HomeMy WebLinkAbout480-David A. Behrens~].% TIllS INDENTURE, made thls ~d~ of ~fl~E . A.D.20~I. be~een ~Y/4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/~/~ , CounW of /~r2~ / . and State ~f ~/~ ~ , pa~ of the ~t pa~, end ~e CIW OF MNFORD, FLORID~ a mu~cipal ~ ~ f I corporation, which Is ~ltuat~ in the ~unw of Seminole, the State of Florida, pa~ of the second WITNESSETH, that pa~ of the ~t pa~, for and In considerorion of the sum o one do lot and o~er valuable consideration paid by pa~ of the second pad, receipt ~er~f 1~ hereby ackn~ged, gran~ Qnd conveys to pa~ of the second pad, ts succeeds, aMlgns, kensees, an exclusive pe~etual easement, as describ~ and Illusffat~ below which Is to be under upon, and acro~ the ' (See A~ached ~hlbJt 'A" - Legal DeKription and Exhibit "B" - Dra~ng) · A,.o k.ow. =. 3aOd . Sanford, FIo,da' PROPER~ ADDRE~ for ci~ ~lces, including b~ notlimited to, ci~ owned ~illtles, herea~er on said prope~, such ~ment to Include the' right el fr~ Ingre=S and egress over and across laid prope~ for the purposes constN~lng, installing, and malntalnlng said facllitle$. s Grant .of Easement. shall not be construed as a grant of Hght of way and Is limited to a Cl~ Seaices E~ement. ~e pa~ of the ~m pad shall h~e the dght to use the ar~ subJe~ to ~e ramant granted hereby (~e "Easement ~, including ~thout limitafion for pa~lng areas, dHvew~, and land~aping, ~lch are not Inconsistent with the use of ~e Easement Area by the pa~ of the s~ond pad for the purposes granted hereby. Provided, however, ~at the pa~ of the ~. pad shall not h~ve the right to grant ~11~ ~sement: to o~er pa~ ~thout the prior ~en consent of the pa~ of the second pad. If ~e pa~ of the mond pad distu~s any lan~caping or Improvemen~ ~thln the emement area, the pa~ of the HoDrid pad shall restore su~ landscaping or Improvements, IN WITNE~ WHE~OF, the pa~es of the ~t pad hereunto =et their ha~s a Is on the d~ and y~r .t~ Name ol ~t CPrlntedNameofWitneu) ~A~D ~tV:~ ~ ~ pe.on.lly bOW. tO me or __ ~; provldd ~ .. ,dentlf:,tl~ ~ { '~,~ .... I~tang~te Tax P& , ec:~e~ 9y: ~ O,~ ~OT RY PUBLIC OF NEW JE~f,~, ~ remission ~pires December 4~ ,,,EXHIBIT 'A' · PLAT DE$CRIPTIJN FOR D. G. BEAR · $EM//VO E COgAt . 7HE C/7 OF $ AtFOR9 EASEMENT DESCriPTION 'A': A portion of Lot 1. 8[ock I. Tier 9. V. CHECK'8 AMEHDED PLAT OF BLOCKS I. IN. 2N AND 5H. TIER 9 OF E. R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD. ~ccordin9 to the Plot tEereal as recorded in Plot Book 3. Page 93 of tee Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. and beln9 more particulariy described as Begin ot the Northeast corner of said Lot I and run N 8ga58'16'W alon9 the North line of said Lot I. 20.00 feet: thence leovin9 sad North I ne run S 44°Sg'50'E, 28.30 feet to a point on the East line of said Lot : thence run N 00°01'24'W alan9 said East line. 20,00 feet to the Pont of Be9 nning: C0ntoinin9 200.OO square feet. EASEMENT DESCRIPTION 'B" A portion of Lot 5 Block I. Tier g. V. CHECK'S AMENDED PLAT OF BLOCKS t. IN. 2N AND 3N. TIER g 6F E, ~. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD. accordin9 to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 93 of the Public Records of Seminole County. Florida. and being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Southeast corner of said Lot 5 and run N OOaOi'24'W along the East line of said Lot 5. 20.00 Feet: thence leaving said East line run S 45°00'10'W. 28.27 feet to a point on the South line of said Lot 5: thence run S 8g°58'16'E along said South line. 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning: Containing 200.00 square feet. SURVEYOR' S NOTES: I) The surveyor has not abstracted the land shown hereon for easements. rights-of-way or any other matter· recorded or unrecorded. t at may affect the use or title of this land. 2) The improvements shown are from a preySou, ,urvey and have not been re-verified as a part of this Plat of Description. 3) The bearing structure is based on the centerfine of French Avenue (U.S. highway 17 & 92) being N.00*O1'24' W. (aseumed bearing). ABBR~IATI~8 LE~: ~ ......................... CENTER LINE FND ................... F~ ~.0 ............................. I~NTiFI~TI~ IRON ............................ IRON BAR SET OR F~ AS NOTED L.B ............................. C~PORATI~ LICENSE L.B.220 ......................... C~P~ATE REGISTRATION ~ .............................. ~ S~VEY~S. iNC. R/W ............................. TYP ............................. TYP I CAL This Plat of Description is eat valid ~{vhoet tke signature end the original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Serveyet acid Mapper. DOUDNEY SURVEYORS, INC,, 200 E, Commercial Street, ~: o~,~ ~ " i ~: · Sanford. Florida. (407)322-145~. By: David A. Dog~r ~~,~;~/~ :. Florida Registration Number 393g DOU~NFY SURVEYORS. INC. 200 EAST COJIIERCIAL STREET SAk~'OeO. FLORIDA 32771 407-322- i 45 I PAinE I OF 2 JOB NO. REF: 69-00 /.,, EXHIBIT 'B' ~ ' ~' ~' P LA'i' C,f DE S'CR I P T I vN FOR (2 LANE ASPHAL T ROADWAY) FUL TON STREET .... F~.~.~.":7,;.,,' ." .LAT~'ED .:',.~ "' ~ ~ ~'AS_r¥,rNT 'A' '~ I~IOR THEA,~ T CDRNE/~ SET NAIL &CAP FND 'X' CUTe LOT I. BLOCK I. TIER 9 1 'LB220* N 8f'58'16'1 117.29' INSIDEILK ;' ASPNN, T CONC. eTE o. 2S ' 6 PAVEIIENT 'e°' )-' f....: BUlLDINe I LU jj,j N [02.36' N i0.07' J CL ~ u_ ASPNALT PAVE3LrNT · :. -!- ~>. :.., CONCRETE PAVE¥1ENT '- -" . ,,0. 6' CH~IN LiNK FENCE (TYP. 3 5 ~/p( ~ ~-i COM_MERC I AL. S TREE'Tj-' l' $ 89°58'16'E 6,6' PLATTED R/I (2 LANE ASPHAL T ROADWAY) O0~ION~'Y SURVEYORS, INC. o ~o ~o 200 E'AST COt~RClAL STR~'E'T SANFORD. FLORIOA i's 4s 40 7- 32~- 1451 SCALE: I' - 30' PAr~ 2 OF 2 JOB NO. RE'F: 69-00