HomeMy WebLinkAbout374 ORDINANCE NO. 371j. A~ ORDINA~CE OF THE CITY OF SA~FORD, FLORIDA, GOVERNING THE SANITATION OF ~lliAT MARKETS AND REGULATING THEIR CONSTRUCTION A11D REGULATING THE SLAUGHTER, HANDLING AND DISPOSITION OF MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; PRO~nDING FOR THE APPOI~T- MENT OF A CITY ~mAT INSPECTOR AND INSPECTIONS OF MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS AJ:\D PROVIDING PEJ.iJAL- TIES FOR THE TITOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ~ACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. DEFINITIONS. As used in this ordinance: (a) 1lliAT. Meat shall be considered to mean and include any part, or parts, of the edible portion of cattle, swine, sheep, or other animals that can be, or are ordinarily slaughtered in abattoirs and sold for or used as food for human consumption. The term "meatn shall also include fish, fowl or game. (b) MEAT PRODUOTS. Meat products shall be considered to mean and include any combination of meat or meats with any other material prepared for human consumption. (c) MEAT MARKETS. Meat markets shall be considered to mean and include any buildings, houses, or enolosures in Which meats or meat products are offered for sale. (d) EMPLOYEE. The term "employee" shall moan any person who handles meat or meat products, or who comes in contact with any meat or meat products or equipment, or who is employed at any time in a room in Which moat or meat products are handled. (e) 'JITY HEALTH OJ!'FI'JER. The term "City Health Officer" shall mean the City Health Officer, or his authorized representa- ti ve s. (f) INSPECTOR. The term "inspector" shall mean any authorized representative of the City Health Officer or the City Meat Inspector or any of his deputies. (g) PERSON. The word "personrt shall mean any person, firm, corpo.xat ion 0 r associat iorJ. Section 2. PERMITS. No person shall operate a meat market within the City of Sanford who does not possess an unrevoked permit from the City Meat Inspector or City Health Officer. No permit to operate shall be issued until a sanitary inspec- tion by the City Health Officer or City Meat Inspector shows that the meat market of the applicant for such permit complies With this ordinance. Application for such inspections shall be made in writing. All permits shall be posted in a conspiouous place in the meat market. Violations of any of the rules and regulations of this ordinance, or failure to receive a sanitary rating of at least 70% or Grade C, shall be sufficient cause for revoking the permit. '}lo permit to operate shall be idsued or reissued until the meat market of the applicant for such permit has been inspected or reinspected and approved by a representative of the City Health Officer or City Meat Inspector. Sect ion 3. GRADnW OF M:E.AT hI.ARKETS. The sani tat iorl of all meat markets shall be based on a system of grading wherein all meat markets receiving a grading of at least ~7% or more, shall be a~arded Grade AA; all meat markets receiving a rating of at least 90~ and less than 97% shall be awarded Grade A; all meat markets receiving a rating of at least 80% and less than 90% shall be aNarc1ed Grade B, and all meat markets receiving a rat- ing of at least 70% but less than 80% shall be awarded irade C, and no meat market receiving a rating of less than 70% or Grade C shall operate. The rating and grading of all meat markets shall be based upon the starjdards of construotion alld operation hereinafter set forth. section 4. PLACARDING OR PUBLIC DISPLAY OF GRADE NOTIOE. ... -G- T Every meat market shall display the grade card given by the in- spector at the time of the inspection. This grade card shall be displayed at all times in a conspicuous place approved by the iflspe ctor. 3ection 5. PUJ3ITSHIIiJ<1 GRJ,UY5. At ttte discretion oftllc 'Jity Health Officer, the srades may be published in a newspaper pub- lished in the Oity of Sanford. 3e ct ion 6. REII'J;:iPECrIOl:t3. .'hen mo re than one insp ect ion of a meat market is made in anyone year, or the City Health Officer or City Meat Inspector shall issue a neW grade card, and upon the rece ipt of the new grade card, the proprietor or manager of such meat market shall remove and destroy the grade card previously issued, and replace it with the later srade card. Upon written request on the part of the managem~nt, a reinspection may be had, provided that when a meat market receives a rating of 70% or more (Grade C), a visit for corsultation or advice may be made by a representative of the City Health Officer or Oity Meat Inspector at any time, but a reinspection for the purpose of raiSing the graoe shall not be made within thirty (30) days. During this period and thereafter until a new grade sign is issued by the in- spector, the lower grade sign shall be kept posted at all times in a conspicuous place approved by the inspector. Section 7. The following standards of construction and operation are required: , Item 1. BUILDING. The building in whioh the meat market is located shall be of such mature that it may be readily kept in a sanitary condition and in good repair, inoluding proper lighting and ventilation. Item 2. FLOORS. Every meat market sha~l have suffioient floor area to accommodate all the necessary operations. All -3- floors shall be of smooth concrete, tile or tight wood con- struction. '.Vhen drains are used, they must be trapped and shall connect With the sanitary sewerage system. ele an, sifted saW- dust may be used on the floors, provided it is changed often enough to keep it clean and free from meat scraps. All floors shall be cleaned sufficiently often to keep them in a clean and sanitary oondition. 3torage, machinery, merohandise and other floor encumbrances shall be protected or sufficiently elevated as not to interfere With tiJe cleanir.g of the floors. Dry clean- ing of floors shall not be permitted, but cleaning shall be by washing, mopping or sweeping, with water, moist sawdust or sweep- ing compound. DuriL6 this cleaning, all meat ~Jd meat products shall be covered, or otherWise protected from dust. Item 3. .fALLS AND CEILn~}S. All walls ard ceilings in a meat market shall be constructed of smooth, washable, non- absorbent material, free from cracks, crevices and open joints, and shall be kept well painted. The walls and ceilings shall be cleaned sufficiently often to prevent cobwebs and accumulations of dust and other contaminating substances. Item 4. DOORS, NINDO.i'S .AND 3Cil.EENING.. All outside openings shall be effectively screened and such screens shall be kept in good repair. All screen doors shall open outward and shall be self-closing without leaving cracks through which flies and other insects may pass. All ne cessary procedures shall be carried out to control flies and the market shall be free from such at all times. Fans protecting doorNays may be used in lieu of screen doors, provided they are found effective and are of the large airplane propeller type. Item 5. TOI~~T AND SANITARY FACILITIES. All water -4- olosets, toilet rooms, lavatories, and dressing rooms shall be entirely separated from compartmoLts in whioh meat or meat pro- ducts are prepared, processed, stored, handled, sold or exposed for sale Within the City of Sanforo., lnorida. dater supply, toilets, washrooms and other sanitary conveniences shell be fur- nished in meat markets in oompliance wi th ord:Jnances controlling sanitary equipment in public buildings and where persons are employed. Signs shall be conspicuously posted requiring all help to w~sh hands before beginning work, and after visiting toilets. Item 6. .1ATER 3UPPLY. .il thin the City of Sanf ord, Florida only pure and clean water and ice shall be used in the preparation of carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat or meat pro- ducts. The water supply shall be adequate, and of a safe, sard- tary quality secured from an approved public water supply. Item 7. REF:;..iIiEHA'r IO~, CONS'rHUCrrION AND CAl1E 011' E1UIP~rn:NT. It shall be unlawful for any person dealing in meat or meat products Within the City,of Sanford, Florida, to offer for sale in the City of Sanford, Florida, any such meat or meat products that are not kept under proper refrigeration and sanita- tion. Suffioient refrigerator space shall be provided to accom- modate the volume of business conveniently. Hefrigerators shall not be considered satisfactory if the temperature in any part of the refrigerator or display cases exceeds 40 degrees F., a standard ~'. thermometer to be installed and maintained within such refrigerator or box or case and be acoessible to inspection at any time. All treads, false floors, or other obstacles to the cleaning of floors and other parts of the refrigerator or cold storage room shall be easily removable. Drains from refrig- erators, cold storage rooms, or display cases shall discharge into a sanitary seWer only through ~l airbreak and trap. :No meat or meat produots except cured meats, shall be kept exposed outside -5- of refrigerators, or refrigerated display case, except in such quantities as are needed for immediate transfer, sale or dis- play purposes, and shall be arranged in such display cases or refrigerators in an orderly sanitary manner. Jmoked and salted meat or meat products may be kept outside of refrigerators, provided they are in a clean box raised above the floor level so as to be inaccessible to dogs, cats, rats and other animals. ~o meat shall be stored directly upon the floor. No spoiled or tainted meat or meat products shall be offered for sale, stored or kept on the premises. No live poultry or live animals of any kind shall be kept in the sales- room of the meat rnarket, nor shall this room be used for sleep- ing or domestic purposes. The evisceration, skinning, drawing, dressing (except in the case of poultry) or any other operation other than the cutting, slicing or grinding of meat to facilitate its use, handling or sale, shall be strictly prohibited in market sales- rooms. The rooms, compartments, refrigerators, meat boxes and display cases, in Which meat or meat products are prepared, pro- cessed, stored, handled, sold or exposed for sale Within the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be free from all objectionable odors, and Shall be kept clean, sanitary and free from flies and other vermin. All such rooms or compartments shall be provided with cuspidors of such shape as not readily to be upset and of such material and construction as to be readily disinfected and em- ployees who expectorate shall be required to use them. No person shall expectorate or discharge from the human body or any organ thereof any matter whatsoever upon any floor or wall of any place within the City o~ Sanford, Florida, where -6- meat or meat products are stored or being handled. Item 8. CLEANING OF UTENSILS ANL E1UIPMEET. All ooverings, truoks, vehioles, traps and other reoeptaoles, whioh are used for meat or meat produots within the City of Sanford, Florida, arld all chutes, platforms, racks, tables, and similar utensils, all knives, saws, cleavers and other tools, and all utensils, machinery and articles ~ithin the Oity of Sanford, Florida, used in moving, handling, cutting or chopping meat or meat products shall be thoroughly cleaned before using. All counters, blocks, or other equipment upon which meat or meat products are handled shall be thoroughly cleaned at least once each day and as much oftener as may be necessary to keep them clean and sanitary. No trays, racks, or containers shall be reused without washing. All knives, saWs, cleavers, grinders and other tools, utensils, and machinery used in hand- ling, cutting, ohopping, grinding, mixing or otherwise process- ing the meat or meat products, shall at least onoe eaoh day be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed With hot water a nd a suitable soap, washing powder or other detergent. All meat blooks shall be free from holes, oracks and crevices, and shall be kept clean by some effeotive method. Eo oil cloth, or newspaper, shall be used on any counter, table or shelf where meat or meat products are harJdled, and cleaI:! new wrapping paper only shall be used in weighing the produots upon sale. A wash sink of adequate size with adequate hot and cold running water and the necessary soap and washirlg powder, shall be installed for the Washing of trays, utensils and other equip- ment used in the market. Adequate protection to prevent splash- ing of the walls behind the sink shall be provided. ~fuere no other lavatory provisions are made for washing -7- the hands, the wash sink shall be equipped With a combination faucet permitting the proper mixing of hot and cold running water, and tho required. soap and individual towels shall be furl: ish ad. Item 9. HANDLING OF INTESTINES, WEASA~DS, FTC. lFD SHARPENING OF UTENSILS. Within the City of Sanford, Florida, intestines, weasands or other parts of carcasses shall not be inflated With air from the mOQth of an individual, Mld no in- flation except by mechanical means shall be allowed. .1ithin the City of' Sanford, Florida, carcasses sball not be dressed With kni ves, skewers or similar utensils, that have been held in the mouth, and spitting on whetstones, or steels when sharpening knives or any other implements used in the process of dressing a carcass is prohibited, and spitting upon hands is prohibited. Item 10. GARBj1E A1~ ~EFUSE DISPOSAL. All meat mar- kets shall be provided With covered galvanized iron cans of sufficient size (not exceeding twenty (20) gallons) and number to receive all refuse, offal, filth, meat scraps, bones, rubbish, and other waste materials that may originate around meat markets. Such cans shall be kept tightly covered at all ti:nes, so that the contents are kept protected from flies, rodents, vermin and animals. The contents of the cans shall be ccmpletely removed from. the premises a t least orJCe every 24 hours, and the cans thoroughly washed. Item 11. WHOLESOMENESS OF MEAT AND M~AT PRODUCTS. It shall be unlaW~ll for any person dealing in meat or meat products within the City of Sanford, 11l10rida, or offering any of the same for sale in the City of Sanford, ~lorida, to add to such meat or meat produots any substance which lessens its Wholesomeness, or any drug, chemical, dye or preservative or ar~ other dubstances, except that there may be added for curing of meat or meat products -8- common salt, sugar, wood smoke, vinegar, liquid smoke, pure spices and saltpeter, provided that no meat to which saltpeter has been added shall be sold, held for sale, or offered for sale as fresh meat. Item 12. 30I~ED MEAT OR 1~~AT PRODUCTS. Within the City of SaDford, Florida, no ~eat or meat products shall be per- mitted to fall on floors, and in the event of it having so fallen the soiled portion shall be removed and condemned and not offered for sale as food in any form. Item 13. DISPOSITION OF COND~~NED ME~T OR MEAT rnODUGTS. Jhere an animal or anY part thereof is condemned by the City Meat Inspector of the City of Sanford, Florida, after slaughter, such ani~al, or so much thereof, as shall have been condemned by the said City Meat Inspector, shall be immediately covered with kerosene or rendered in a reduction plant and notice to that effect given to the owner, aDd if rendered the OWYJer shall be paid by the abattoi:;- or market bouse the vallIe of the tanka3e and the tallow derived therefrom, less the cost of rendering same. Item 14. SOURCE OF SHELLFISH. Any meat market offering for sale oysters, clams or crab meat shall secure the same from establishments approved by the Stat,e Board of Health or the United states Public Health Service. Item 15. PREMISES AND SURROUNDINGS. All waste mater- ials, obsolete and unnecessary objects and rubbish of all kinds, shall not be permitted to accumulate in or immediately around the marke t. storerooms, basements, closets, and other parts of the buildings, pens or coops for poultry or live animals, and all outside premises, shall be kept in a clean, orderly and sanitary manner. Item 16. TRANSPORTING, HANDLING, DISPLAYING AND -'0:1... WRAPPING OF MEAT OR MEAT PRODUCTS. All meat products when being transported within the Oity of Sanford, Florida, shall be so covered and protected by covering that the same shall be kept clean ar.d be completely protected from sun, rain, dirt, dust and inseots of any description. All meat and meat products for sale or on display shall be properly covered to protect them effectively from contamina- tion by flies, dust, vermin, handling by customers, or from other sources of oontamination. No meat or moat produot shall be wrapped in newspapers or previously ~sod wrapping paper. Item 17. CLEANLIl~J;:3S OF Pl~R30NlJgL AND HEALTH CI+:R1.n]H- CATES. Each and evory person operating, managing or in any other capacity employed in handling moat or meat produots within the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be clean and sanitary and shall wear clean washable clothing at all times during working hours, and shall cleanse their person and change their clothing when directed to do so by the City Meat Inspector of the City of Sanford, Florida. All such persons shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate issued by a medical physician licensed by the state of Florida. Such certificate or card shall certify that the person to whom the certificate is idsued has been thor- oughly examined, and free from tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, skin diseases, any communicable or contagious diseases, and is not a typhoid carrier. Such certificate shall have been issued Within six months of the date of inspe~tion. No person suffering from a communicable disease, or is known to be or suspected of being a carrier of a communicable disease, shall be enployed or permitted to remain on the premises of a meat market. Both employer and employee shall be responsible for violations of this item. No person shall be allowed to sit or lie on counters or -10- chopping block, or whore meat is handled. 3e c tion 8. FFP~DIN,'} OF H~~Ji~SE TO orllHl':H ANnULS. ,}i thin the City of Sar,ford, Florida, the feedins of hogs or other animals on refuse of slaughter houses s:hall not be permi tted or. premises locate d.vi th in the said City, closer than three hundred (300) feet of the slaughter house Bnd all yards, fer-ces, pens, chutes, alleys arld places of like nature belonging to such establishments, whetber they are used or not, shall be maintained in a sanitary condition, and no nuisance sball be allowed in the establishment or on its premises. Section 9. :IHE~-1E 'J.ATTLE, SHEEP, gOATS AND S,.TN1': MJ.Y BE SLAU1HT}~~ED. All cattle, sheep, goats and SWine slaughtered to be offered for sale in tteJity of Sarford, lHoricla, shall be slaughtered for such purpose only ir. slaughter houses, abattoirs or slaughter pens approved by the City Health Officer or City Meat Inspector. Section 10. YILLING OF r~v~TURED STOCY. No live stock too young and immature to produce wholesome meat, shall be slaugh- tered within the City of jarford, ~'lorida, for food therein, nor shall the flesh thereof be offered for sale within the City of Sar,ford, lnorida, and no animal dithin fifteen (15) d~'s follow- ing parturition shall be slaugh tered for food for Ucle in the City of 3anford, Florida. It stall be unlawful to have iL pos- session or to sell or offer for sale within the City of Sar;ford, Inorida, the meat from aDY calf less tharl four (4) weeks old. Section 11. CONTROL Q}f INDI'lIDUAL3 3LAUGHTEHIW} 'LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. ~ny person residing in the state of Florida, Who has slaughtered any live stock in accordance With the provisions of this ordinance, ar~d who desires to offer same for sale in the City of Sanford, Florida, and who transports such carcasses in -11- such manner as to exclude all dirt, dust, and insects of any character, and who brings the same to the City of Sanford, Florida, the carcasses containing the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys, re- tained in place by their natural attachments, or in such manner so that the City Meat Inspector is enabled to determine to.which car- cass these organs belong, and who also presents the head and tongue of each carcass, may present such meat for inspection by the City Meat Inspector of Sanford, Florida. Section 12. STAMPING ~<um INSPECTION OF MEAT fiND :MEAT PRODUCrS. All carcasses which are inspected and passed for human consumption within the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be stamped with the Official City Meat Stamp of said City, \vhich shall be a round stamp v{i th the words, "Sanford, Florida, Inspected and Passed, tf and with a center numeral numbering the stamp. It shall be unlawful for any person other than the City Meat Inspector of said City or any employee working under his supervision to affix any such stamp, tag or other insignia of the City hleat Inspector of the said City upon any meat or meat product. From and after the effective date of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to keep in his place of business within the limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the purpose of sale or for storage, any meat, beef, pork, lamb, veal or any other meat or meat product unless the same has been passed on and pears the stamp of inspection provided for by the laws of the United States of ~llnerica governing interstate Shipments of meats, or the State of Florida Inspected and Passed Stamp, or the City of Sanford, Florida, Inspected and Passed stamp, or any other city's Inspection and Passed Stamp, the inspection of which city prior to the affixing of such stamp is of equal efficiency to that of the City of Sanford. The City Meat Inspector of the City of Sanford, Florida or authorized individual acting under his direction shall be -12- 1 permitted at any reasonable time and at all reasonable times to eDter arlY and all establishmonts within the Gity of ~a~ford, }norida, where animals are slaughtered, or where meat or meat products are prepared, processed, stored, handled, sold or ex- posed for sale within tho City of Sanford, Florida, for tho purpo se of makif'g inidpe cti ons arJd en forcing the provisi or. s of this ordinance. Section 13. CITY ~~~T ITI3PEJTOil. Tho City Corr~ission of tho City of Sanford. Florida, shall appoint a City Meat In- spector of said City, and such deputy or deputies of the said City Meat Inspector as may from time to time be necessary. The Oi ty Meat Inspe ctor referred to in this ordirlanoe sl.1a1l be a Veterinarian who shall have graduated from a College of Ve terinary M:edi cine re cogni zed by the Moo rical'J 'Te terinary Medical Association. and wheis eligible to the Civil Service ~xamination of the United states Bureau of Animal Industry. Said Inspector and deputies shall be required to have ample k.noviledge al'ld experience in the inspe ction of slaughter houses, meat and meat markets. ~he terms of office of such Inspector and deputy or deputies shall be one year. The salary of such Inspector shall be set by the City Commission and salary of such deputy or deputies shall be likeWise set by the City Commission. Section 14. TIME .AND PLACE Oli' I};SPECTIO'N. The inspection of all carcasses of all animals to be offered for sale or storage in the City of Sanford, lnorida, shall be made by the City Meat Inspe ctor of the City of Sanford. lHorida, on and durirJg such hours, and at such inspection station as has been, or shall be from time to time, designated and provided by tho City Commission of tho City of Sanford, Florida. It shall be the duty of the Inspector or deputy inspeotor or inspectors, to establish an office in the central portion of -13- the said City where farmers a~d others can carry their meat and meat products for inspection and it shall be the duty of the said Inspector either in person or by deputy to be present at such office on such days ard during such hours thereof as may have been fixed by resolution of the City Commission of the said Oi ty. Section 15. FEES. The fees for the inapection of all carcasses of animals to be offered for sale or storage in the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be as follows: On each beef carcass or part thereof: 1 thru 5...... 6 thru 10..... 11 and above... . 50~~ 46~ : 30 sf. On each hog, sheep, veal, goat or other carcass or part thereof: 1 thr~ 5...... 6 thru 10..... 11 and above... .2~V. . 20~ .1 ~~, Said inspection fee shall be paid by the consignee of such carcasses if the same have been shipped to the said City of Sanford, Florida, by a common oarrier, and shall be paid by the owners of such carcasses when otherwise brought to the City. Said Inspector when rendering inspeotion services in the i~speotion of meat and meat products brought into the said City by common carrier or otherwise, which already bears the stamp and inspection and approval of any other municipality of the state of Florida shall collect at the time of making suoh inspeotion, the following fees, to-wit: for eaoh quarter of beef inspected by him the sum of cents; for each oar- cass of small animals the sum of cents; for out meat and all meat products the sum of cents per hundred weight with a minimum of cents for each shipment inspeoted. All such fees so collected shall be paid to the general revenue of the City of danford, Florida. Section 16. PQlVErlS OF MEAT IN3PECTOrl AND CITY PHYSICIAN. The said Inspector, together with the City Physician of the said -14- City, shall make such reasonable rules and regulations, arid have the same printed at the expense of the said City, and distribute the same together with such forms as may be neces- sary to carry out in full the provisions of this ordinance. 3ection 17. VIOLATIONS A~D PENALTIES. Any person who shall interfere with or obstruct the Ci~ Meat Illspector of the Oity of sanford, Florida, in the performance of any of his duties under this ordinance or who shall violate or attempt to violate ary of the terms and provisions of this ordinan co shall upoh conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceeding TWo Hun- dred Dollars ($200.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail of the City of Sanford, 'lorida, for not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the cour t. section 18. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. seotion 19. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed and adopted this ~tZ of April . 1\145. ~e:r;ay~7~ Lvy/~~6 As t::~tY~;':;;:O-;r~f the Sanf ord, :inorida a i ty 0 f .A t te s t: '.~~$ L ..., '. p--1/ City ?J <- -15- f I, H. I~. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of ~)anf()rd., Floride, hereby cert~.f;T that a true and corrAct copy of Ordinance No. 37lL, passed and 8dopted b;T thA City C:oT'lmisBion of the City of Senford, Flor1~a, on the 9th dRY of April, 191~5, ty&S POSTED at the fron t coo r of the C.1 t;r Hall ~,n the City of Sanford, Flori~a, nn the 10th day of April, 1945. (~ CitJ':!. of the City of Sronf.$Y'd, Florida. ./ <.-. ,.