HomeMy WebLinkAbout373 ... ORDINANCE NO. I;'/' ~." AN ORDINANCE OF TJ:lE CITY OF SANFOHD, FLORIDA, 1LI\KING IT UNLAWFUL FOR iul'{Y PERSON, FIRM OR CORPOR.ATION TO BUILD, CONSTRUCT, ENLARGE OR TO AUTHORIZE THE BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION OR ENLARGEMENT OF ANY FRAME OR WOODEN BUILDING, TENT, BOOTH OR OTHER STRUCTURE, OR 1~{Y VEN- EERED BUILDING OR lu'\TY WOODEN BlJILDING COVERED VIrTU CORRuGATED OR OTHER IRON, IN THE AREAS WITHIN rIE COHPORXTE LDvHTS OF THE CITY OF s..:'J\TFORD, FLOHIDA, HEREIN DESCRIBED ANTI PRO- VIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF 'rIB CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1: That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to build, construct, enlarge or authorize the building, construction or enlargement of any frmne or wooden building, tent, booth or other structure, or any veneered build- ing or any wooden building covered with corrugated or other iron in the areas within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the south shore of Lake 1~nroe with the east line of Elm Avenue extended; run south to the south line of Fulton street; thence west to the east line of French Avenue; thence south to a point 117 feet south of the south line of First street; thence east to the east line of alley between Elm Avenue and Myrtle Avenue; thence south to the north line of Third Street;~thence east to the east line of alley between Sanford Avenue and Palmetto Avenue; thence south to the north line of Seventh Street; thence east to the west line of alley between Sanford Avenue and Cypress Avenue; thence North to the North line of Third Street; thence east to the west line of Pine Avenue; thence north to the north line of Union Avenue; thence easterly along the north line of Union Avenue to the west line of Chapmen Avenue; thence northerly along the west line of Chapmen Avenue to the sout~~hore of Lake Monroe, thence westerly along the south shore of Lake r,'j,onroe to BEGINNING. Also: BEGINNING at Northwest corner of 13th Street and Lake Avenue, run North 140 feet, thence West to the East line of Mangoustine -",venue, thence South along said East line of Mangoustine Avenue to a point 135 feet South of 13th Street, thence East to West line of Lake Avenue, thence North to point of BEGINNING. Section 2: ~hat any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of Section 1 hereof shall be punished by fine of not exceeding ,~200..00 or by imprisonment not exceed- ing ninety days~ or by both fine and imprisonment, at the dis- cretion of the Municipal Judge. Section 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passa3e and adoption. PASSED AND lillOP'I'KD this 12th day of March 1945.. ~-_..~~ >s....... ~"-, '/ /' .. /?/~. . . -; .//, L:~ L.- " , , ,. .-.".-r -.. .v'V I ./ ~ - As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. ~>~ ~: 5''!'' f t~) ~t I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk o~ the City of Sanford, Flor1.fJa, he2:'eby cert:'..fy trwt fl. true f-'T!() correet copy of the forego~.nt; Ordi.mmce No. 373, pMHiec'! nmi Rdoptpo by the City ., 1 ' ," ., F vomrL8fi ~()n 0 f ~he vi ty of ~en ford, 'lori.dn, on tbe l;)th da:r of lwJ,(~rch, l()):-5, ""as POSTED at ~he front door of tlw C1 ty HEll in tl1P 01 ty of Sanford, Flor~_,'1El, on the 13th day' of IvIe_rch, 1345. ',~'","- ,." ..".,..........1:..,~.,.,""............~,.,.... ,."