HomeMy WebLinkAbout469-Rape/2445 S Mellonville Ave IIIIIIIglfillllillllllllgilllllllilllllfilllllilglllllgl KClRYRNNE 1t3RSE, O, EI~ (:iF CIRCUIT COURT BK 04228 PG 0491 CLERK' S # 2001782757 I~ l)~ T~X O. 70 GRANT OF EXCLUSIVE CITY SERVICES EASEMENT (INDIVIDUAL) THIs INDENTURE. made this of A.D. _CO I. be ee, Wil,am C & No, __whose address is 2445 S Meilon~ille Ave Sanford FI 32771 , County of Seminole ~ and Stc~te of Florida , party of the first part, and the City of Sanford~ a municipal corporation~ which is situated in the Count~ of Seminole~ the Stute of Florida~ purh/of the second part; WITNESSETH, that par~/of the first purt, for und in consideration of the sum of one doliur and other valuable considerufion pc~id by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged~ granfs and conveys to por~r of the second part, its successors, assigns, licensees~ an exclusive perpetual easement, as described and illustrated below~ which is to be under~ upon~ Qnd across the ( vories~ feet of the propel'h/situated in or neur the City of Sunford, Seminole County~ Florida, more particuIc]rly described (See Afieched Exhibit 'A" - Legal Description and Exhibit "B" - Drowing) *Also known as 2445 S Mel]onville Avenue , Sanford, Florida* PROPERTY ADDRESS (Seminole County Parcel ID No. 3]-]9-3]-524-0]00-0050 for city services, including but not limited to, city owned utilities, hereafter on said proper~, such easement to include the right of free ingress and egre~s ever and across said proper'P/for the purposes of constructing, installing, and mainluining said facilities, This Grant of Easement shall not be construed as a grcant of right of way and is limited to ca City Services Easement, The party of the first parl shall have the right to use the area subject to the easement granted hereby ( the #~Eclsement Area"), including without limitation for parlclng arecls~ driveways, and landscclping~ which are not inconsistent with the use of the Easement Area by the party of the second part for the purposes granted hereby, Provided, however, that the party of the first part shall not have the right to grant utility easemenls to other parties without the pl~or wrifien consent of the party of the second part, If the party of the second part disturbs any landscaping or improvements within the easement area, the party of the second part shall restore such landscaping or improvements, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first part hereunto set their hands and seals on the day SIG ~IJED, S~LED, AND DE,U~rERED IN/~rHl~ PRESE (P ',ted N me of tnes FILE NUM 2001782757 BOOK 04228 PAGE 0492 PROPOSED UTILITY EASFMFNT (PRFPARFD) A 14- FOOT WIDE UllUTY EASEMENT DLr~IBED AS FOLLOWS: OOMMENCE AT THE NORTHW!E~T CORNER OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1. VAtNNEWOOO. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED PLAT BOOK 4, PAGES 92 1HRDIJGH 94, INCLUSIVE OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF Si3dlNOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA, THENCE RUN S,89'20'00"E. ALONG THE NOR'R-I UNE OF SAID LOT 5, BLOCK 1. A DISTANGE OF 90.29 rL~,l TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: 1HENCE CONTINUE S. 89'20'00"E. ALONG SAID NORTH UNE A DISTANC~ 0f 8,74 FET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNE~ OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE: RUN S,00'46'O0"W, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 5. BLOCK 1. A DISTANCE OF 10,79 H:~! TO THE NORTHWESt' CORNER OF LOT 13, SAID BLOCK 1; THENCE RUN S.89'20'00"E. ALONG IHE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 13, BLOCI( 1. A DISTANCE OF 6,15 RE:ET; THENCE RUN S. 03'44'33'E, A DISTANCE OF 133.85 Pt:~.m; THENCE RUN N.89'25'53'E A DISTANCE OF 24.03 FEET; THENCE RUN S. 03'44',)3'E. A DISTANCE OF 50.04 FEET; THENCE RUN S.88'25'53'W. A DIST),NCE OF 24.03 PLLT; ll-IENCE RUN S.03'44'3,1'E. A DISTANCE OF 177.1B PLF..I TO THE SOUTH UNE OF LOT 18. SAID BLOCK 1. THENCE RUN N.89'20'OO'W. ALONG SAID SOUTH UNE OF LOT 18, A DISTANCE OF 14.04 m-LIE1; 1HENCE LEAWNG SAID S(XJTH LINE RUN N.O,.T'44'33'W, A DISTANCE OF 190.64 FEET; 114ENCE RUN N.88'25'53"E. A DISTANCE OF 24,03 FEET; THENCE RUN N.O3'4.4'3,1"W. A DISTANCE OF 22°02 FIE~...I; IHENCE RUN S,88'25'53"W. A DISTANCE OF 24,03 I-t:.l:T; 'THE]',ICE RUN N.O3*44'33"W, A DISTANCE OF 159.23 I,.'MET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING TO CLOSE. SAID PARCEL ENE:OMPASSES 0,13 ACRE MORE OR LESS. FILE NUN 200|7R~'7~7 OR BOOK 0~+228 PAGE 04S3 #~ FO~ S~NNIN~ CITY OF SANFORD PROJECT' UTILITY EASEMENT VACATE · AND RELOCATE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND PLANNING PHONE: (407) a30-567s _ OF _ FAX:330-5679 Drawn By:. D. Sweet SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 8/8/01