HomeMy WebLinkAbout883-Gatting Jackson-Exhibit A Land Development Regulations c- 83,3 c EXHIBIT "A" '(f~ SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR DOWNTOWN/RIVERFRONT GJ PROJECT # 19635.0 WORK ORDER # I. Purpose. The development of design standards is a prioritized objective of the Sanford City Commission. While city-wide design standards are suitable for most parts of the City, Sanford has many areas and neighborhoods with unique characteristics. Therefore, special design guidelines which address the specific needs of the neighborhood will be needed in those areas. All design standards should give the City stronger and more cohesive neighborhoods, a more appealing appearance and create more attractive buildings. Standards must be consistent with existing land development regulations. The following area to create design standards is: Downtown/Riverfront Area. This overlay district(s) is considered a high pnonty due to increased redevelopment activities and should extend from Mellonville Avenue on the east to the western side of 17/92 on the west and include 151, 2nd and, 3rd Streets and Seminole Boulevard (excluding those areas that are in the historic districts). This area is the heart of the City and is located directly on Lake Monroe. New projects recently completed in the downtown include the Riverwalk and the 151 Street streetscape. Projects proposed in the near future include the redevelopment of Fort Mellon Park and Magnolia Square and the extension of the 151 Street streetscape to US 17/92. The downtown is an urban area where densities of up to 50 units/acre are allowed with no setbacks or open space requirements. It is pedestrian oriented and is a transportation concurrency exception area. The downtown area includes the commercial historic district and is adjacent to the residential historic district. The historic districts have their own regulations. In the commercial historic district the maximum building height is 4 stories. All standards for the downtown area must compliment Schedule S regulations. However, it is recognized that outside the commercial historic district, heights greater than 4 stories are acceptable provided that the buildings are compatible to those in the historic district. The standards will encourage connections between the waterfront, shopping and residential areas. PHASE 1 - PROJECT FOCUS This first phase of the study defines the project understanding by working closely with a Project Management Committee, a project Steering Committee and by conducting stakeholder interviews. During this initial phase of the study, Glatting Jackson will employ the following techniques to gather information and build a common understanding ofthe project's focus. Task 1.0 PROJECT COORDINATION City a/Sanford Design Guidelines Page 1 0/5 1.1 Kick-off & Advisory Workshop - Glatting Jackson will organize a joint kick-off and advisory workshop with the Project Management Committee and project Steering Committee. City will make physical arrangements for the workshop and invite all attendees. Glatting Jackson will seek direction and input regarding the study's focus, specific areas of concern and key stakeholders to be interviewed. The goals and objectives of the project will be defmed from this workshop. 1.2 Staff Meetings: Glatting Jackson will meet with City staff once a month to review the status of work and to solicit staff input on various options/ issues regarding the new regulatory structure for the design overlay. A total of six (6) meetings are provided within this task and each meeting is anticipated to be approximately two (2) hours long. 1.3 Steering Committee -The committee should provide assistance and lend insight into what is needed for redevelopment, identifying typologies within the city and identifying types of improvements to the City's Land Development Code that is beneficial from a developer's perspective while balancing the City's goals for the community. The City will be responsible for identification and formation of the group. A total of Two (2) meetings are provided within this task and each meeting is anticipated to be approximately two (2) hours long and should be held concurrent to a staff meeting. Phase 1 - Product: Glatting Jackson will produce a memorandum and PowerPoint presentation summarizing Phase 1 activities. · Proiect Goals and Obiectives - Glatting Jackson shall document the projects goals and objectives, outline the results of the stakeholder interviews, identifying key issues that surfaced to be incorporated into the project's planning process. Phase 2.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION This second phase will involve community input for the revisions to the Land Development Code. Glatting Jackson will prepare a public meeting schedule with topics of discussion, prepare a format for the receipt of comments from the public meetings, and identify appropriate mechanisms to ensure public notice for the City's review and approval. For each meeting, Glatting Jackson will prepare the meeting agenda, prepare meeting materials, and facilitate the meetings. City staff will identify and secure the meeting location, will copy and distribute the meeting notices, the meeting agenda and any support materials, maintain mailing lists, and post advertisements in newspapers. City staff will also summarize the results of each meeting in the form approved above. 2.2 Planning Commission Meetings (2) - Joint City Commission and Planning Commission: Glatting Jackson will present the draft Revisions to the Land Development Code in the first City of Sanford Design Guidelines Page 2 of5 meeting and meeting two will be to present any recommended revisions from the first meeting.. The presentation (meeting one) will include a summary of the community comment received and how those comments influenced the proposed revisions to the Land Development Code. Glatting Jackson will be responsible for the development of the workshop agenda and will prepare a presentation to be given jointly by the City staff and Glatting Jackson. City Commission Public Hearings (1): Glatting Jackson will prepare a final presentation of the Revisions to the Land Development Code for the City Commission to be given jointly by City staff and Glatting Jackson at one (1) workshop and one (1) hearing. Both the workshop and hearing are estimated to be two (2) hours in duration Deliverables: · Glatting Jackson will prepare the presentation and exhibits for the one (1) Community Workshop. · Glatting Jackson will prepare the presentation and exhibits for the Planning Commission. · Glatting Jackson will prepare the presentation and exhibits for the two (2) public hearings and one (1) workshop to the City Commission. PHASE 3 - Design Framework, Creating Character Typologies The third phase of creating the land development revisions, will be planned as an intensive three- day design charrette and one day of stakeholder meetings. The charrette shall serve as the foundation needed to create the recommended components needed to implement the City of Sanford's design vision through identification of character typologies within the Downtown/Riverwalk area. The goal of this. task is to identify growth areas, determine appropriate bulk standards (height, setbacks,etc) for infill and greenfield development. The charrette, open to the public, will be focused around three (3) major public events: the charrette kick-off and design session, a design open-house throughout the three-day session, and a closing presentation of the charrette's results and the outline of how the design guidelines will be created and what will be focused on to regulate. The public will be encouraged to attend the beginning and ending sessions of the charrette for general coverage. Individuals interested in specific issues will be encouraged to attend the design open-house throughout the three-day charrette. The County will be responsible for making physical arrangements for the charrette as well as inviting attendees. During the Charrette, Glatting Jackson will facilitate a series of presentations/interviews with important stakeholders in the area. Several stakeholder groups are likely to include: neighborhood organizations, church groups, local businesses, property owners, home builders association, and representatives of the private development community. These presentations should be brief (60 minutes), informal and highly focused on specific stakeholder issues regarding the Study Area. This process is intended to provide one-on-one or small group meetings with the stakeholders. Glatting Jackson will report the results of these interviews to the City of Sanford Design Guidelines Page 3 of5 Project Management Committee and will employ the results of the interviews and clarify specific issues and concerns within the area. Phase 3 - Product: A Development Framework will be produced during the charrette formatted into a PowerPoint presentation with all associated graphics. Specific products from the charrette are anticipated to include: · Illustrative Development Framework Plan . Key Site Redevelopment Plans for "catalyst sites" (2-3 maximum) · Design Components for inclusion in the Land Development Regulations · Phasing diagrams illustrating redevelopment of the district over time . Illustrative Design Sketches (both eye-level and aerial renderings) 4.0 LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The level of graphics for this new code will be prototypical as described below, that is, the block types of forms would be representative of a generic site and would not represent a specific site or set of sites within the City of Sanford. For example, as part of the traditional neighborhood design regulations, alternatives for residential form that depict the general site development standards would be in the form of a prototypical grid with leaders identifying the basic standards. Sign standards will include general graphics that describe the permitted alternative sign types and general requirements. All graphics will be black and white. 4.1 Review Existing Standards . Glatting Jackson will reVIew any relevant City Code's, proposed ordinances that are provided by the Client. 4.2 Design Standards: Glatting Jackson will provide a consolidated design component for the DowntownlRiverwalk and will include the following: Building Design o Establish General Architectural Standards as necessary to support an urban form. These would include the regulation of only the most basic architectural detail that is necessary and integral to achieving an urban form and would be general enough to be easily reviewed by a site planner. o Establish General Architectural Standards as necessary to support a suburban form. These would include the regulation of only the most basic architectural detail that is necessary and integral to achieving a suburban form and would be general enough to be easily reviewed by a site planner. o Sign Regulations. Regulations for on-premise signage; both freestanding and building face signage. (Includes graphic illustrations) Site Design and Lot Layout o Lot Layout/Block Standards o Urban form standards by use type - Regulations and Prototype Graphic Illustrative Form o Uses appropriate within the Downtown/Riverfront City of Sanford Design Guidelines Page 4 of5 o Redevelopment form standards (includes building placement, parking location, vehicular access, pedestrian access) o Buffers, Fences Walls, including compatibility requirements for adjacencies o Landscaping and Open Space. Includes buffer landscaping, compatibility standards to address edges of single family to more intense uses. o Off-street Parking. Includes vehicle-parking requirements, bicycle parking requirements in urban form areas, parking lot landscaping and parking lot lighting. 4.3 Definitions. The Glatting Jackson Team will conduct a review of existing definitions and will revise as needed, plus insert any needed new definitions. 4.4 Review Draft Land Development Code: Glatting Jackson will meet with City staff to review the Draft Land Development Code amendments to solicit comments and input. Based on comments from the City staff, stakeholders, and property owners, a Final Draft of the Land Development Code will be prepared. Deliverables: · Glatting Jackson will prepare the Draft Land Development Code and provide a reproducible and an electronic copy to the CITY. · Glatting Jackson will prepare the Final Land Development Code and provide a reproducible and an electronic copy to the CITY. TOTAL FIXED FEE FOR ALL TASKS = $ 79,375.00 City of Sanford Design Guidelines Page 5 of5 EXHIBIT "B" WORK ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTRUAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WORK ORDER NO.: PURCHASE ORDER NO.: (For billing purposes only, to be assigned by CITY after execution.) PROJECT: CITY: SANFORD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA CONSULTANT: Execution of the Work Order by CITY shall serve as authorization for the CONSULTANT to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the Scope of Services attached as Exhibit "A," to that certain Agreement of between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and further delineated in the specifications, conditions and requirements stated in the following listed documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: [] DRA WINGSIPLANS/SPECIFICA TIONS [ X ] SCOPE OF SERVICES [] SPECIAL CONDITIONS [ ] The CONSULTANT shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments and the above- referenced Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be commenced upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed by CITY and shall be completed within LJ calendar days. METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (a) This Work Order is issued on a: [ X ] FIXED FEE BASIS [] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT [] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT 2 (b) If the compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis," then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for the sum of Seventy nine thousand three-hundred and seventy-five DOLLARS ($ 79.375.00 ). In no event shall the CONSULTANT be paid more than the Fixed Fee Amount. (c) If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Not-to-Exceed Amount, then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for a sum not exceeding DOLLARS ($ ). The CONSULTANT'S compensation shall be based on the actual work required by this Work Order. (d) If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Limitation of Funds Amount, then the CONSULTANT is not authorized to exceed the Limitation of Funds amount of DOLLARS ($ ) without prior written approval ofthe CITY. Such approval, if given by the CITY, shall indicate a new Limitation of Funds amount. The CONSULTANT shall advise the CITY whenever the CONSULTANT has incurred expenses on this Work Order that equals or exceeds eighty percent (80%) of the Limitation of Funds amount. The CITY shall compensate the CONSULTANT for the actual work performed under this Work Order. Payment to the Consultant shall be made by the CITY in strict accordance with the payment terms of the above-referenced Agreement. It is expressly understood by the CONSULTANT that this Work Order, until executed by the CITY, does not authorize the performance of any services by the CONSULTANT and that the CITY, prior to its execution of the Work Order, reserves the right to authorize a party other than the CONSULTANT to perform the services called for under this Work Order if it is determined that to do so is in the best interest of the CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order 3 on this ~1 day of '1/}//<<1 ATTEST: ?;r;CLIAI}) ~JJ;/La1h^' ShJ((YJ ~Oj'fcll ill , Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST: ~ . ~fI1Y--r; J ET DOUGHERTY ~-~ Clerk to the City Commission Sanford, Florida. For use and reliance of the City of Sanford, Florida, only. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. City Attorney Attachment (s): Scope of Services , 2c(J~; for the purposes stated herein. "&of'l , President Date: N\...0\t'\.~ '-- '1 ( zoot, CITY COMMISSION SANFORD, FLORIDA ~~~~~ LINDA K~, MA YOR.l Date: :5/\\ (O'-f As authorized for execution by ? ciD~mmission at itsClZ1cu 20 , regular meeting. 4