HomeMy WebLinkAbout388 ID4t @Jaufnrb latral~ An Independent Newspaper SANFORD. SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before the un~~~ personally appearedm_.mmm_u'________m____mnm'mm:. -------'---n7-~-----------~--~.---~-m~------n---n--'-----,______who on oath says that he IS m-n-n--'V~----nm-um----u-n-of the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- lished at Sanford, in Seminole Coun.ty, Florida; that ,the attached copy of advertisement, being ~_m'__~,____m_'.____m__________'____n_..______.______________,__in the matter of =:~:~~::~~su~~f~i:;===~~;i--~~,~ / Affiant further says ,that the said SANFORD HERALD is a newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole Coun ty, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the a.ttached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate) commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ~;/ 4. ,-, I ~,~/( u__________n___m _________u_..,______________n____'~ y- tW~~~ 'n E.\win~f1~ JI 1" V t - OlUJDiANCE NO, ass II AN Ulh!1NAf..;C.b or' the City of i SantoI'u,. ~'lorHla. l'egu...a,llU"; Yc' II 1l1cUHlr trat{llJ On tho VOl'tlun 01 i .Nint11 Street in saId CIty frum th'3 1 we:::;L ~Jlie 01 l....arK Avenue \ve~t to t118 railroaa ~t....:.,tlon, 01 UIe Auan- J t.C Coast lAne .Kal1rou.u'1 <', r; d. I streets and av. e.nue~.. at th'~il'. J11- len;Gction wIth saId portlon nf l\llll"U titreet,. l~ecla,rlllg sad pV~'tton i ! or l\jlllth btr6et, eXCelJt Itn Inter-' sect On \vitn Frencn Avenue,. to be an nrterial or througn ~~tI'eet, anu 1 prOVldmg., a .penalty IOi.th~ . VW-.\ latIon or th8aprovision:J o'~ this_ oldIn~lnce, . 1'1'] n' I>;X ACTED BY 'l't-iE PI'lO- , ~-J,I<; "F 'l'HE VJ'.'Y 01" ~~,~l' 0''"0''1 FI,ORIUA: :::'\.:CLCI11 1. Th~i that portion .:If NinOl ::-;treet in tne City or ::sanlort..1.,1 FlocIda, 11"Orn dle \vf!st. SIde or ~ '.-'a'I.'K --,-\venue ,ves.t to tn(! ra.lll:oaU'11 ~tatlOn of the Atl-,ntic Coast Line Railroad, except the intersectIon Q1[ said F Ninth ~treet with F'rcncll I Avenue, IS hereby clecla.red to be I' an arterial or through street, ~' Section ~. 'l'hat the driv.3rs of all I i -\~ehicles, except the dl'l'VerS, of Vt~-, hicles on F'rench Avenue,' on the portion of Ninth Street deseribedl' m Section 1 hereof, 8h,,1\ bring,! Ruch vehIcles to a conlplete Rtop netore entering said Ninth Street, anc1 dr~vers of vehieles all said Ninth Street appl'oaching an in- ten:>ection of Raid Nin tll Htreet <:1n(l J ~Inother avenue or street, at av- prOXlnlately the same tilTIe as the i vehicle at f,uch intersection. :-:',ha11 1 have the rigbt of way over the vvilicln about to enter said Ninth Street. ' Section :L 'rlwt the driveri' 0'[ all \ vc'hic]es on the portion of Ninth t--" " ~:(I't."t described in Section 1 h."r('- ~. (If slw 11 bring' the same to ,tt, C0111- plf'te stop before entering French AVfnue at its interBection v.rith sn ic} portion of Ninth Stn~et, and t h,' flJ'h'f'l':-; of vehicles on Fl~el]ch AVt"llllt' approaching' its intpl'sP(,- f iOHwith Ninth RLI'eet ~~t ,a,pnl'oxi- r rnatC..IY thf.~ sanletinle ~'l.s ve-hiclps ~lH~ing- ,driven on said Ninth Street, ~ shall have the right of \vay (n'(~l. i vehicle:; on Ninth Stree" Section 4, That the driver of an}J' 'vehicle ,vho shall v:01a.te the p1"O- vif.~ions of Sections 2 or :} Oif this ordinance shall, upon conviction in the Municipal Court, he J?unislwcl hv a fine of not eXCeedIng' t".o h.L1ndre~ eollar:j, or IT\-' imprison.. ,: Inent f.or not .rn 0 l'r' thr:r ninety I (la,y~, or hy. both fine and irnnri-I ~~nnment. at the disCI'etinn of tht:> iu("tf~e of thE' l\-,runicinal Court. I S;;Ctioll G. rl'hat all nrdinane(':-~ 01' Ii parts of 01'(1 iru>tl reR in eOJll:.lict l1t:'l'f,'with h~ :tIltl th<~ sam(~ ;:-LJ'(~ h('1'l'~- llY rl"'pf>alf>(l. I S('ction n, rrhat this ordinance: ~~I1H 11 lH'('onl,p effeetive i lTlln-:"(l i;' t(,- !i ly UriOn its pasfwgp a":"rttl adoj)lioTl. i' PaB;'ecl and adopted th.;s 2"t J1 I d"" of F'ebnl'u'y. 1!J46. , H. .TaIne" Gut I 1\tavor W, (.. Hill fl. Rohert .A. \vnl ift.nlS 1.e,., n, Lee]".,,: As tlH~ Ci"v COllllnissi_on <:f the CitO' of_~9-nford, l-:l~- " da. NI"!'ES',!', _ , , il. .:\. SA).hf... City l'lerl: (('ilCl11t ('()lll'; Seal) ~.~... ) ~u ~~~n~~~ ")"I'H' "'T -,." "10 3gar lh.JJ l'L..u.\lCl!.. II. C ilJ u~G).:rL,:'JCE of the Ci ty of Sanford, Florida, rcgulutlnG vehicular traffic on the portion of IJinth street in said c1 ty from the Vlest side of lark ..;'..venue west to the railroad station of the ~tlantic Coast Line Railroad, s.nd streets and avenues s.t their intersection vii th said portion of Ninth ;jtreet, declarin[j sai d portion of Ninth Street, except its intersection with French ~venue, to be an urterisl or throu;h street, and provid- in; a penalty for the violation of the provisiGns of this ordinance. ':1 BE; rr 11:JACr:::D BY L-i,8 F,':;OlLE ,2 TIE CITY uF :::;.,.EJ'CID, FLYU)~\.: Section 1. That that portion of Ninth Street in the City of Sanford, Florida, from the west side of Park ~..;venue west to the railroad stution of the ""tlantic Coast Line Railroad, except the intersection of said Ninth Street with French ~~venue, is hereby declared to be an arterial or through street. Section 2. That the drivers of all vehicles, except the drivers of vehicles on French Avenue, on the portion of Ninth street described in Section 1 hereof, shall brin3 such vehicles to a complete stop before entering said Ninth street, and drivers of vehicles on said Ninth street approachinG an intersection of said Ninth street and another avenue or street, at approximately the same time as the vehicle at stJ,ch inter- section, shall have the right of w~y over the vehicle about to enter said Ninth street. Section 3. That the drivers of all vehicles on ) I;',,~~~-- .. - the portion of Ninth Street described in Section 1 hereof shall bring the same to a complete stop before entering French Ji..venue at its intersection ~ith said portion of Ninth street, and the drivers of vehicles on French ~venue approaching its interseo- tion vvi th Hinth ~)treet 8t approximately the same being driven on said Ninth Street, shall have the right of way over vehicles on Kinth Street. Section 4. fhat the driver of any vehicle who shall violate the provisions of Sections 'J or r.( of this ordi- '" u na nc e shall, upon conviction in the l.~uni cipa 1 Sourt, be puni~hed by a fine of not exceeding t\VO hundred dollars or by imprison- ment for not more than ninety days, or by both fine and impri son- ITlent, at t:1.e discretion of the judge of the L~unicipal Court. section 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repe Section 6. That this ordinance tive immediat21y upon its passa2;e and adoption. fClssed anQ adopted this 25th day:)f February 1946. C~~ MaY~ -~~ \ ,r:~~ ':~Tr1:Slr : .:~s the '::i ty COIilmission of the .City of ~anford, Florica. IN THE SANFORD HERALD AS A LEGAL ADV~RTISEMENT ON THE 27TH DAY 0 F FEBRUARY, 1946 If. Ii ii', , . ,