HomeMy WebLinkAbout482-George & Doris Brown GRANT OF EXCLUSIVE CITY SERVICES EASEMENT (INDIVIDUAL) ~ * , h · · D ~Brown 1750 Stone Road , Deland, _,Countyof Volusia whose.addreSs. WITNESSETH, that party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and it easement, as described and illustrated below, which is to be under, upon, and across the (See AMached Exhibit "A" - Legal Description and Exhibit "B" - Drawing) · Alsoknown as Corn~r ~ A~rport 8]vd & ~.K. /~6 anford Florida* PROPER~ ADDRESS (Seminole Coun~ Parcel ID No. 27-19-30-50~0000-0020 ) constructing, installing, and maintaining said facilities. This Grant of Easement shall not be construed as a grant of right of way and is limited to a Ci~ Se~i~s landscaping, which are not inconsistent with the use of the Easement Area by the pa~ of the second for the purposes granted hereby. Provided, however, that the pa~ of the first pa~ shall not have the right to grant utili~ easement~o other pastes ~thout the prior wriflen consent of the pa~ of the second pa~. If the pa~ of the sac pad disturbs any landscaping or improvements withln the easement area, the pa~ of the second shall restore such landscaping or improvements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa~ies of the first pa~ hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and first above wriUen.% (FF ed Name oLWi ss) (Printed Name as idenfifi~ ~ ~yco~N~cc? 2~2 s Notaft Public - State of Florida ' Exhibit "A",, for ~ THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA Legal Description A part of the South 46.4 feet of Lot o WALTER SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book ~, , 10, Page 13, of the Public Records of Seminole Coumy~ F)o~oa. being more pa~cWar~y CeschDed as follows: Commenting m the Southeast ComeF of sa)~ Lot 2, theRce FUR NOah, aiDriD me East U~e of sad Lot 2, 2.25 fee( for a POINT ~ EEGINNIN~' thence commue Ne~, =t~,~ c=~ ~ct Line, ~4.15 feet to = point on the South ~Eght-of- way U~e of State ~oad 46; thence ~n N.44%9'GO"W, 9)o~G sa~d South Une~ 42.44 feet to a ~)Rt on the Noah Li~e of me South 46.~ ~+ ~f sa~d ~ n~ ~' (he~ce n,~ r~S9%8'00"W ~b~n sa~d N~h Line a~O ~b~ sa~ $ou~h ~oh(-of-~ way Une of State Road 46, a d~smnce of 14.15 fe~t; thence ru~ ~.~4%~'00"E. 62.45 fe~ ~o [ne Pom~ of Seginnmg. Exhibit "B" STATE ROAD N 89'58'00" W !4.!5' SOUTH R/W L~NE-.-~ ! !_S ' .'O LO 2" '_ NORTH L N OUTH 46 4 ........................ ~'. 3.O ~ ' ,,,. ,~ ' POINT OF BECINN!NG .- 14.15' ' POINT OF CO, ,,.,~.~.,~. SE CORNER LOT 2 SCALP !" 90' L~G~LFY L~NS.~TiSF, ACTO~ ~rOR SC.ANN[NG SURVEY NOTES: 1) Bearings shown hereon are based on the West R,%V Line of Airpo~ Boulevard being Due North. 2) The legal description hereon was prepared by tP.,is surveyor based on field won~ performed on 19 April 2002. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify tha~ I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereon delineated is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this Survey meets the Minin~rn Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors pursuant to Section 427,027 of the Florida Statutes. REVISIONS: [ ~" CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: '~ITNER SURVEYING, INC. ' R. 8LA1R KITNER- P.L.S. NO. 3382 Post Office 9ox 823, Sanford, F1. 32772-0823 mOOECT NO: 02° 188 SUeVEY OATE: 19 AFR~L