HomeMy WebLinkAbout387 ,j..;.l <\ II. {i/ ~ : ...~~'" ~,~., ...1..... ~ _ ... ),," .i .:J ...... ....../ . 387 :(i AlJ (JIrJll;_,~l'~_.::= I2-J'J, \~_.'~~;..l.J.li~.] ..~~~) ..;..1:~)I~']J.-l'IJr~II\~.'} TIid.r c;~~~=-{I'~~Ir; ~FU~::.wj~~: . b OUi.lll Il~ ~~. "., J.....L _ \ .~~'Jr~L; 'E.:, !flL"r :, . .....J".....-... 33 II' ""''''T.'' ,.....,,,,?"'" ..::....l~...,;...--..Il w.L.. 8Y 1. T:~ () I: rl= t~I-?Y~ o-:? ~~J~JJ?vl1D J PI.Ol"\I~..:\ : section 1. That that certuin public alley in Block 2, Tier 9, of Sanford, 710rida, accordinG to E. R. Trufford's Map thereof of record in lUJlic records of Seminole r:ounty. Florida in Map Book 1, paces 56-64, und bounded on the l'Jorth by Comrnerciul Street, on the 2ast by Lots 1 3.nd 2, of sb.id Block 2, Tier 9, and on the :Vest by the 1fN:; of suid '9100k 2 ,riel' 9, and on the south by un alley running East and Jest through said Block 2, Tier 9, be and tho saLie is hereby closed, vacuted and abandoned as a public alley of the City of S~nford, Florida. Section 2. That all ordinances and }J0rts of ordirwnces in confli ct herewi tll, be and the same are here byr-efealed. i section 3. That this ordinance shbll beco~e effective inuuediately upon its passase and adoption. l',,';0....,ED and LDOPl'ED this ~.3 day of November, Ig45. r~~/ JJ~~ Ma'Tor v s J l ( ; ~ " " As the Ci ty COIT.i.m~ssioners of the City of Sanford, Florida ~ttest . ",. ~ ..r:;.. ~tlJ ~ ,,/ As drty ~~- " .-. ,/;.,~ .. *. /...~.." ~<'.. ... '* .. '* '* .. .. .. * ~~ .. * * .. * ... .. .. .. ... ... * ... ... ~,., /' I, H. N. SHyer, City Clerk of the C'.ty of Sanfol"'d, Florida, hereby cert~fy that R true copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 3e7, pasAed and adopted by the City Comm~6sion of the (,,;1 ty of Sanford, Florida, U!86 posted at the front door of the (,,;1ty Hall in the C1ty of San:'~rd, Florida, on the 15th day of November, 1945. ~ erk of the ,"- '6'f Sanford, Florida