HomeMy WebLinkAbout372 ORDIN.,NCE NO. 7y72 A1',r ORDn::-d'WE OIl' l' CITY OF S.J\lli'ORJ, FLORID/~, PRESCRIBING _',- .:l,'l'Y :F'OI'\ TEE UFFEj\iSE OF .'1..GGRAV~,,-TED l;ESAlJLT CmIl1l'v'IITTED IN rn:;::; CITY OF S.:jTFOHD, FLOJ.IDL. BE IT ENACTED BY T'I-E PEOFLE OF THE CITY OF S,\NFOHD, FLO.::UDA: Section 1: That whoever assaults another with a deadly weapon in the City of danford, Florida, not having premeditated design to effect the death of the person assaulted, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction in the Eunicipal Court in the C1 ty of Sanford, Florida, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding }200.00 or by imprisonment not exceedins ninety days, or by both fine and imprisomaent, at the discretion of the :Municipal Jud.;:;e. Section 2: That all ordInances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3: That this ordinance shall become effective imraediately upon its passa:!,e and adoption. March, P..',-SSED and ADOPTED this 12th day of ietnr~a3rY, 1945. /-~d ~/;"ayor: .. r., .-;W~ ~... ~~..Q.. ~'\~/ / r /' Attest: /~/ /. Ii .,. .". "" ; J ,,,; /,. p-'#- .f I ,"-- . c1' fd1..'-/-( ll.s the 01 ty COInmi ss ion of the Ci ty of Sanford, Florida I, H. N. Bayer, City Jlerk of the City of Brul~ord, Flori.oa, hereby certify that a true ant' correct corJY of the forego! nt; Ordinnnc e NI). 372, ';D.~(~ed 8nd adopted_ by the 01 ty Co:missi on of the 01 ty of Sanford, F'1orioA, or. the 12th d.p~r 0f March, 1945, was POSTED at the front door o~ the City Hall ~,n the Gity of SenfoJ'(l, Fl:1ric_H, on thf~ 13t:~ <'lny of Earch, 191.~ 5. , " ,,""