HomeMy WebLinkAbout389 ...... w_~.. ... OlDDJ/JJCE NJ. 3~9 _IT C=Un~_iNCE of the Ci ty of "janford, Florid,,)., nal:G113 it unlawful for the driver of any taxi cab in the City of Sanford, Florida, to drive any taxicab in said City after a second conviction of said taxicab driver in the :,~unicipal Court of the Oi ty of Sanford ,;Tlorida, for the violation of any traffic ordinance or ordinances or part or parts thereof, and Iroviding a penalty for the violation of the provisions hereof. B= I'll 1;I~w\.C;I'=~J.) 3Y -r_L~ Ij~:::Qj?L: '--'~' ~2Ir~~ 8Il'YJ1T ::;_J:I;\,).<~j, ,2'LJRIJA: Sec t ion 1. That it shall be un1o..Jful for the driver of any taxicab in the City of Sanford, Florida, to drive any taxicab ufter a second conviction of said taxicab driver in the :.~uni c ipal ''::ourt of' the Ci ty of ~)anford, Flori da, of a violation (Jf any traffic ordinance or,:Jrdinances or .part or parts thereof. It sha~l not be necessary that such second con- viction be for the saGS offense as that for which the first conviction was had. Section 2. That any person violating the pro- visions of this ordinance c3l12l.1, upon conviction in the l'.lunici- pal Court, be punished by a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars or by imprisonnent fol' not exceedin3 ninety days, or by both such fine und imprisonment ~ at the discretion of the judge of the ...unicipal Court. Section 3. rhat all orJinances or parts of ordinances in confli ct here'd.i th be &Ed t~le sante :ire hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective imm.ediately upon its passaGe and adoption. Fassed and adopted this 25th day of February 1946. ~ Llayor ~~ ~~.~~ ~~ .:..8 the -:i ty Comru.ission of the Ci ty of 3anford, Florid8. A.rrr.sST: I, H. N. Sayer, C1 ty Clerk of the C1 ty of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and corr~ct copy of the forego~ng Ordinance No. 3e9 of the City of Sanford, Florida, paRsed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 25th des of February, 191~6, was POSTED at the front door of the 01 ty Hall in the 01 ty of Sanford" Florida, on this 26th day of February, 1946.