HomeMy WebLinkAbout395 ORDINANCE NO. 39~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTING PASSENGERS FOR COMPENSATION IN BOATS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CI TY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING THE PAYMENT OF AN ANNUAL LICENSE TAX FOR SUCH PURPOSE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That every person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of transporting passengers for compensation in boats within the corporate limite of the City of Sanford, Florida shall, before doing so, make applica- tion tor a permit to the City Uommission for such purpose. Said application shall state the kind, size and capacity of the boat proposed to be used and where the same is to be operated and the name of the person or persons to be in charge of the running of said boat. The City Commission shall have the right to refuse to grant a permit if, in its opinion, the granting of such permit would not be expedient or tor the best interests of the public. Section 2. That every person, firm or corporation obtaining a permit to operate a boat or boats for the trans~ porting of passengers for compensation, as provided in the next preceding section hereof, shall pay an annual license tax of $25.00 for a license year beginning on t~e 1st of October of each year and ending on the 30th day of September of the year follOWing; provided that until the 1st day of October, 1946, a license for $12.50 may be issued for the period ending September 30th, 1946. Said license shall be issued in the same manner as other licenses now issued by the City of Sanford. eection 3. That the holder ot a permit to engage in the business ot transporting passengers for compensation in boats shall file With the City Clerk a public liability insurance policy, to be approved by the City Commission, and covering the following: (a) Property damages, $5,000.00 maximum. Personal injuries, (one person in any single accident) $10,000.00. Personal injuries, (more than one person in any single accident) $50,000.00 maximum. Section 4. Every person, firm or corporation holding (b) (c) a permit to engage in the business of transporting passengers for compensation in boats shall, before engaging in such business, obtain a Federal license and conform to all safety regulations required by the Federal Gover~.~nd City of Sanford. Section 5. Every person holding a permit for the business as prOVided in Section 1 hereof shall have a designated permanent and established location for loading and unloading passengers, and the application for a permit shall state such proposed location. Section 6. Any person,tirm or corporation violating the provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not exceeding $200.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding 90 days, or by both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Municipal Judge. Section 7. That all ordtances or parts of ordinances in conflict hereWith be and the same are hereby repealed. -2- Section 8. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this of May , 1946. ayor. SZ., ~...~\ ~. \, ,... ." \ .I..., , . \,. ~4-L.L-\~ ~~., As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Atte8~/ ~).. . ?/ ----- - .. - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ .. .. - I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 395, passed and adop~ed by the C1ty Commission of the C1ty of Sanford, Florida, on the 13th day of )4ay, 19~6, was POSTED at the front door'of the C1ty Hall lh'the City of San~ord, Florida, this l~th day of M~y, 19~6. /~ ~ /~.- "?" ( -~ . lerk ~"---.. ./ .",."'.', ,- ....-,- /' ,/ -3-