HomeMy WebLinkAbout385 .. ";,- / 1../ l~JJ I'l";~ hu. 385 ~~.\ u_L~J) lIT ~:..:~'Ci~ {Jli' ~-~I_~J C IIT'"f Giii._j _~_.~< iT\.- ",:~'L), l.iTLU L'~I ..)_~ "J,..:IrJIlJG3:S:CTIOX Nu. 113 OF U:U11: lTO. 133 _,.-.) Oyc:::m OIYdE 2E3t h "LY m,' JULY, 1926, ..lU _~I:Ijli.1L~.D: 't...'~T" O:=tDI<- ; -2J G,d.~~:~:~I _,~_ -~j\f~:"(~," Gli1 '1 LUI.='nITJ c ,"e,JI OlL,\~j ;;::iTo~Bi.,L.)~InJG c"- 1. UJi.3L:G- COL)l~ i'C1.~ L '~:]I'.L":{ ()~l 0~~I,"1J\)~'(D,~rIJC~\I0-,~, '~:--l~O;f \TIDIi>:c;. ~.~1.JIJ.~~_; _', iJ I "FOi\ :-1' IY.T;_.li11~'_"-LL.L1.rI o:~' } Ll)i ~; ~""~) ~ ,.(~:'~~.C:~~I 31 ~i J:>l_~~'\:_: l--;r }I(;d .i- -_I~~ \"':~~~:1 'x.': .i' }" L{O\II G I 0I'TS C li1 'i~ 1 :~IJ TO J- ,ff ;3~::..I"J :,,_j~_~::~ .1.'1 lH-,y 1T\ .w,_~_j J 1-" ~_~ .~~.~D 'rl{~~,"1-~3 O:F J J_JJ.-~ ... Il~.::} I'''L~r0'J:_,:..LL,-_~_~ IUIJ-S. 3~~ IT L~1,~'~-~C;..L1E~) ~~r~~ __ L~ , , 1 J.~l.)l.L..:..... 1 .~ I uF 0cl.Ij~\;.{U, 1''I,U:U) : dection 1. ?hat 3ectiun ~o. 113 of Ordinance Ko. l33,of the City of ~anfor~, llorida adopted on the 28th day 0.(> J, ,Tul.~', 19[;6, aDd entitled: "..1\ v~\.JEL..'(>"J,L~~_c:2Ik} "\. 30.l.HD OJT ILG'._.~_:~,Il:G- C,,-,T'*J,~I~~~;~IC~'T ~~._,> r~~,;3LI~j~IIj\Ti} ~:.. 01 LtL.. - ~~ CC.JL ~'CI{ '_l~i_~ ~II1~~ o III , ,~(LC:'tI..)"-:L, .i ~-~u ,~,'-ILJII-J ,~~ -,--~t~L,-i-.':~~ ..:'-1.. ~{~::J.l}1~ I UI~-S IjlO:-i ~~_.~'~.~lIL~.r ll~l~ l.'~8-\ l-1.JT";I.. :'~IJ\::.} ~ :.J.\'J 1 ~-r--~~)C~iIJI::'~G. ,"._ i.-"-_~~\~*'i.]-J;ry "'71"'\~ .:.' Un /1 CL.l'1 J F ~lJY 0}1' .L~\J\fI:~,I "_~ elF :I'=~I0 J"o/j. ._ ...~\rCE" be und tlle sume is hereby uLlended so as to read as folloVls: Section 113. Leud Pipe. Joints in lead pipe, or between lead pipe and brass or copper pipes, ferrules soldering nipples, or traps in all cases on the sewer side of the trap and in concealed joints on the inlet side of the tr.ap, shall be full-v,riped joints, with an exposed surface of the solder to each side of the joints of not less than three- quarters (3/4) of an inch and a minimwn thick- ness at the thickest part of the joint of not less than three-eighth (3/8) of an inch. Lead to cast iron joints shall be r::lade by means of a brass culking ferrule or d brass nipple. Lap fittings may be used for sink or lavatory wastes, using copper, brass or lead. decessed drainage fittings to be used with solder bushings. ~ , I Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the sallie are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective upon the 1st day of October, 1945. Passed and adopted this 27th day of September, 1945. ~7j~ Attest: ,------- ~/ City Qrk7 ~ --' ~ - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify tha.t R true end correct co~y of Ordinance No. 3e5, pass ed and adopt ed by the C1 ty Comm~. 88 ion of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 27th day of September, 1945, ~PR POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florina, on this 27th day of September, 1945. ~/ ity ler of the-cr~ of Sanford, Florida