HomeMy WebLinkAbout485-DonaldsonPREPARED /?~ GUNT OF EXCLUSIVE CI~ SERVICES EASEMENT (iNDIVIDUAL) THIS INDENTURE, made this ~)) 2~aY of d~e?lz)~' , A.D. ~c~.1., between Mary and Pa~ri~%dsmn ' whos- a~dress Is ~09 Do~w · - FL, , ~nd State of _El mr1 dm _~ pa~ Coun~ of -- Seminuie and the Ci~ of Son,oral, a municipal co~orallon, which is silualed in the Coun~ of Seminole, the Stat~ of FIo~da, pa~ of the second WlTNESS~H~ that pa~ of the fl~t pad~ for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable co~lderaHon paid by pa~ al the second pad, ~celpt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants and conVeyS to pa~ of the second pa~, its successo~, asslgns~ [Icens~es~ an exclusive perpetual easement, as desc~bed and Hlustmted below, which is to be under, upon, and across the see at cached ~ f~t of the prope~ situated [n or near t~e Ci~ of Sanford, Seminole Count, ~lorlda, more ~dicularly described as: ...... il "A" - Legal Oesc~plion and Exhibit "B" - Drawing) (SH Aflacned ~:a , Sanford, Florida* · Also known as ~V~OPE~ ADDRESS (Semlnole ~ufl~: ParCel ID No. ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ 0 - ~ E ~- 0 ~ 0 0 - 0 ' ci~ owned stormWafer facilities, hereafter on satd for cl~ se~ices, Including but not llmi~d to, p~pe~ ~uch ~asoment lo includo t~e right of [~ Ingress and egress over prope~ ~r th~ pu~s~s o~ considering, inslolliflg, and moinloining sold This GrQnt of E~emenf shall not bo co~lrued os o grant of ~9ht of ~y and So,Ices Easement. The pa~ of the fi~t pad shall have the right to use the easement g~nted hereby ( the "Easement Area"), including without llmitotlon for ddvew~s, and landscaping, which am not inconsistent with the use of the Easement A~Q ~y the pa~ of the second ~ for the purposes granted hereby. Provided, he,ever, that the ~ of th~ fl~t pad shall not h~ve the right to grant ut~ll~ easemen~ to other padies wit~ut t~e prior wri~en consent of the pa~ of the second ~d- If the pa~ al the second pad dlslu~ any landscaping or impmvemen~ wilh~n the ~sement a~a, lhe pa~ of the second pad shall resto~ such landscaping or Improvements. IN WITNESS ~EREOF, the padles of the fi~t ~d hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and year fi~t a~ve S,~L~N~WERED IH ~"' PR~SEflCE (Printed Name of STATE OF FLORIDA, COUN~ OF SEMINOLE ~ of ~- ~ ~?~A The ~ o n I~t~meflt ~as ~cknowledg~ b~fore me thls~ day ~ IltlYlIIIE NDI~Et CLERK 0K CIRCUIT CIXlRT ~__~K OF 8BIINOLE ~ BK 0454~ PG 08~ FILE NUN E:OOE:gSI59B ~ 10/03/~00~ 03t~M PW I~CO~I~ ~ 10,50 , RECORI~I) BY PI golden #IBIIIIBI]NIBIIIINEllE#I CE~fflED COPY MARYANNE MOR6~ cLERk', OF CIROUIT CouRT SEMI,HOLE COUfl~. ~ - OCT 5 2002 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION · SANTRUST Legal Description A pad of Lot 18, Block A, IDYLLWlLDE OF LOCH ARBOR SECTION - 6, according to the plat thereof as mcordod in Plat Book 2'1, Page 40, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Flodda, being more padiculady described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest Comer of said Lot 18, Block A, thence mn N.89 55 38 E., along the Nodh Line of said Lot 18, a distance of 28.72 feet; thence mn 8.10°08'56'E. 10.46 feet to a point on the Westerly Line of said Lot 18, said point being on a curve concave Southwestedy and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence mn/ Northwesterly, along the arc of said curve, 32.38 feet through a central angle of 18°33'00" to the Point of Beginning. z POINT OF BEGINNING NW CORNER LOT 18 '~ N 89'55'38" E 28.72' -~' ............. 0 m ---~-. --'~ ........... ~ ..... R=IOO.O0"~""~~-~.' ~'. ~ NORTH UNE LOT 18 D=18'33'OO" / ""- ' L=32.38' "re..../--WESTERLY LINE LOT 18 SCALE: 1"-20' SURVEY NOTES: 1) Bearings shown hereon are based on the North Line of Lot 18 being N.89°55'38"E. (Plat Datum) 2) This Is not a "BOUNDARY SURVEY', only a sketch of the a~ve I~al descdptlon. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Thie is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereo~ delineated Is an accurate re~rase6tatio~ of the same. t further certify that this Survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth by the Florida 'Board o~ Law Surveyors p~rsuant to Ssctio~ 427.027 of the Florida Statutes. REVISIONS: CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: ; ~J KITNER SURVEYING, INC. R. BLAIR ~ITNER - P.LoS. NO. 3382 P~st Office [}6x 823, Sanrord, Fl..32772-0823 W (40/) 322-2000 -I PROJECT NO: 0~-~0{ ~) SURVEY DATE: 28 AUG04~ ~OOZ Lc