HomeMy WebLinkAbout1147-Flexible Spending Account AdministrationC_- I i "Al AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT made this first day of September 1995, between Seminole County, Florida Government, (Employer, and Flex Comp of America, I nc. ('Consultants"). WHEREAS Employer Intends to continue its Cafeteria Compensation Plan (the "Pla in compliance with Section 125 and other applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code; WHEREAS the Employer may wish to establish a Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1086 (hW9in referred to as COBRA) continuation of coverage notification program for qualified beneficlarlos of Its Sections t 05(e) and 125 health plan(s), and the Employer may desire to contract Consultants for the purpose of advising Employer (Plan Administrator) in complying with the provisions of Title X of COBRA, WHEREAS Employer intends to ensure c =piiance with the neon- Discrimination 1 of Sections 7e. 105, 108, 120, 125, and 120 of the Internal Revenue Code-, and WHEREAS the Consultants are making available such administrative services as are desired by Employer, NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency of which Is hereby acknowledged the parties agree as follows ARTICLE I FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONStSILITIES 1. Consultant agrees to make available a model Cafeteria Compensation Plan that may be used as the basis for Employees Plan. 2- Employer will be Plan Administrator, and hereby designates and appoints Consultants to perform the functions and duties necessary to prepare, implement and operate the Plan for the Plan Administrator. 3. Employer agrees to provide data to make necessary payroll deductions and assist Consultants in implementing and operating the Man as designed by the Plan Administrator. 4. Consultants agree to perform all the functions and duties essential in preparation and implementation of Flexible Spending Accounts 5. Consultants agree that on an annual basis they shall review affected portions of he Cafeteria saran and related documentation and at no cost, update the Plan and related documentation. 8. Consultants shall prepare and provide descriptive brochures, booklets, election forms. and all other documentation required to be provided to Plan participants during the initial enrollment. 7. Consultants agree to perform all the duties and functions essential to Continuing operation of the Flexible Spending Account Administration after its Implementation, which will include annual program reviews and preparation of required governmental reports relating to the Plan. 8. Employer and Consultant acknowledge the Employer's obligation to comply with confidentiality provisions of Chapter 119, Florida statutes, and that this Statute governs the terms of this agreement. s. In the event that Employer elects to use a Claims Payment account maintained by Consultants at a bank or other tnsotutlon of Consultants' choosing for the payment of premiums or other fees due under the normal operation of the Plan, Consultants shall be entitled to offset account charges with bank - initiated credits on Employer funds deposited In such account. 10. Consultants warrant that the Plan and the method of implementation prescribed by Consultant satisfy current interpretation of IRS regulations and state and federal law. S —// AGENDA I M N0. a5p.r R70 non wwn i * n i or_ Inn Jnn nnn�nnn r n- nn � I. . K.. MAY 61998 AGREEMENT made this first day of September 1995, between Seminole County, Florida Government, (Employer, and Flex Comp of America, I nc. ('Consultants"). WHEREAS Employer Intends to continue its Cafeteria Compensation Plan (the "Pla in compliance with Section 125 and other applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code; WHEREAS the Employer may wish to establish a Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1086 (hW9in referred to as COBRA) continuation of coverage notification program for qualified beneficlarlos of Its Sections t 05(e) and 125 health plan(s), and the Employer may desire to contract Consultants for the purpose of advising Employer (Plan Administrator) in complying with the provisions of Title X of COBRA, WHEREAS Employer intends to ensure c =piiance with the neon- Discrimination 1 of Sections 7e. 105, 108, 120, 125, and 120 of the Internal Revenue Code-, and WHEREAS the Consultants are making available such administrative services as are desired by Employer, NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency of which Is hereby acknowledged the parties agree as follows ARTICLE I FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONStSILITIES 1. Consultant agrees to make available a model Cafeteria Compensation Plan that may be used as the basis for Employees Plan. 2- Employer will be Plan Administrator, and hereby designates and appoints Consultants to perform the functions and duties necessary to prepare, implement and operate the Plan for the Plan Administrator. 3. Employer agrees to provide data to make necessary payroll deductions and assist Consultants in implementing and operating the Man as designed by the Plan Administrator. 4. Consultants agree to perform all the functions and duties essential in preparation and implementation of Flexible Spending Accounts 5. Consultants agree that on an annual basis they shall review affected portions of he Cafeteria saran and related documentation and at no cost, update the Plan and related documentation. 8. Consultants shall prepare and provide descriptive brochures, booklets, election forms. and all other documentation required to be provided to Plan participants during the initial enrollment. 7. Consultants agree to perform all the duties and functions essential to Continuing operation of the Flexible Spending Account Administration after its Implementation, which will include annual program reviews and preparation of required governmental reports relating to the Plan. 8. Employer and Consultant acknowledge the Employer's obligation to comply with confidentiality provisions of Chapter 119, Florida statutes, and that this Statute governs the terms of this agreement. s. In the event that Employer elects to use a Claims Payment account maintained by Consultants at a bank or other tnsotutlon of Consultants' choosing for the payment of premiums or other fees due under the normal operation of the Plan, Consultants shall be entitled to offset account charges with bank - initiated credits on Employer funds deposited In such account. 10. Consultants warrant that the Plan and the method of implementation prescribed by Consultant satisfy current interpretation of IRS regulations and state and federal law. S —// AGENDA I M N0. a5p.r R70 non wwn i * n i or_ Inn Jnn nnn�nnn r n- nn � I. . K.. ARTICLE II TERMINATION OF CAFETERIA PLAN SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT The Employer at its discretion may terminate the portion of this agreement relating to Plan administrative services for cause at any time. Cause for termination Shall include but not be limited to any of the following reasons: t. In the event Consuttants become bankrupt or insolvent, or if Consuktants are suspended or restricted from performance by any Federal or State regulatory authority. Termination shall also be available to Employer in the event Consultants are unable to perform as set forth in this agreement; 2. Consultants fail to meet with employees in advance of each salary determination period and provide timely information to Employer so that salary checks can be timely prepared with minimal additional administrative efforts or fail in other ways to facilitate administrative implementation within existing Employer resources, as may have been agreed upon. 3. Employer or any of its employees receive an inquiry from the IRS indicating the possibility that all or some portion of the Plan Is not legally or validly implemented: 4. Employer is required for any reason to verify employee reimbursement claims. 5. Any portion of the Plan (or the type of plan adopted) is ruled Illegal by statute, regulation or opinion of any governmental body or use of any element of the Plan Is restricted; Employer may elect to terminate the Plan without cause at any time, but if such termination occurs during the Plan Year following the date of this Agreement or the renewal of this Agreement, Consultant shall be paid adual costs for performing normai calculations necessary to enable Employer to make any required reports and to adjust employee accounts so as to conform with pertinent regulations governing such terminations. ARTICLE Ill NON - DISCRIMINATION SERVICES i . Consultants agree to ensure that the Flexible Spending Accounts which are incorporated into the Plan comply with documentation and employee notiticatlon requirements. 2_ Employer hereby designates and appoints Consultants to perfprm the functions and duties necessary to prepare, implement and operate the monitoring and testing procedures required to demonstrate non- discamination for the Spending Account portion of the Plan. 3. Consultants agree to fumish documentation that in the opinion of its counsel meets the written requirements of the Code as amended. 4. Consultants shalt test Flexible Spending Accounts for non - discrimination compliance using the data provided by the Employer. 5. Con9ultants shall provide all reports and data needed for tax reports and audit files in pursuit of compliance with the Code. a. Employer acknowledges that Consultants are not responsible for any penalties resulting from inaccurate reports produced from faulty data supplied by Employer. ARTICLE IV TERMINATION OF NON - DISCRIMINATION SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT The Employer at Its discretion may term the portion of this agreement relating to non - dis loi: I the even Consultants Consultants bec bankrupt or ca i or if lim to f or following: I/P 96EA R7C aor wvi i:m or; /onion CCC7n001n4. nm 101111an� ins. •.fn rest+icted from peifomrance by Federal or Stale regulatory authority. Termination shall also occur in the event Consultants are unable to perform as set forth in this agreement. ARTICLE V COBRA RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONSULTANT Consultant herein agrees to provide the COBRA administrative services upon request of Employer including but not limited to: 1. Development, design and installation of the COBRA administration program. 2. Notifying qualified beneficiaries of their tight to continue coveraga as required under COBRA legislation following notification by the Employer to Consultants of a qualifying event. 3. Enrollment of qualified beneficiaries when applicable into the continuation of coverage (COBRA) program. 4. Collection of said premiums from qualified beneficiaries enrolfifrg in the Continuation of coverage (COBRA) program. Remittance of collected premiums to Insurer or Employer for said qualified beneficiaries each month. 5. Preparation and submission of monthly reports indicating qualified beneficiaries electing to continue coverage and qualified beneficiaries who are terminating coverage to the Employer, artd as deemed necessary by the Consultant, or to the Claims Administrator or Carrier or their successors 6. Advise and assist the Employer with the implementation and application of the COBRA notification program. 7. Address any and all Inquiries from third party claims payers with respect to the coverage status of qualified beneficiaries. e. Hold Employer harmless from COBRA penalties imposed for failure to comply with statutory requirements, providing that Employer has performed responsibilities outlined in this agreement. ARTICLE VI COBRA RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYER AS PLAN ADMINISTRATOR if COBRA services are requested, the Employer hereby agrees to perform the functions and duties set forth as follows: 1. Distribution to each employee and hisfher dependents at their residence address by first class mail an explanation of the Continuation of Coverage Rights and ReWmments at the time said employee qualifies to receive coverage under the Plan sponsored by the Employer. 2. Notify Consultants within a period of till days after becoming aware of the occurrence of a qualifying event. 3. Provide to Consultants the proper billing rates to be used in prcparing the monthly statements to those efeding continuation of coverage. 4. Make payment of all premiums, fees and contributions required to continue an yy insurer, Health Maintenance Organization, sen4nsured or similar program for services as contracted by the £rnployer. 5. Maintain the current status of the program and Plan under state Insurance laws and under local. state and federal tax laws. / !b 868A r;;lo Corr ww;7 i * n i oR /on /cn ARTICLE Vll TERMINATION OF COBRA SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMEN 1. In the event that either party fails to comply with its obligations in any material respect under this agreement and fails to correct such noncompliance within 30 days after receipt of written notice of such failure and requesting that H be corroded, the other party may terminate this agreement by tendering a notice of termination to the noncomplying party 30 days prior to the effective date of such termination with a disposition of pending matters to be concluded as provided herein. 2. The Employer and Consultant further agree that if Consultant has failed to maintain a satisfactory quality of service and such failure hae not been corrected within 30 days after receipt of written notice from Employer, the Employer may terminate the COBRA services under this agreement by tendering a notice of termination to the other party 30 days prior to the effective date of such termination with a disposition of pending matters to be concluded as provided herein. ARTICLE VIII TERM; BASIS FOR RENEWAL OF SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement shalt remain in effect for the period of the current Plan: Year, and except for reasons as specified below and as stipulated in Articles lit and XI, this services agreement shall automatically renew thereafter from year to year. 1. Employer and Consultant mutually agree to extend the existing contract for revised compensation or, 2_ Consultant advises the Plan Administrator that it does not wish to continue to provide any administrative services to the Plan Administrator. in which case, notification of non- renewal shall be made to the Plan Administrator In writing, not less than 90 days prior to the expiration of this agreement or, 3. The Employer as Plan Administrator advises Consultant it no longer desires Consultant to provide specific administrative services 10 the Man Administrator. In which case, notification of non - renewal shall be made to Consultant in writing, not less than 80 days prior to the expiration of this agreement or, 4. The Employer as Plan Administrator executes such renewal agreement or other services agreement replacing (his services agreement. in the case of non - renewal, the Plan Administrator shall have the right to receive all ttm Plan Administrator files and relevant documentation relative to the plans being administered. If (he Plar Administrator Mess to receive such Information. then the Plan Administrator shall provide access to such materials to Consultant if any suit or suits are filed against Consultant with respect to the Plan Administrators COBRA or other affected benefit accounts. ARTICLE IX MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1. The Employer as Plan Administrator shall defend and indemnify Consultant against any and all claims, loss, damages, expense and liability arising from Employer's failure to perform hereunder unless the Same ari claims, Of the aims, lo ss, negligence damages, es, C e pe ns se e an Consultant agility rising from and settant s indemnify failure t Employer conform f any and aIt clss, dmp expense hereunder unless the same results tram Employers negligence. 2, Settlement of disputes shall be under Section 55.1 'Prompt Payment Procedures, for payment disputes, and Section 220.102, 'ConVac t Claim$,* Seminole County Code, for contract claims. In the event to t esolve t di disputes through voluntary med a i n, wittt the costs exhausted, voluntary parties mediation exercise hared equally. ego 3. Should the Plan Administrator matte a modification of the Plan provisions which substantially increase or decrease the services to be rendered during the term of this contract, the fees stated in this agreement may be adWed as mutually agreed upon by the Plan Administrator and Consultant. f=ailure to reach agreement with rasped to such fee adjustment shall be cause for termination of the portion of this wntas relating to the pending administrative strti Services in provided y either party upon 80 days written notice of the //C 852.4 R7C OOf` WHPI :nl OR /on /Cn CCC7COOIna. ne.7 IOltlonv 11.4 • 4, , ,— 4. This agreement will be construed according to the taws of the State of Florida, and all provisions hereof shall be administered according to the laws of such State. 5 Consultant shall have the right to retain outside services at its cost and at no cost to Em whenever necessary induding administrative services, provided that such action will not relieve Consultant of any Obligations hereunder, and also provided that consultant gives notice of such adion to Employer. 6. Consultants shall be entitled to the following consideration: aj an initial setup fee is not required. b) a monthly administration fee is not required as long as Professional insurance „orWation (PiC) is used for enrolling the Flexible Spending Accounts, and PIC has access to payroll reductions for its various products_ c} an annual re- enrollment fee is not required as Fong as PIC products are supporting the administration costs, d) no fee is being imposed for Non - Discrimination services described in this agreement. in the event software becomes necessary for the determination of compliance under future legislation, Employer shelf have the fight to reject software offered by Consultant. Any fee imposed for compliance software shall Include necessary conversion software and services described earlier in this agreement. Plan, either its own accou or a Claim Payment acccountprovided by Connsultant� jhe Consultant hl t responsible only for the cost of the initial checks ordered. The initial order will be for the number of c deemed reasonably sufficient for the proper operation of the first year of the Plan_ ecks f} if Employer Select$ COBRA services, Consultant wilt charge a fee of $15.00 per qualifying event to be paid as billed monthly. in addition. Consu ge ltant will retain the 2% COBRA surchar allowable under Section 162 of the Code. 7. Nothing contained herein shall obligate Employer to utilize Consultants as their agents or brokers In providing existing fringe benefits to employees. 6. Consultants wilt maintain a $50,000 blanket Fidelity bond and shall provide the same to Employer upon request. 9. Consultants agree that their employees and/or agents shall treat and maintain as Employees confidential property and shall not disclose to others or use during or subsequent to the termination of this Agreement, any information (including any technical information, employees, financing, or costs) which may come within their knowledge or which may be developed by Consultant, its employees or agents, in the performance of its obligations hereunder, without in each instance securing the prior written consent of Employe-. 10. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto pertaining to the subject matter contained herein and cancels and supersedes any and ail other prior and contemporaneous oral or written agreements, understandings, negotiations, or discussions. Any reptesentation, promise, modification. or amendment to this Agreement shall not be binding on either party unless in writing. stating with specificity the proposed modification, amendment, promise, or representation WA signed by the party to be bound. Neither party may assign any of its fights, duties, or obligations without the prior written consent of the other party. No modification or amendment of any provision of this agreement shall be construed as a waiver, breach. or cancellation of any other provision. No waiver b either party with rasped to any breach of default or of any right or remedy, shalt be deemed to constitute a continuing waiver of any other breach or default or of any other right or remedy, unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the party to be bound. 11. Where other related administrative services are to be provided by Consultant, amendments to this basic agreement, if any, are incorporated by reference. Any such amendments shalt be subject to the terms and conditions of the basic agreement unless specified to the contrary. Jf1 Ar1pJ c7f� nnn u��ii •n� nG Inn ...... .. .... ... n. .. ..� ..._.. ,, ,,.. ..... �.. _..__ IN WITNESS VVHERe-OF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed oo the day and year nrsi written above. ye n aunty 8Oara of County Commissioners: B Consultant: Flex Comp of America, Inc. By. a992 R70 nnr Wwc i I n I oa !nn ICn ! I n7rl,n ,..� ..� ,�, r.. Professional Insurance Corporation - Fax Cover Sheet - Date: 5/6/985 Pages: 7 including this page To: William A. Simmons City Manager City of Sanford Phone: 407 - 330 -5604 Fax Phone: 407 - 330 -5606 MAY 61998 1: � � �� ✓ /J1 From: Doug Murdock Phone: 407 - 366 -4252 (ext. 1 ) Fax: 407- 365 -2555 Subject: Agreement for services between FlexComp of America and Seminole County. The following is the copy of the agreement you requested. Please let me know if it is not legible and I'll get a better copy to you. t 862,1 R7,R 40r wvn l : n l RR /on /cn cec7coo ln+, nm 1a'1 i1anv inu - kn sent by: norKGenter eoU 4Uldbb2bbb Ub/01/98 10:15AM Job 309 PIC, EMPLOYER AGREEMENT (TO BE COMPLETED IN FULL) PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE CORPORATION GENERAL INFORMATION Page 212 r LS�1.� I Name of organization Board of County Commissioners of Seminole Co unty Year Established Account Contact Name: Li Eiland _ Acltlrt .__ 1301 E. Second Street ci San ford y FL jil 3''- 7 1. Phone ( 407 321 -1130 (ext 79 5_0) ;Mature of Business Count Government (Include Area Code) - Total Number of Eligible Full -Time Employees 1150 INSURANCE COVERAGES '?A LIFE: E- mployer will pay NA k Employee will pa },NA DISABILITY % of Premium Y_ INCOME: Employer will pay 0 Employee will pay 1 % of Premituli MEDICAL EXPENSE: Employer will pay NA o Employee will pay NA f CANCER: ;� of Prornitttil Employer will pay 0 % Employee will pay 100 % of Premium ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION it Account a Cafeteria Benefit Program (Section 125)? XX Yes No _ I ?i: ><' , Income is: — included in (under) Section 125. k Included on an individual by individual basis ; . not included in (under) Section 125. partially included in (under) section 125. What !� of premntm ,._ � l (JE'E (iii() \tE? ) is partially included in (under) Section 125. Aft -.- rur employees exempt from Social Security taxes? Yes No BILLING INSTRUCTIONS _Y_ Monthly Semi- ylonthly i (3l, -XAf 1,1 y l or Rec. paper bill from PIC Send paper bill to PIC _ -- Tape -Lo -tape bill Processor's Name for tape to -tape bill only Address: Liliin8s To :Ad.: eas st IJ liferenl Thar; Above•) Name: _ Address: Phone: Phone: AUTHORIZATION T'lus Agreement authorizes the contact of employees/ members of this Organization concerning insurance to be provided by I' oftrssional Insurance Corporation. Authorization is given to send billings to the location named above. 1'he respon ihilitc tit ojssuring that premiums have been remitted to Professional insurance Corporation on behalf of their employees/mi^mlers is that of the Organization named above. Either the Organization or Professional Insurance Corporation may, upon r easonahh nonce to the other, terminate this Agreement, in w _ vent the payment of premiums v, ilI be a matte r of ac countin dirt cti� he t <.vc m t n each employee /member Profess surance Corpo n. 3a Si ature AD _ - mployer. , uthorized Official - - -- -- 0 Yes, Please send it group kit Signature of PI Insurance Representative Agent Number i:n plo':er may by subject to certain State and /or Federal Employment celat - laws (including FRISA, ll<L Sections 89 and VZ , and ;.d i le:ly responsible for compliance with these taws including any required benefit payments nat covered by in ln r',.,n f h! - :.,x�'j -. �s �'# �'t�r• - 1," � t � r r .r � _ SIC co MM .. �,�nseds i Guarantee Issue Yes No Plans�af�Cvver � � $ — �.. Date )ngmal - Home Office; I Copy - Employer; 1 Copy - RAD /Agent Office Approval Supply Nu. 1.16416M -3.ii in. 2