HomeMy WebLinkAbout474-Westlake Apartments, Ltd.I,IARYAN~iF- r-iORSE A SEMINOLE COUNTT,~L~ ~F)CIAL RECORDS SLERK OF CIRCUIT COUR' RECORO~:D & VER " 667356 01jAN31 PH3:h7, 3999 1068 SEMINOLE CO.,FL ~ '~8~ M°;~' ~e;~ G~NT OF ~XC;;;;'-'; CI~ SERVICES EASEMENT (CORPO~TE) whose address is J ~ ~/s~ .f~/"~ q corporation, which is situated in the ~un~ , ' WITNE55ETH, that p~ of the fi~t pad, for and in conslderefion of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by pa~ of the second pad, receipt whereof Is hereby acknowledged, grants and conveys to pa~ o~ the second pad, its succeeds, assigns, licensees, an ~ perpetual easeme t, as described and illustrated below, which Is to be under, upon, and across the ~ ~'~,,~ ~ ~,~-'~' .~ feetofthe prope~situated in or nearthe Ci~of hnford, Semln°le C°unW' (See A~ached Exhiblt 'A' - Legal Description and Exhibit 'B' - _. *Also known as J~O0 ~/~ ~o~ , Sanford, Florida* pROPER~ ADDRESS (Sem~noleCoun~ParcellDNo. ;~ t~ ~O 50~ ~ for ci~ se~ices, Including but not tim ted to, cI~ owned utilities, hereaher on said prope~, such easement to ~nc ude the right of free ingre~ and egre~ over and across said prope~ for the purposes of Th s Grant of Easement shad not be construed as a grant of right of way and Is Hmjted to a Ci~ Settees Easement. Thepa~oftheirstPad shall have the right t° use lhe area subjed t° the easement granted hereby ( the "Easement Area"), including without limitation for parking areas, driveways, and landscaping, which are not inconsistent with the use of the Easement Area by the pa~ of the second pad for the purposes granted hereby. Provided, however that the pa~ of the first pad shall not have the right to grant utflj~ easements to other padies witho;t the prior ~en consent of the pa~ of the second pad. If the pa~ of the second pad disturbs any landscaping or improvements within the easement area, the pa~ of the second pan shad restore such landscaping or improvements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the padles of the tlnt pan hereunto set their hands and seals on the d~ and year ~rstabovewri~en. ~ I/~ ~3~e ~re~s Cprlnted Name ~ ~ ...... / ) (Printed Name of W hess) Address: I~ (~x~_~ , STATE OF FLORIDA, COUN~ OF SEMINOLE ~ o ~ ~ A by The foregoing nstrument was acknowledged before me this day ~ , -- . · · ~e ~e~ ,the ~(ce-P~s~n~ of ~esH~ A~t~,s ,~hc, , ~ho is personally known to me or __ who provided as identification. ~P~ D~E C~ Nota~ Public - State of Florida ~ ~co~M~IOs~ prlntedName ~e SKETCH OF DESCRIPTIO,, Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 22, M,M. SMITHS 3RD SUBDIVISION, according to the Ptat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 86, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, also being the point of intersection of the West right of way line of UpsaiD Road and the North right of way line of Fifth Street; thence run N 89°56'54'' W along the South line of said Lot 22 a distance of 25,00 feet for the Point of Beginning; thence continue N 89°56'54-" W a distance of 1253.55 feet; thence run N 00"12'0T' E a distance of Zf~O0 feet; thence run S 89'56'54" E a distance of 125,3.60 feet; thence run S 00"00'00" W a distance of ~.~ feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 18,80].6 square feet more or less. NOTES; 1) BASIS Of BEARING: ~E WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF UPSALA ROAD AS BEING N O0'O0'O0" E. 2) UNDERGROUND U~UTIES NOT LOCA~D EXCEPT AS SHO~. 3) THIS IS NOT a BOUNDARY SURLY. S89"56'54-"E 125,3.60' ,~N ~ p 25.00' ' ~ 25.00' "NB9"56'54"W 1253.55' POINT OF N89 5 BEGINNING FIFTHSTREET SMITH CANAL · -,,, SHANNON SURVEYING INC. '~ 499 NORTH S.R, 4-,34, SUITE 2155 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ,32714 7{~,~"' (407) 774-8372 DATE OF SURVEY: NOVEMBER 16, 2000 ~7~ .2 RELD BY: N/A SCALa 1" = 20" E/t/ THe ORIGINAL RAISED RIg NUMI]~: UPSALA--15"U.E. SOUTH LIN MAPP~ " SKETCH OF DESCRIPTIOi Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 22, M.M. SMITHS 3RD SUBDiViSION, accordS'rig to the P~ot thereof as recorded in Plot Book 1, Page 86, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, also being the point of intersection of the West right of way line of Upsale Road and the North right of way Une of Fifth Street; thence run N 89'56'54" W along the South line of said Lot 22 o distance of 25.00 feet for the Point of Beginning; thence continue N 89'56'54" W a distance of 15.00 feet; thence run N 00'00'00" E o distance of 645.10 feet; thence run S 89"56'54" E o distance of 15.00 feet; thence run S 00'00'00" W o distance of 645.10 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 9676.5 square feet more or less. S89'56'5zF"E N89'56'54"W 15.00' 25.00' -WAY LiNE OF UPSA~ ROAD AS BEING ~ N 00~o'0o' E. ~ 3) ~JS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. / o POINT OF o Z 15.00' ~ 25.00' NBg'56'54"W N89'56'5~"W ~ POINT OF J FIFTH STREET CANAL SHANNON SURVEYING INC. 499 NORTH S.R. 434, SUITE 2155 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, 32714 (407) 774-8372 ,:, NOVEMBER 16, 20(}0 DATE OF SURVEY: ,¢/4-671 nELO BY: N/A SCALE: 1" --' 2(}° / N(~T VALID WI~HOUT THE ,~D '1HE ORIGINAL RAISED RL~ NUMBER: UPSALA-- 15'U,E. UPSALA SEAL QF A AND MAPPER :! EXHIBIT "~