HomeMy WebLinkAbout383 ',- .J OnDIi{J'JCS NO. ,8 ~ iJJ OiWr\\ll.NCE OF 'rEE ,-::rlY OF GJ:cNFGFJJ, TI,ORIDA l\.I:i[ENDING F"-J.-ti.GR~'j,TH (e) OF SJ:CrION 3 OF O-,i:DINANCE ",/ NO. 126 ",J)Ol"}lED ON THE loth JAY OF 1,'.J.\Y, 1926, ;t' '.",m '!:i'1\TT1T'rLl,'''''\. n,.1\T 0' D:'lIN ,-,r,..,',;' -:i"'T',PLlcPI1,T,"'" 'BU'I.LTi\ I LU" ..L:Jl......L.L..L:J.LJ . .L:~.L'J L\u ..c;1...l\ivD ~0 .....l"i.._:J )..,...'-"...1. .1.iU .n... JU- ING CODE FOR THE CITY OF S.tJ.TFOHD, FLOHIDi.., PRO- VIDING BUILDING RtJLES AlJD REGuL",~rI uNS ",'j.HD FlB;:jCRIBING ...i P3NAL'l'Y FOri rrHE\TIOL':..I'ION Oli' ,ANY Olt'THE FEOTH 01 ONS O:S' 'ERIS UP..0IN ,,>lICE" as amended by OiIDIN.\NCE NO. 297 ADOPTED ON THE 13th DAY OF c"""-'rl-"T'B"R 1940 "'1'" I"R ,'...." , ""1' ( ) 0:0 '-'ID l....i.L..t'l.i2J.l\_.i.' ill , , uf~,LJ .1U .L~LJlil:..j..l-l e J: W";;'l. \ SECirION 3 HZ~~l3BY ~J\IJ:I\fDED H.ill-J~il!II".JG 'i10 ~=S C iT_jiG ED }TOii .L~j::C.,;~I l-~i:') . ,BE I'~C .:stJj:~CT1~j)3Y ~'I-I.i~ l:_~~OFL.~ () [il ITiE Clr~I u}T :~~lJ~"l)lD, ~?LOrtI:Jf~: Section 1.I'h8t para:;raph (e) of ::"',ection 2), of Ordinsnce no. 126 adopted on the 10th day of Lay, 1926 and entitled: ",u'T O=UnLJI::e: Z;;;l'_~.LIS=-1I1'\(~} Il'~;'} C GDE B'OEt -l~I-IJ; CITY Oll' .:...,..J.IJFuLD ,Li'LO~\I , I l~ J II~'-} ~.rC~J.J l~~:j , .-1.""'1. ,u,..,.....- , . T'1 ) -c,"", l"~\U 'I ,[ ..lh'~r DL,~:'iTI ~1-,:'J J.~ I{S0Cl~I~3II~TG '" .cfl,-,~.t~LI1~{ ii\J.,.~ '\TI,"';L_1.rr (r~~ '.3\f( OJ? 'i' 1...{()'JI0II)I~S UF THI;:.: LcUI1;hl',C'::;" as ,jrnended by urdinunce No. 297 adopted on the 13th day of3ertesber, 1940, be and the s:J.rne is hereby 9.mended so as to read as folloV1S: (e) l'he fee charged for p err:li ts shall be as follows: For the erection, alteration or rep5ir of any building or structure costing :$250.00 or less ;;p .50 1.00 Costins ,.-'250.00 to '1,>500.00 Costing 'k500.00 to ;,p750.00 Costing ,~7 50. OJ to ;1,000.00 1.50 2.00 For each additional Jl,OOO.OO cost or fraction thereof J2.00 per thousand. ~ection 2. That all ordinances or p~rts of ordinances in confli ct herev'li th be and the same dre hereby repedled. ,:3ection 3. 'l'h8t this ordin::lnce shall become effective upon the 1st day of uctober, 1945. Attest: ~~~ Ci ty ~k--' / /' Fassed and adopted this ,~ I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sgnford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 383, paRsed and adopted by the City CommisAlon of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 27th day of September, 1945, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on this 27th day of September, 1945. ~ C. " -- ~ie~~ty of S~f1}rd, Florida