediate effect upon enactment. (b). The new City Commission District Boundaries shall be implemented in the City Election occurring in the year 2007. Passed and adopted this 2ih day of December, 2006. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Attest: '~~.~-;; -4<)~ 4 Certificate I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 4032, Passed and Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 2th day of December, 2006, was posted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 5th day of January, 2007. ~1uJ--tf. ;;Jrtu(~ Ja t R. Dougherty As the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida 5 LIJ o ~ o :!E \ ! j i Ill' ~J /-..." ~ i i ~ : --' ( J'-j .. . ... I r:= I I i I I i . i ~ S !!f i . i i ; : ! i i .' ~. .' .~ .,/ ~ S . .. .....-.., .... II> >- W :<: Cl :::l :<: :"-"-"-"-"1., I I ...---, : i' I I ,I. : i i i ~ :, _J :~ / r..-..-.J: i ~-..-..-:! Nt NOSSIHa I .-..----; .-.. . ._1 . ':'.1 __ ! i . . (._.._.._...i .-..-- i i i r-t..-..----.--..-..-..-:: -i ;: ii(li ..1 I' >-:: , i ffiu _.._1; ~ ..... _...i1 Iii:: "XV'~ iif-"-"-"-.w~ t; z o !:j ~ j!: .. w All 3TIIAHOTl311 .... '" ~ .. w ... 00 i A", ~Sn:xn '" III .... '" .... 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(I) <( Q.,~CI)U; OlOC(I) C .5 la > :;EE> 0(1)=0 Q.,CI):::C~ ~ ~ III ~ ~ W :0: ~ 3: Redistricting Plan of 12/11/2006 District 1 9,612 Race Catet!orv* Total Percent White 5,370 55.9 Black 3,685 38.3 American Indian 32 0.3 Asian 39 0.4 Native Hawaiian 9 0.1 Some other race 315 3.3 Two or more races 162 1.7 Hispanic.. 662 6.9 District 3 9,455 Race Catel!Orv* Total Percent White 7 ;297 77.1 Black 1,368 14.5 American Indian 52 0.5 Asian 122 1.3 Native Hawaiian 4 0.1 Some other race 389 4.1 Two or more mces 223 2.4 Hispanic.. 1095 11.6 District 2 9,433 Race Catee:ory* Total Percent White 2,962 31.4 Black 5,789 61.4 American Indian 49 0.5 Asian 60 0.6 Native Hawaiian 1 0.1 Some other race 375 4.0 Two or more mces 197 2.0 Hispanic. · 730 7.7 District 4 9,849 Race Catee:ory* Total Percent White 7 ;241 73.5 Black 1,526 15.5 American Indian 41 0.4 Asian 182 1.8 Native Hawaiian 7 0.1 Some other race 549 5.6 Two or more mces 303 3.1 Hispanic. · 1487 15.1 *The Federal Government's Office of Management and Budget (OM B) identifies fIVe categories of race: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. The Census Bureau included the category Some Other Race in Census 2000. Some other race was included in Census 2000 for respondents who were unable to identify with the five Office of Management and Budget race categories. Respondents who provided write-in entries such as Moroccan, South African, or Belizean are included in the Some Other Race category. .. The federal government considers race and Hispanic origin to be two separate and distinct concepts. For Census 2000, the questions on race and Hispanic origin were asked of every individual living in the United States. The question on Hispanic origin asked respondents if they were Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino. The question on race asked respondents to report the race or races they considered themselves to be. Both questions are based on self-identification. People who identify their origin as Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino may be of any race.