HomeMy WebLinkAbout397 wqt ~ttufnr..b,--1Itralb An Independent Newspaper SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before the ~s~umrity personally appeared---_.____n____'_'n_n___n'm_n'____'____'___' ""-m""--..--~..-.bLL-~-.~~-.-.-.-."n.-----WhO on oath '"l" th", he;, ---nn-n-nn'----,~'__.__nn______nh___of the SANFORD HERA.LD, a Newspaper Pub-- lished at Sanford, in Seminole Coun.ty, Florida; that ,the attached copy of advertisement, being a-n~___n_ ---------nn-h,--'--n,_______n.n_n'______'__n______n______,__,n__.in the matter of --,------,--,-h,-----Q~~n-~_...-.J.__r.__7--______._h_,__---h-n-__m__nn,________n______'n__ . .---'nmh___.,Jn the___n__ .m____'mn Court, \Vas published in said newspaper in the issue. oL4--.-~rul.-fv.._k.____nn'____ . - -- ----- - - ------ ----- - - ---- - -- ----- - ---- - ------------------------ - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - --. --- ------ .-- -- -- -- ---- -- - ----------- - ------------- ---- --- ----- Affiant further says ,that the said SANFORD HERALD is a newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole Coun ty, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the a.ttached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3;6/ "--. --nmn_________n'___nn_ g--u--nn_____day of _.~~ NOTARY ~C'LIC / elJt1'lm'f\l;'"" &nl''''I!~ /Il~ Vi - - -'- - -- - - - --- --- -- ------ - ---- - '--'.- - - --- -------- - - -- -- ---- --~._- - ---- ~, --.",~. ....- ;,J; \; Ii t ORDINANCE NO, 397 I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF' SANFORD, FLORID.;\., ESTAB- LISHING PAR K IN,G MIErrER ZONES IN SAID CITY; PROVID- ING FOR THE INST4.LLATION OI<' PAR KIN G METERS IN SAID ZONES; REQUIRING DRIVI<JRS OF VEUICLES DESIRING TO PAUK VEHICLES IN Sl:l.lD ZONES TO PARK THE SA.~Ij:. IN SPA.CES MARKED OF!!' ~o.i\ SAID PUR- POSE AND TO, PAY THE CHARGES, HlEREIN. SPECIFIED; PRESCUIBING CHARGES TO BE., MADE FOR TIUJUSE OF STJCH PAHKIl'>G SPACE; D1<JCLARJNG THE PllHPOSE FOR 'NHICH SAID CHARGES ARI<J MADE AND THB PUHPOSI~ FOR WHICH FUNDS ARISING I<'ROM HAID CHARGI<JS ARE TO HE USED; "lAKING IT UNLA WFUL FOR ANY P!E'HSON TO PARK VEHICLES IN SAID ZONES WITHOUT PA YlNG TEle CIL\f(ClICS HERgIN PRESCRIBED (HZ TO WI L F U L LY TAMPI<JH WITH, BUEAK OR DA;\IAUIIJ A PARKING JUETEH. ANDPROVID- JNU A PENALTY I<'OR THE VIOL- -! AT'ION OF' 'I'll]] PJ:OVISIONS OF ,'THIS OHVINANCE, BE IT I~NAC'DE!D BY THE PEO- PI,I'; (l\<' 'l'IUJ CITY OF' SANF'OHD, FLOTtIDA: Section 1. That the hereinafter rIescribed portions of the foJ"JOwing- named street and avenu,es in the L:ll;{ of ~""a l11ord. .F"lorida. are here- I)y e~t"blished and designated as ZOIl f.'S in \vhich the parking of 'it~hl('les thnrein shall be regulated hj". J).-'ll,iHg 111eters: to-wit: I l~hat POt'ti0n of F'Iirst Strer=l r~,o~~; Oak Avenue to Sanford AV_/ That portion of Park Avenue (rOll} ('O,lllmerCial Street to Second Street, except the portion thereof :!butting' the gasoline filling sta-, I iolt at~ the >)odLlnvest COl'ner of: j'nnlI11el'cial Street and Park Ave- i lllll', allfl the [)If)l'tion thereof a- Jllltting Clle gaSOline filling Htati'01l i at tile nurUl\ve~;t COl'nel' of Park I 7t ~'\\cnu(' "!ld 0t:~cond ~Hl'eet; I ~r That }JoI'Jion of 1\Ia,gnvlia Ave-i' , nue het \V"('fl First Street and See-a ", II]" ~tJ'f'f~t' ,I.{J. "~J~:l~'t n(~;:tiull, of ,P'al1netto Ave- 1noc Que n-nil! :F'ii.~-t St'reet 'north a r Uc J..;t;ll1('(~ of avpl:oxim~ltely 110 feet.' That !>or[i,on of the west ~ide of lOUr ;~';ijln(,t111 AVf:;nue from._F'ir::::;t Street S',uc ,;,,,,th to 'ill alley rilTIlling east and.n I Y\,('s t ; ,,,jd.f'\V.~I!j.,: '11 iht, center iin(~ of each ~:l!:;,'t I)t thf'~ ahove described Clng'ular JW p.',!'/dllg HP;'I('es, f:'xC'ept ten such i D<11J'\.i1lf!, SP;U'C:'; on the llorth SJrff' [) !I I:f . J-<'.iJ"B~ ,SJ-reet In f!'qnt of the; l , LnUed ':'1;\1"" P(~H OffIce p",operty,~..... I ~llul ~' )]1\:c, lJ<ll'long l11eter shall be"(ii Jrlstal1cd III th(~ I1lrlrgfn of tho I side'-",dl, near tll" right-haIld, c.orn~'_d( '1' 01 ('(iC!1 (d till' a'toleSHI(] pandlel f.')H.I'J\ilJl'<. .<";l);I(~US; and it parking IRd ~ 111cte,1' ac1j1i~tpd to indicate t ,vel VEl tt?l; min u,t"'es parking th~le for one !"lO, C';Ilt ;;hall b", installed in the mar,l) j gIn o~ thf' Rldewa.lk in the centel (C) ! Hut:" OJ ten ctllgulal' parking spaces ~Hl ,thf' nfjl'tli~ ~drlf' of First Stl'eet)V In !,l'l\lIf of' the- F'llitedl States Post 't[ OffH'f-l PI'oll(,I'j \, ;:;!:I'/i'lI1-l-, 'ThRt the parking '.-0; ~net r . <lut,huI'izcd to be installed r 1I~ .Ill,'. a/flrp.-,aid parking lneter' J zonf':':, ;l~ 111'Ov.rferl in the next' : preceding- . ~~ction hereof, t3halI be; l in oJH\ratln:l frnn1 eight o'clock I j A, .M.. I1nlII ;;Ix o'cloek P. M ' f,actlrl1 . ~:it;llld<ll'd ti!llf', each clay'} BXc~Pt, Sunday~, holidays.'VednRH_' ~daY ~'itel'lln()ll~; ,ind SaturdaYfi, .!'fuel on. Sa t U"dnys frOn1 ,eight o'clock 1\. ~I\l.,. 1111/11. l.l...lJC.'. f)'('Iock. .P,"i\'i', eastern. st;llJ(larrl tiIl1e. ,,~(,CU(JlJ. :j, 'T:l:-Jt ,Iny pel'~orl rle- U!.;" frl pal'l, a \'ohir>le jn tht:~ I .'~"no I !lit v Ui Ui " , I : \ /, ORDINANCE NO. 397 .. ... AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING PARKING METER ZONES IN SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PARKING METERS IN SAID ZONES; REQUIRING DRIVERS OF VEHICLES DESIRING TO PARK VEHICLES IN SAID ZONES TO PARK THE SAME IN SPACES r~ED OFF FOR SAID PURPOSE AND TO PAY THE CHARGES HEREIN SPECIFIED; PRESCRIBING CHARGES TO BE MADE FOR THE USE OF SUCH PARKING SPACE; DECLARIN~ THE ,URPOSE FOR WHICH SAID CHARGES ARE MADE AND THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH FUNDS ARISING FROM SAID CHARGES ARE TO BE USED; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO PARK VEHICLES IN SAID ZONES WITHOUT PAYING THE CHARGES HEREIN PRESCRIBED OR TO WILFULLY TAMPER WITH. BREAK OR DAMAGE A PARKING METER, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA- TION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDlt : Section 1. That the hereinafter described portions of the following named street and avenues in the City of San- for~Florida, are hereby e~tablished and designated as zones in which the parking of vehicles therein shall be regulated by parking meters. to-wit: That portion of First street from Oak Avenue to San- ford Avenue; That portion of Park Avenue from Commercial Street to Second Street, except the portion thereof abutting the gaso- line filling station at the southwest corner of Commercial Street I' and Park Avenue, and the portion thereof abutting the gasoline filling station at the northwest corner of Park Avenue and Second Street; That portion of Magnolia Avenue between First Street ( and Second Street; I 'hat portion of Palmetto Avenue from First Street ! north a distance of approximately 110 feet. I I I I /i l_ That portion of the west side of Palmetto Avenue from Firs6 Street south to an alley running east and west; That portion of the east side of Palmetto Avenue fro~ First Street south a distanoe of approximately 22 feet; That portion of the west side of Sanford Avenue from Second Street to Fifth Street; That portion of the east side of Sanford Avenue for a distance of approximately 110 feet north from the northeast corner of Sanford Avenue and Third Street; That portion of the east side of Sanford A~renue from Third Street to Fourth Street; That portion of the east side of Sanford Avenue from Fourth Street south a distanoe of approximately 110 feet. I' J There is hereby excluded from said zones spaces desig- nated thereon as loading zones, spaces for physioians and taxi- , oabs. Seotion 2. That parking spaoes approximately eleven feet wide and approximately eleven feet long for vehicles shall be marked off with white painted lines at an angle of approximately forty-five degrees from the curbing on the above described por- tions of First Street an'd Magnolia Avenue, and on that portion of the west side of Palmetto Avenue from First Street north a dis- tance of approximately 110 feet, and parking spaces approximately seven feet wide and approximately twenty-two feet long, for vehio1es shall be marked off with white painted lines parallel and adjaoent to the ourbing on the above described portion of Park Avenue and that portion of Palmetto Avenue on the west side thereof from First Street south to the alley, and that portion of the east side of Palmetto Avenue for a distance approximately 110 feet north of First Street and trom First Street south for a distance of approximately 22 feet, and the por~lons of Sanford Avenue hereinbefore described. Section 3. That a prking meter adjusted to indioate twelve minutes parking time for one cent and sixty minutes park- I in time for five oents shall be installed in the margin of the sidewalk in the center line of each of the above described angular parking spaces, ~xcept ten such parking spaces on the north side of First Street in front of the United States Post Office property, and a like parking meter shall be installed in the margin of the sidewalk near the right-hand corner of each of the aforesaid parallel parking spaces, and a parking meter adjusted to indicate twelve minutes parking time for one cent shall be installed in the margin of the sidewalk in the cen ter line of ten 8UlPlar parking spaces on the north side of First Street in front of the United States Post Office property. Section 4. That the parking meters authorized to be installed in the aforesaid parking meter zones, as provided in the next preceding section hereof, shall be in operation from c;u.% 5 I ;) eight 0 I clock A. M., un tll six 0 I clock P. M., eastern s tanderd ~'tf-y time, each day, except Sundays, holidays, Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays, and on Saturdays from eight o'clock A. M., until nine o'clock, P. M., eastern standard time. Cd Section 5. That any person desiring to park a vehicle ~ in the above described parking zones, shall park the same in a j~ parking meter space, and immediately upon doing so, shall deposit in said parking meter the amount indicated thereon for the time I tL ~ he or she desires to have said vehicle parked, and when said time ~ ~ has elapsed, said vehicle shall be immediately removed from said ~ - space or another coin for the additional time for which it is desired to have said v>ehicle parked shall be deposited therein. Section 6. The five cent and one cent coin required to be deposited in parking meters as provided herein are hereby levied and assessed as fees to provide for the proper regulations and control of traffic upon the public streets and also the cost of supervision and regulating the parking of vehicles in the park- ing meter zones created hereby, and to cover the cost of the pur- chasing, leasing, acquiring, installation, operation, maintenance, supervision, regulation and control of the parking meters described herein. Section 7. That it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in anyone of the aforesaid parking spaces in said parking meter zone, without paying the amount indicated on said parking meter required to be paid, and upon conviction in the municipal court of the City of Sanford of so doing, said person shall be punished by fine of $ 25.00 or imprisonment for 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the municipal judge; and likewise any person who shall allow a vehicle to remain in said parking space in said parking zones after the time for which payment has been made has elapsed, without making an/additional deposit for further time, shall, upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court of the City of Sanford, be punished by a fine of $2~.OO or by imprison- ment for 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the municipal judge; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any person so violating the above-mentioned provisions of this ordinance may, for the first offense, after notice in writing by a police officer of such violation, by the placing of such notice on said vehicle, appear at the City Tax Collector's office within 4 hours after the placing of said notice on the vehicle and discharge said offense by payment to the City Tax Collector of .2~ cents. Section 8. That any person who Wilfully breaks, damages or injures any of the aforesaid parking meters, shall, upon conviction thereof in the municipal court, be p~1$..ib~ fine of not exceeding $200.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days. Section 9. That any part or parts of o~_inances in conflict with this ordinance be and the sams are hereby repealed. Section 10. If a section, part of a section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the remaining provisions hereof shall nevertheless remain' in full force and effect. Section 11. That this ordinance shall become effec- tive immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 26th day of AU~8t 194.6. j/.~..~ / ,/ Mayor t..~~ 2~(A-_uJ ~ '~ " . ,</.. . ..,,)..../. " ----- ,^,-...-e~~' \ ..;,.....~-7r~--.e:1" '--. "- As the City Commission of the Ci ty of Sanford., Florida. Atte.t~. ~/' /...'/ . >- ~ PUBLISHED IN THE SANFORD HERALD ON THE 30TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1946, AS A LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT.