HomeMy WebLinkAbout384 K...,. ..' .../<'... ORDINANCE NO. 3e4 L1.N OHDINANC2 OF THE CITY OF SA.NFORD t FLOHIDA cl:IElfDING PAli.",:;.GR;~PH (b) OF SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE. rnTIvillER 274 .LillOPTED ON THE loth DAY OF OCTOBER, 1938 ENTITLED tfli.L'J OHDIN""l.NCE :,;.OVERNING ELEC'I'HICAL CONSTHUCTION AI'JD 'I'RE S.ALE t INST.LLLATION, USE t IvU-i.INTEN",iNGE, AND REI.tl.IHS OF ELEGYRI C.':L ',HRING, ),.Pl').'J:LA,TUS O.d E{~UIPI\illNT FOR LIGHTS, HEii.T OH F'U.tER, INSIDE OF on A,'rrr~~crED '1'0 BUILDINGS IN l'FE CITY OF S",:..NFO",iD, FLOLUDi'-t iJ.'JD CRE.':"TIHG 1:i,ND DESIGN...:\.TIl\G Trr.:; :30AHD OF EXANlIJTERS OF ELECTHICI.21m 0]' I'HE crry OF S.Ll\TFORD t AND DEFINING THE DUTIES luiD FO".YERS mJ' Sl_ID B01;.RD iJ>JD OF Trill BUILDING INSFSCTOR lum PrlOVI:nNG A FE,l\L~TY :E'OH.l.'HJ: VIOLATION .QiTlI\HE PROVISIONS Hl~REOF," SAID FAR~~j}Rd.PH (b) OFjt!tcTImr 4 HEREBY iUvl.E:l\TJED REL.L'i.'rIHG TO ...'J,L ,d.FFLI G~J:ITS DESIRING 're ',WHK l~Tl'En~TILillE OR BUSINESS OF ELECTRICAL COHS'rRUCTION. BE 1'1' J1'NAGTED BY.l.'tlE FEOPLE OF THE crIT Oi" S)lUl'OHD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Paragraph (b) of section 4 of Ordinance No. 274 adopted on the lOth day of October , ~ 1~38 and entitled fI.L::UJ OHDINiJWE GOVEli.NING ELECrHICliL COl;;* s'rRUCTION iJ.<JD 'rHE ~;,_:!LEt INSTALL~':l.'rION, USE, I,IAINrE1\~~.lTCE, /1.t1J) RELJRS OF ELECTHICIJ. "lIHIl'TG, i:21)i".E.L,>.'I"JS OR EQ.UIH.LENI' FOR LIGHTS, HEi~T OH FO,i'ER, INSIDE 0]' on -,'i.rT_...GHED '1'0 BUILDINGS IN THE GI'IT OF SANFORD, ]'LORIDAt A;:J.D CRK.\.ITNG ;,.HD DEE3IGI\L.,.'I'ING 'rHE l:30-,,,HD 0]' :SX,jilINERS OF bLL;C'I'RICL:l^Jd OJ!' 'J.il-L1 CIIY OF S",JJFUHD, " - so as to read as follows: ( \ ,Al\fD DEFINING rr:I:fJ; DUi"12S,d'JD PO.,JJ:{S OF S-,:..Ij) BO..:i.rtD .elL) UF l'.I1E. BUILDING INdP1.:CTOli -:J:m iRCVIlJIHJ. ~~ J:<~ILu'TY }l'OIi '1'I-lli VIOL",.:I'ION OF l'fG .tHJVISIONS HEBl!.:OF, If be and the same is hereby amended (b) fhe said Board of Examiners shall examine all applicants desiring to work at the trade or business of' Zlectrical construction and mal:;:ing proper application for such exauinution, as 1.1aster :~lectrician or Journeyman "aectriciem. 2xaminations shall be conducted at the office of the Building Inspector for'~aster Electricians and Journeyman Electricians on the second "ednesday of each calendar month. No examinatiomshall be held at any other time unless the day designated is a legal holiday, in which event the examinations shall be held on the succeeding day. The Board of Examiners shall examine applicants as to their practical knoBledge of Electrical Construction, as defined in this Ordinance. J:xaminations shall be made in whole or in part in writing, and Shall be of prac- tical and elementary character, but sufficiently strict to test the Qualifications of the applicant, and to satisfy the Board as to the applicant's ability as an electrician and his familiarity with the rules and regulations Governing Electrical construction, If satisfied as to the competency of such applicant, the Board shall issue to him a Certificate of Competency authorizing him to engage in or vrork at the trade or business of ~lectrical Con- struction, as a L.aster Zlectrician or Journeyman Electrician. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective upon the 1st day of October, 1945. Passed and adopted this 27th day of september, 1945. ~---rAL-n:-' Mayor /.? / ".. ~ "- ~~r ert~h8fC$~t&il~i~5~ S ot the Attest : .~ ~';~L -- ~ I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify th8t a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 3g4, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 27th day of September, 1945, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on this 27th day of September, 1945. ~~~/ 1ty . erk of the Oity of/'Sa.nford, Florida