HomeMy WebLinkAbout484-Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. GRANT OF EXCLUSIVE CITY SERVICES EASEMENT (CORPORATE) corporotion, ~lch is stlueled ~n ~e Coun~ el Semln~e, the Slate at Florida, pu~ of Ihe second pu~J ~ WITHESSETH, lhul pe~ ol lhe first pu~, lot ~nd in considerorion of the sum of one dollar odd valuable mm~derallon paid by pa~ of the second pa~. receipt ~ereof is hereby ~knNl~ged, gran~ and conve~ to pa~ of the second pa~. i~ successors. assigns. licensees. an exclusive pe~elua~ ea.ment. as desc~bed and illustrated below. which is to be under. upon. and across the ' feet of the pmpe~ stfuated In Qr near the Q~ of ~nf~d. hintDole ~[orid~, ~ore pa~lcularly described as: (See AHQched Exhibit "A" * Legat Desc~ptio. and Exhibit 'B" - Drying) · Also know. 0./~01 ~/mher~ ~, ~. fi~ln ..... So.ford, noda.. ~ROPER~ ADDRESS (Seminole Coun~ Pgrc~ixlD No. ~'/~'~'~ -~-~/D _. ) for ~ se~i~ i~ing bul not I~mlted to, ci~ ~ed ~ilities, herea~er on ~d pmpe~, such te include ~e right et {r~ ingre~ ~d egre~ over and a{ros~ ~ald pr~pe~' far ~e pumo~e~ , censt~cting,installlng, and maintaln~ng ~aid tadlilies, This ~anl of ~sement ~ail nat be c~nslmed as a grant af ~ghl af ~y and is liralied lea Q~ l~ement. ~ pa~ at the tirsl p ~ ~all have ~ right to use Ihe ar~ suble~ to ~ easem~t grand hereby ( ~e 'Easement Area" indudlng without limitation for p~rklng areas d~a~ and tet ~lh the use of ~e Easement Nea ~ be pa~ el ~e .ce~ pad Provided. however. that the pa~ of ~e fl~t pa~ shall not have the fight to grant utlli~ easements to other p~ies ~o~ ~e p~or ~[~en co~enf of the pe~ of the second pa~. If ~ ~ of ~e second pad dlsturh :any landscaping or improvements within ~e easement area. the pa~ of the ~cond pad sha, restore ~ landscaping or improvemeDia. IN Wi~ESS WH~REOF..the pa~ies of the ~t pa~ h~eunto set their ~nds a~ sels on ~e d~ fi~t above Wfi~en. SIGNE LIVE THE P CE OF: (; ~d Na e ~ ~ (Printed Name . - ) , ~ C Ti.e: _ Vice Pm~nt Address: ~ ~ ~ ~ (P DIed Name of WItness) ~V~l~l ~ ~'~ ........ ~ ~A~ ~ L ~JG~ Nola~ Public - St f, ~ ", s~ ~ $~ OT~Y PUBLIC Printed Name ~ ~~ . CLERK 0F C~RCU~Ts~U~ ' ~' -..= FILr' NUM L'~OC'3SG7~3 ' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION o. cook 94558 PnGE 9570 ~ UTIUTY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION.' unurr EASEUENT COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 28; THENCE RUN S89'53'03'E, ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF THE SOUTHWEST I/4 OF SAID SECTION. A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RINEHART ROAD (f~4~ R/W PER SEMINOLE COUNTY R/W MAP BOOK I. PG. 107 ) ALSO BEING A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2616.55 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF NOO*OgY35"E; THENCE DEPARTING THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 28, RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAIO CURVE AND ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY UNE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0'09'27" A DISTANCE OF 7.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUN NOO*O,I'Ot"E ALONG 5AID RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 704.05 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY UNE RUN S89~5'24"E, A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN NOO°O4'O!°E, A DISTANCE OF 839°84 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PARCEL "B" OF ST. JOHNS PARKWAY EXTENSION (lID' R/W PER SEMINOLE COUNTY O.R. BOOK 2~o8, PAGE 124 I~ THENCE RUN S89'55'24"E ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF I5.00 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, RUN SO0*04'OI*W, A DISTANCE OF 8J9.84 FEETt THENCE RUN N89'55'24"W, A DISTANCE OF t5.00 FE~ET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.289 ACRES (12~J8 50. FT. ), MORE OR LESS. SURVEYORS REPORT: I, BEARING,c SHOWN HEREON ARE'i BASED ON THE SEMINOLE COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAPS OF RIN~rHART ROAD, MAP~ BOOK !, PAGE IO7 AND THE If!ESr LINE OF SECTION TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, AS SHOWN THEREON, BEING NOO'O4'OI"Eo LEGEND, ' ~ ' SEM. CQ, S~rMINOLE COUNTY R/W RIGHT OF PC ~ ~ ~ATURE RE~EREO ~R~E ~MENT ~P, T~NSHIP P/L ~E~ UNE THIS IS NOT A ~DARY SU~ SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~,,p_oo~ ~4ssap.esT~ ' I $89'55'~4"E ~e~. ~ ~--S89°55'24"E b ' ~o. oo' ~ I5,~~ ( C } ~ ~ ' 15' ADDIT~NAL  ~ R/W PER O.R.B. ~ ~ ~37, ~. I~ ' ] I ~ ~ ~ ~ 12' PERPETUA~ R/W ESMT. SEMINOLE ~N~ R/W ~. ~ NAP ~K 1, PAGE ~ NOO"O4'OI"E ~ 839.84' ( C ) \ · ,~ ~ ~ CITY OF SANFORD . 5' UTIUTY EASEMENT I