HomeMy WebLinkAbout368 -' / \1 ORDINANCE NO. --2Q.8 .AN OHDIt{~i',..NC E OF' T r1:; CITY OF S..:'..NFORD, FLOHIDA, ~jMEL~:;:)INJ SECTION 136 OF TIm REVISED ORDn:~i.NCES OF THE C I'fY OF Sl:U'JFORD OF 1914, SAID SECTION RELArn:G TO DISPOSITION OF JAIVmLING ~::"FFE.RA.TUS. BE IT illJACTED BY T FEOPLE OF C IIY OF S.:U'IJFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1: That Section 136 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Sanford of 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 136. Disposition of Gambling Apparatus: The Chief of Folice,or any other police officer, when any of the implements, devices or apparatus commonly used for gam- bling purposes, are found in any house or other place used for "the purpose of gaming, shall seize the same and hold the same for use as evidence in the trial of the person in whose possession the same are found and charged with keep- ing a garnblins house or gamblin,:~ apparatus and upon con- viction of such person, the Municipal Judge shall order said gambling apparatus destroyed by the Chief of Folice or any police officer. Section 2: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewi.th be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3: That this ordinance shall become effective imrr.ediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOFrED this day of February, 1945. ~~~'~. Mayor ,,/'7 (,',. ~/ /", '1'(' c~;. ~. Attest: -- - -- /' ( -~J2:~' City ~ ?/ "''l(.. ....: / ~, to. "::"s the City Commission of the':::ity of Sanford, Florida I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florica, hereby certify thHt a true Rnd correct copy of the fore- go ing Ordinance No. 368, pa.R "-ed a.,nd a.dopted b~r the 01 ty 00ITlT'1iA8j,on of the 01 ty of SHnford, Fl:)r~d.a, on the ll~th d8.y of February, 1914-5, \"a8 POSTED at the front 0..001'" of the 01 ty Hall in the C1 ty of Sanford, Florida, on the 15th day of Februa.ry, 1945. (~