HomeMy WebLinkAbout391 ..' ,.,.. I c~~~.~ ,~. ORDINiUiCE NO. 391 ...'iN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, Alv1ENDING OnDIN..lliCE NO. 362 OF SAID CITY, PASSED ,AND ADOPTED ON THE 26th DAY OF DECE.MBER, 1944, SAID ORDINA..~CE BEING .<.ill UiDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLaT 'NI'THIN THE CITY OF Siili1!'ORD, SAID AMENDMEN'T TRlliS:b'ERHING T'ERRITORY IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS IN SAID CIrY TO OTHER fISTRIC<TS. BE I'T ENACTED BY 'THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 362 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted on the 26th day of December, 1944, and entitled "An Ordinance establishiinga zoning plan within the Ci ty of Sanford, creating nine (9) district~ regulating and restricting the location and Use of buildings, structures, land and w~ter tor trade, industry, residence or other purposes, the \ height and size of structures, and size Of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a map of said districts; defining terms used; providing for the adjudgment, enforcement and amend- ment thereof; and prescribing penalties for violation", be and the Same is hereby amended as follows: 1. The area zoned in District R-l (One Single Family), as shown on map designated as "Zoning Map of Sanford, Florida", and a part of said ordinance, in the City of Sanford, Florida, bounded on the South by 3rd Street, West by Cedar Avenue, North by 2nd Street, and East by alley, between Holly and Cedar Ave- nues, is hereby transferred to District C-2 (Commercial-Indus_ tri al ) . 2. The area zoned in District R-2 (Multiple Family) as shown on map designated as "Zoning Map of San:fOrd, Florida", and a part of said ordinance, in said City of Sanford, Florida, bounded on the 'West by Cypress Avenue, North by 1st Street, East by Chapman Avenue, and South by alley between 1st &treet and 2nd Street, and by East Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to District C-l (Retail Commercial District). 3. The area zoned in District R-3 (One Single Family), as shovm on map designated as nZoning Map of Sanford, Florida", and a part of said ordinance, in said City of Sanford, Florida, bounded on the East by Cypress Avenue, South by 4th Street, West by alley between Sanford Avenue and Cypress Avenue, and North by alley between 2nd street and 3rd Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to District C-l (Retail Commercial District). 4. The area zoned in District R-l-A (One Single Family), as shown on map designated as 'Zoning Map of Sanford, Florida", and a part of said ordinance, in said City of Sanford, Florida, described as Teague's Addition, and bounded on the South by Geneva A.venue, West by Oak Avenue~ North by Pine Heights Sub- di visio'n,' and East by alley between l'ark and Palmetto Avenues, be and the same is hereby transferred to District R-2 (Multipre Family District). 5. The area zoned in District R-2 (Multiple Family), as shown on map designated as "Zoning Map of Sanford, Florida", and a part of said ordinance, in said City of Sanford, Florida, bounded on the 'Nest by Cypress Avenue, "on the South by the south line of Lot 1 of Block 16 of Chapman & Tucker's Addition to San- ford, on th~ East by the line between Lots 1 and 2 of Block 16 of said Chapman & Tucker's Addition to Sanford, and on the North by the north line of Lot 1 of Block 16 of said Chapman & Tucker's Addition to Sanford, be and the same is hereby transferred to District C-l (Retail Commercial District). Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinance in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediateLY upon its passage and adoption. :Fassed this 25th day of Me:-: 1'" ch , 1946. -- ~ ~?~a ' ~~. lA ;--r:'~ As the CitY'~ission of the City of Sanford, Florida. - Attest: i r i I I ~ , ~. / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I, H. N. Sayer, C~ty Clprk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby cert~fy that a true and corr~ct copy of the forego!ng Ord~nance No. 391, pag~ed ~n~ adopted by the City COlflm:!.ss:!.nn of the City of Sanfard,F10r~(le., on the 25th day of March, 1946, WBR POSTED at the front door of the City Hall ~n the City of Sanford, Flort~a, th~8 26th day of March, 1946. ~. /" ~--~k - ~ ./ " \jI ~