HomeMy WebLinkAbout362 (also see Ord 771) ORDINANCE 1JO. ,62 . ~~~~. M ~ ~ ~ ? t. 3Y ~ I ~., y I ~ I I '+ '37- ~ ~l - It- ~~ - Lj. 6 'I '{. \c\c. -\Co" ~ '{.. fl,1 :60NLiG OOL.,I,NCB CIT~! I.-,r s..~~'" JTO_~1<1, 11.O'J )1; Bn ordtIlt:inCe est[jblishtL~ ,;.( zorn::.'~; p:c,-:; within LlS Jitj' of Ar.fo2'l, c2eating niLlS (9) ltstricts, rc~:l:;,ti nul restrittii ,,: tIlt: location d u ~-:.. 0:::- bt:;i ldinn-s, structures, landc~ndi'i':3tet' 1'01' trH'e, Ld.Jstr:, ~'esid8n(;e or other Pl;.rjJoses, the heL'lJt ADj size of stn.,cture:::, siL_e 0 opcr: sf)'~ces :i'or Ii t iln~. ventilAtion; "1dOptiTii' a rr~:ilj of ~'u~J 1istricts; de1'inin': tel":ts used; )r(;':'i:"li', or t~lS ':i'ljust- men t, en:.'orce,rne t ~~~l~d_.:-lmendY':;ent th;:" rs'c.:f; ::d"1 prescr jti PE; nal ti e s ~-Ol. vi 0 l.r,'~ ion. r~~, I1r B~'i~Cii.~~') :v I~ .L.ljCi~.L.c-~ CI}~ 'L~:~L'::' CI'I"V' l~:~-;.i} lie ;.), -'l,OHI:JL: 3EC'lTUN 1. \ t ! I!i order to Jessen con(~estion ill ~he streets; to C1.~~lC s3.-fety froI". f' ire, panic lond. ,'ther dange!' ; to ,"omote health 3Y;J. the geuer,:d. ,velfare; to ;;rovide adeCUD.te light and 'lit'; v'pre'fej,jt tile OY2rCl'-.c::ii of 1:,n1; te' 13 'luU, l.Ll.jue con- r~ ;:~ ;~ centl''3.tion of population; to f'c.cilitate t,8'Jclec,-,ate prov;'s'LO.:', of tr::Lsj,Jort':1- tion, water, seweru')'e, schools, Vires c:'"".d oth,'1.' ]Jl dic re :;"2ifl2nts; to conserve the value of buildill:-?;S B;,"t 8acour'1,i::; the I"jCG t ,-,ppropriete use of 1 \'pl t'.ruout the eorpora te arel'!, all in Clecord':1,'c8 wi th R com pre hensi vo plc; L, teere is here by adopted 8nd estDblishcd an o1'1'icibl zc L for t'le "i ty of :3n,1.i'ord. This .;:jj:. :~ l ~I !It ;, , p12L is adoptel pursuant to the authori ty cOl;ferred UpOL the Ci ty cf :3Ij,'1'ord by the provisio.lis of GhCipter 1~)5c\;. (1,iO. b44) Laws of' 110I'ila. SECTIO~, 2. D.iFnanO.TS. ':lhis orc1inance shall belncwn ~3 tile "Officit:'l Loning ~l~jn 01.'dinal~ce" 8D'1 for the pLrpose of tLi.s orli:lfL:C2 Gl'c.rta.in words nd ter:ns are defined '::'8 follows: All words used irl t:i," presc;:t tic'"E'.:; .. GJ.u5e t:2 fl,ture; all ~_L t.:1e sin",-;ul~L' number inclu.3.e t:18 plLnll..:L,l t.18 plura:J Lie sL1gular; t:l8 word "buildiIlg" t f Llcludes ti:16 \Vori "structure"; tile ,wrd "sh''Jll'' is iiHuJdhtnry 'lEi not directnry, fl'ld t:13 word "persoL" incll,.des ':1 firm, corpora ticIl, or mULlei p81 corporation, 'J.S well :'is c, n8 turfll )81'301'. he word. "!teCi ph slIall mE"l the "Zorlin~ J:vlf" p of sanford, Ji'lorida" . '.L'tle term "City Cormnisso'l sllaJ 1 !icE:H.n ti,e Oi ty)otT1nissio:; of ticS City of' Sanford; a'5, the word "city" stwJl (LeW, 1;.18 Cit' of' S'1nford, a municipal carpoI'BhoCi 01 t:18 State of .Florida. _ tie vial" i "llsed 1I Snd 11 be deemed to inclu:le the words "arr3.nged, Jesi,;ned or inteh:d to be LAsed", 'in:: the word "oc('uuied" i-. ) j -2- shall be deemed to include tile words "arrGLged,lesi,,':nc-od or irlteJied tn be occupied". 1\ "dwelling" is any o\dldi [:,.1' portiol, tl12)"('Of', wh:,-ch is used ils t, e priviite residence or sleepii1!, place of' one or more huma'l beings, but not irlClLdL," hotels, clubs or lodging house:', or .'J.ny iIistitution sucll n,':) a hospitlCil or jail wIlere Jmmnn bei.u;s are housed by rea so', of' illness or uuder lSiiid restraint. i, "yard" is a portioL of the S2-'.8 lot or huillir~' siLe upon t"nich 3. buildiL is situated Nhich remains open and unoccupied, except AS provided in Section 14 of this Crdinnnce. A "front yc,rd" is a yard between thi": front line 0:1 tiw lot 'iel the tror:t line of the rrain bui1din.s, iNhich extends from one side yard t'J tile other. .J:~ "side :va I'd" is [j yard between the sid.e line of tile lot aJl t:ie side line of' the rein building, "'ihich extends from the front line of' the lot tu t~le r80uired rear yard. 1\ "rear yard" is 3 yard which extends 8cro:,:,s the entire width of' the lot between the extreme rear line of' tile lot arid tLe extreme rear line of tile wain building.lhEr'e 13. public alley exists f\t tl1e re;'-\1' 01' tl18 lot, or provisioLS jar such em aUey are sh01m on tiE 1]][,P or filed plat, oLe-l1alf (Jj2) 01. ,"\Jct alley may be cons idered C1 s a portion of such reb!' yard. An "accessory u["e or building'! is imy subordLiats usa or builciin custo;;1<Jrily incident to aGel locc;tei upon the s";u,e lot occuoied ly tile main us,:;: or Luilding. .A "court" is a rec,,:ired open, unoccupiej. space all the same lot, end. fully en- closed on at least three adjacent c"ides ty wqlls 0:: the main buildin . ],'aL. tel' court" iS3ny court f'scing for its full reQuired width on a street, or on any other recuired open space not a court. An "inner court 1S sny other reuired cour t. SECTION 3. In order to cla ssif'y, regulate and restrict tne uses of' land and. buildin,~'s; to regulate nnd restrict the height flEd bult<: 01' buiJdin;.'s; to regL~late t.le area of yards and other open spaces about buildinits; ,.iUl to regulate the intensi ty of land use, the-:ity of' Sanford is hereby divided into nine (g) cla;3ses of dis- tricts to be known as follows: -3- :::-1 C., -2:; One (Single) Family District One (Single) :Family Jistrict One (Single; :Family District Multiple }iaPlily Oistrict One (Single)Fanily District I"~ultipl€ ramily District I.ul ti ple }; a~,~i ly D i stri ct Comtneo'cial (Hetail) District Jorllii12Tcin l-Indus trj '}l) i strict H-l ill! H-l 1\ R-l B-2 H-3 ;i-4 R-5 'l'he aforesaid districts and boundaries thereof are ShOVvIl upon the map accom- panying this Ordinance and made a part thereof; said map beinp- designated as "Zon ing Me p of Sanford, Florida." Said map ani all the notations, references and other inforwltion shown thereoli shall be as much a part of this Ordinance as if such information set forth on such map were all fully described and set out herein. In the creation, by this urdinance, of tl18 respective districts, the::;i ty Commission hos given due and careful consideration to L1e peculiar sui tabili ty of' each and every such district for the particular regulations applied tnereto, and the necessary proper "md compl'ehensi V8 groupi1l5fS and arl'cmgemer;t s or tile vurious uses ":tnd densities of' populatioJl in accor(hmce wi tn '3 well cOEsidered plan 1'01' the development of the city. The boundaries of' such districts as are shown upon the map adopted by this Ordinance or amendments th'3reto, are hereby adopted aDd approved ao.d the regula- tions of this Ordinance governLlit; the=, use of' l'1'd 'ind buildings, the height of buildings, buildiw:' site areas, the sizes 01' Y'irds about buildirigs que! other mat- tel's i=, S hereinafter set forth, are nereby established and declqred to be in effect upon all lands, included wi thin thE: bound~jrie.:' oj' each and every district shown upon said map. "here uncertainty exists as to t(lunderies 01 any district shown on said map the following rules shell apply: 1. ,vher'e such district boundaries are irldicated as approximately following street lines, alley liIles or lot lines, suc:h lines shall be construed to be such boundaries; 2. In li:lsubdivided property or WL1ere a district boundc:ry divides a lot, the location of' such boundary, unless ti.:.e same is indici,ted by dimensioi s, sh811 1::e determined by use of the scale appeariry on the ma . 3. ln case tiny further ullcertainty eXl.sts, tne Gi ty Commission shall inter- -4- pret tne intent of the map as to loca tion 01 such bound':lrii,sj 4. ,fhere any public stres t or hlley is hereafter officially vacate] or aban- doned, the regLla tions GtDplica1Jle to eaCll pa2cel of abuttin'< lJroperty shull apply to tlEt portion of such street or a11e7 added tlillreto by virtue of such vacation or a bandonme n t. 5. All areAS vvithin the cOl'porate lirni1,s of tile vity which 6re unier water and not shown ':is included wi thin any district snaIl be subject to all of tilB regu- lations of tl1e district which im>'sdiately adjoins the water area. If the water area adjoins two or more (1istricts tIle bour:drJries of' eacn district Selall be COIl- strued to extend il1to tue wBter 3.rea in a straight line ur:til they meet teee other district. SEC'l'IO:\ 4. :2;xcept as hereinafter provided: 1. j~O building shaH be erected, reconstructed or structuraJly altered, nor shall any buildinr!' or land Le llf,ed which does not comply witl !;ill the district regulations e?ttlblis',ed by this ordinance for VIe district in which the buildinz or land is locete:l. t::. ",0 buil.Uni"': shall 'De erected, reconstructed, or structurally al tered to exceed t:,e height or buh limits herein establisht,d for the district in v;l1ich such building is loca ted. 3. '1'he olinimum yards and other open spac'3s, includ ing the iIlterrsi ty of use provisions containsl in this Ordirance for e<!ch'lnd every bui1di~],,; 8xis a t the time of t':re P--.:>SSI:L'(:; OJ' this ordLa:lce, or fOI"1Wr buildiui::: hereafter erco'cced or structurally altered, shf:1J 1 not Le e'lcroacned UpOI: or considered liS yard or open space requirellrents OI' i:1 tensi t" of Uc;8 :::'eC;Ui1'811lerits for any other build. ir~g. 4..::.:very buildir.:~ ,.181'8e::.ft2r erected SllE11l e located Oil ':1 lot,';:d i:1 y'o ,':1se shl:i11 there be more thFU one cl'.,iLcuildi, l' <'LJ the, customary acces.~:ory buildinb';s OIl one lot. >, u. The uses of all buildiL-';8 H d property publicly o\'),ad cell.'] enfcJfied in the perfOI"'"~lLce 01 a public f'unc:tioL ma; pt.rentt2d iT .1.'l{ district '1'c'v:.:1.0d however tha t such use is 1 roxious 01' detrimenLl to tile health or welthre of' tlle ci tyo u. In all Hesidential Jistricts, no gara[se, te. t or outbuillillC: shall be erected or used 1'01' resicleIltial puq.:oses except concurrently with or ~utsequent to -5- the construction of the main 1:1.1 i 1cl S"'.8CTION 5. B-1 A!' _. D R-l .c. O~E UiING.LI::) FnILf DEiLhIG'l'S. A. Uses Per~itted 1. One (Single) ~amily dwelling. ;;;. i,ccessory build CI."ld uses j r:cide,:Ll t::J each si f'amilylwel1 ing when placed on the S"Uc8 lot or parcel oi' land ctlld. Lot tAse5 or ope:t'ated commercially, includi j;ri vn ts :-:;1-11"')':::8 :f'O.L' ti.e '::lcC:Ol.lod~ltioL of' llot more than two (2) automobiles; stable or shed for t.le housir17 of d,o- mestic 3ai';H,::ls; c!lildren' s f)l;oyhouse; ?:.reeL hOUEK j tool shed; wort<: shop; serVB2 t' s G1.H-l.rters. B. Building Height Limit The m3ximum building height sha J J be t,i) and une-half' (2~;) stories or thirty-f i ve fee t; C. Building Site .Area Reouired The minimum building 8i te area shall 'be one lot or a parcel of 13nd seventy-five hundred (7,tSOO) SQuare feet in ;lrea for e~ich one (single) farlily dwelling. Such f6.rcels Si1811 have Eli 8V8I'8'.e width 01' at least fifty (50) feet. here a lot or parcel of Lmd 1111S an Rrea of 1':::38 t}:aT~ t.le a.bove required mininurJ and was of record at tne +' lJlr!-te f' f. ...) .l. the passB(j'e 01' tnis Ul'diLcAnce, said lot may be occupied by one family, provide'i however that t~le minimur:J 8i'i8 an] front yard re- quirements set out in thi s section are conforrr.ed with. ]). Fron t /ard .i:.ec;uired There shall be a front yard 01' a depth of not less thar: tIle avera,ge depth of the front yards of the lot or lots next ad~ace t thereto on either side, In case there is no dwellihg in the blOCK tile front YBl'j shelll have a depth 01' at least twenty-five (25) feet, meClsured 1'1'0111 the street lLe to tHe front line of the main building. b. Side Yard Heouired " There shall l:e side yards, tne width of 88Ch to be not less than ten feet. If. Hear Yard ,:_equired There shall be a rear yard not less than twel1ty-fi ve (;:35) feet in de;.cth. G. ]!'irst ,bloor .drea The minimum ground floor areas of dwellin,ss, exclusive of porte-cocheres and a ttached porches, in thi s di stl'ic t shall be: -6- R-l Ai'! (8) For a two and one-half' story Jwelling, 1,200 sq. l' t. (b) }'or a one and one-half story dwelling, 1,400 Sq. ft. R-l A 800 so. ft. 1,000 so. ft. 1,200 sq. ft. (c) For a one story dwelling, SECTION 6. R-l Oi:U (Sl'GLE) 1<[I:,[1L DISTRICT 1,600 sq. ft. A. ses fermitted 1. Any use permi tted in the 2-1 },1\ and .:-.-1 Districts. 2. llome occupations, including any vocation or trAde, provided: (8) that tilere be no alteration in the residential character of the premises in connection therewith; (b) that when carr'ied on wi thin the dwelling, not more tilan twenty- fi ve (25) per cent oj' tile grouyj floor of the dwelling shall be so occupied; (c) that no motor power other than electricaU.y operated motors shall be used in connection therewith, rmd that the total horse- power of such motors s[1811 not exceed trlree (3) hox'sepower, or one (1) horsepower for any single motor; (d) that no merchandise or articles shall be displayed for adver- Using purposes, ~l ,d no s or advertising device relRtive thereto shall te displayed on the premises. 3. Professional offices such 3S that of a physician, surgeo~, dentist, lawyer, music or art teacher, we', situate:i within the dwelliLg, provided: (a) that not more than twenty-five (25) per cent of tlle ground floor area of ~3Ueh dwelliL? shall be so occupied; (b) that no name plate or sign be rlisplaye-i upon tile premises other than one sign not exc~8eding one (1) square foot in area and containiD; only tile name of the profession sud of the occupSDlt of the premises; (c) th<3t no electric, neon, flashinc or blink in lights shall be placed upon such signs. 4. Schools, elementary, high and pri vf-l.te, except correctional instltu- tions. 5. Libraries, cornmuni ty centers &~cd buildin;s used exclusively by the :Bederal, State, County or City goverrm,ent for publiC purposes. -7- G. Churches aud other pLices of' 'worship, inclu,; :Junday 5chool buildings and recreation areas. 7. l'arks, recreatioL e;rounds, playgrolirds, pL3.yfields under the super- vi sian of' L~e City of sa nford . 8. One unlign.ted sigI! not to exceed aine (S) SQUCH'e feet, 10c0. ted not less than twer;ty (20) feet from any propert,r lLe of' L~e lot upon which such SLC:;ll is n10ced, ~nd pertain oi:ly to tt,S ren tal, lei' 88 or sRIe o. the buildinc or property on ,!,hich SUC,l SLC;:l is locilted. 9. flower and ve,:,:etable gardens, ';ro'1e3, provided no si:~ns, displays or stards are used i~ con~unctior therewith. B. BuildiLg .~eight .Limi t The maximum buildin' he t shull be two and one-half ( ) stories or thi.rty- five (7"')' f'e(-"+ ,_..'~ .._ 1._.. c. Building Site Area ~equired The mlnlmut~ buildL,r:.:: site nrea shall .Le one lot or ':1 parcel of land five thousb.n1 (5,000) s,~u>:!'e feet in area for ec,cn 0,,8 ~s 1e) f~nily iwelling. 'ueh parcels or 10 ts shall havs an avera:;e wid. th o.t' a t 18'~st :;'.ifty (50) feet. ',vher-e a lot or parcel of Isni has ':3.n are;} of lese.; thail t;>8 3'cove reouired minimuc', 8.Ed was of record nt tile th,e of L,e passu"e of till.; \~l'clinBnCe, snLl lot Fiay be occupied by one f8::,i1], p'ovilec'l hCniever' tL.'ll. t;..lf.:: miJlimu:" side aLl froIit Y':J.I'j recuiremsnts set out in this section >ire co forms..l wi tJl. D. Fran t r~~ard :~\equired There shall be a front yal.d of a del~tll not ls ;'3C3 than tne aver''3.ge de ,ths of the front yard" of the lot or lots GE;xt'ld.'<3.cent thereto or: either side. In case there is no dwelling i!~ the bloct\: the fro"jt y'lrd :lei,th sLnll be Dot le~js tha;'l twenty (20) feet. E. Side Yard heauired There shall be sUe yards, the ,'iidth 0:1' eaeL. to be not less than ten (10) per cent the average \;:1d th of the lot but in no cn ".; sh'111 c3.ch such side Y8.rd be less than seven and a half (?~) feet in width. F. Rear Y~rd nequired There shall be a re~u.' yard not less tt.8Il twenty-five (2.5) feet in de]Jth. \:;.. }t'irst lloor ~rea :..equirelre11t The minimum ground floor area 01' dwellin's, exclusive of porte-cocheres and -8- attached porches in tnis district snall be: (&) }'or a two and one-half story dwelling, 600 square feet (b) lor a one [Hld one-half story dwelling, 70u square feet (c) 1<'01' a one story dwellin€:, SECTION 7. R-2 lvl: LTI2V:: FM,ILY DISTEle'l' 80u square feet A. uses Permitted 1. i\ny use permi tted in the H-l District 2. ~ultiple family dwellings. 3. Hotele, boarding and lodging houses. 4. ~.iospitals and clinics, except animsJ hospit~,Js '3.nd clinics. 5. Private clubs aLl lodges. 6 .J-ue st hou S6 S, tOl,I' 1 :.' t ho~'ne s. 7. ljccessory build S 3. d uses cust)marily incideiLt to any of the above uses, including private 8. d storai.:e g3r3 es Nlell located on the same l:Jt Wid not i:"volviniZ the co;;duct of a business. B. Building ~-=e ight Limit The maximum bu ilding height sha 11 be forty-f i ve (45) feet or three stories. C. Building Site brea nequired The minimum building area per famil] shall b€: & lot or parcel of land as follows: I;or a one family dwelliEg 5,000 square feet For a two family dwelling c',OOO square feet 1<01' multiple f[jmily clwellin[s 1,200 seuars feet D. lront Yard .r{equired There shall be a front yard of a depth not less than the average deDth of t;lS front yards of toe lot or lots next adjacent thereto on either side, In case there is no other dwelliw~ in the block the front yard depth stmll not b8 1~s8 than ten (10) feet. E. Side Yard "'equired There shall 'e side yards, the width at each s1m11 not be leSE tenn te"'- 11G) feet. E. Rear Yard neouired Thel~e shl::,ll be a rear yard Hot Ie S8 than twei" ty120) feet in depth. -9- G. Parking Eegula. tions Where a lot is occupied. by 8. multiple dwellinc, there shall be tJrovided accessible parking space on the lot, either garage or surf':.:iced area, a:iequate to accorDod.,te one (1) car for every two (2) dwelline; uni ts pl'ov:iided in the main bu ild in!.'; . SEC'l'ION 8. H-3 OKr;; (SINGLE):E'AIGLY DIS'lllIC'r li. l.ses Fermitted 1. One (SiD_gle) J:amily dwelling. 20 Home occupations, incl1:cding any vocation or trade, provided: (3) tilat there be no alterCition ir; the residentisl chr3.r'3.cter of the premises ill connection therewi th; (b) tha t when carried on wi thin the dwellir;~;, not more than twen ty-f'i ve (25) per cen t 01' the gram::.] 1'1001' of the dwel1iLt': she.:n be so occupied; (c) th::t no motor power other thSH electrically operate,: motors sh::i.ll be used in connection ttvarewi th, and thl: t tlle total horsepower of such :::Otol'S sht111 not excded tll1'ee (3) horse- po.ver, or one (1) horsepower for a~lY single motor; (d) that no merch"lldise or articles shall be displuyerl for 6d- vertisinc purposes, [ll,d no sign or t~:dvertisinr; device relative thereto sl1'.'U telisplnye1 on the remises. 3. ProfessioYJ3.=~ offices SllCh '1:5 til1:.tt .i' Q physician, surgeo;, den~. :3t, lawyerl music er Ltl't t::H~:,el',.,hen [,i tuated within the dwellin l provided: (a) tha t not more tLl5.L twel" ty-fi ve (:_:) per ce:lt of the ground floor area 01 such dwellinz st~ll be so occupied; (b) that no UflDle plate or sign l:y~ lisplayeJ UPO! the premises other than Olie sign not exc8E:(liL,,: one (1) sqwlre fent in 3I'ea 'C.Ld containing only the nFi:ne of' the 9I'ofessiofl and of the occupant of the premises; (c) that no electric, neo)" flushbg or blin'r~ing li;o;hts shall be placed upon such signs. 4. Schools, elementary, high cilld pri va ts, except correctiolBl insti tu- -10- tions. 5. Libraries, commurd ty centers 8::d build used exclusively by the l'eder81, State, :)ounty or City government for public purp02,-'S. 6. Churches and. ether plf:1ces of vvorship j iLclud L .'un~8.y:)ch()ol buildings 3'.d recreu tiDE areas. 7. .?arks, recreation grounds, plnygrouLJ.s, playf'iel:ls under the SUP'2H'- vision of the City of Sanford and recreation areas. 8. Une unligbted s not to exceed nine (9) square feet, located not less than twenty (20) feet froni I-\;;y property line of the lot ulJon which 8uell 8 :;)1';1C61, arei pertairin; orJy to ths rent':l, leaSB or sale of the b\:..il.Eng or pre pert:! OE which s; ch sign is loca ted. ~. Flower gnd vesetable);srdens ,.;roves, provided no signs, di SphlJTS or stands are 1.1::>(;;.:1 in conjunction tilerewi tho E. 31lildillg Leight limit The maximum build hei t shall be tW() ilnd one-hall' (2:) stories or thirty- five (35) fee t . C. Build ing Ji te Jirea lLequired The miEimum building site area 811811 be one lot or a prircel of lanc. 1'i vE: thousand (5,000; square feet in ares :'01' each one (dnglE:) fsmj1y dwelling. (:uch parcels of lots s:1811 have all aVera'~8 v:idth 01 at lC'8t :f"i:1"ty (50) feet. here a lot or pareel of land has an ar8& of less t::an tIe above reQuired minimum ani W'lS of record at the ti'!e of t;l.e pa.ss:1:;e of tiLts ordinance, aaid lot Clay be oecu:ied by one LHnily, provided however tna t tcle minimum si Je aLl fro:; t Y:3.I'd reC!uirements set out in this section are conformed with. D. Front Yard ~e~lired '1'here shall be a front yard of a d81th not le 3<:: t;,an t:1e !iVera€;e depths of the front yards of t1e lot or lots ,'ltext 3.djace:Jt thereto 0' either sLie. in caSE: t;~,ere is no dwelling in the block the front yard deptll snall be not less than twenty (20) feet. E. Side Yard rtequired ..:'118re she, J 1 be sid e y.':lrd.:3, the wid th or ea Cfl to be not le ss thaYl ten (10) pe r cen.t the average width of the lot b~ct in 110 case s~lal1 each such side Y3.1'1 be less thar~ seven and a half (7;}) feet in width. r -11- I. He3r Yard Required There shall be a rear yard not less thm1 twenty-five (25) feet in deDth. .... J. First :Floor .i.rea ;;iec1Uirement . The minimum ground 1'1001' !irea of d.wellitlg, exclusive of porte-coehere;,', a t- tached garhges ar~d porcHes in this di strict sna11 be: (a) for a two i:l'd one-hnli' story dwelling, 600 sq'uare feet ( b) for ti on.::; ~l!l,j one-h9L story di7ellini':;, 7j~) SGUHl'e feet (c) for a one story dwelling, 800 suuars feet SECTIOIJ 9. :a-4 .!.~~\ro R-5 i',iUL;TI~PL'-:~ Fll~~"IL )IST,c(ICrI1S A. L ses .termi t ted 1. Any use permitted in the R-3District. 2. L'.~ulti ple }arnil:jT dwellings. 3. Hotels, boarding and lodging houses. 4. Hospitals ar~d clinics, except animal hospitals I:Ld clinics. 5. l?rivate clubs 8._1f.l lodges. 6. Guest houses, tourist homes. ? ",ccessory bui.lciin;,;s 3.1:d uses customarily illciderlt to any of the above uses, includin;/ private,,):::' stora,;::e garqgesiihen located on the same lot 8no. not iuvolvL:g the conduct of a business. B. Building ',eight Limit The maximum buildin,,:: hejght 8l1al] be forty-five (45) feet or three stories. c. ;~uilding 3ite Brea'8Quired l'h8 minimum buildinc ar8E per family shall be a lot or parcel of l3n::1 as follows: R-4 R-5 For a One Family Dwelling 5,000 square feet 4,000 sqwJre fee t For a Two .family Dwelling 3,000 squC1re feet 2 ,5 uO squ&re feet For l<~ul ti ple :Family Dwellin,,~s, 1,2'0 scunre feet 1,000 sqliare feet D. Front Yard :i.:"equired There shall be a front yard 01" a depth not le ss t:lan the e.verage depth of the front yards 01' the lot or lots next ad jhCeGt thereto on ei th'Jr side. l.n case there is no other dwelling in the block the front ya.rd de :)th sh~}ll not be less than ten (10) feet. -1:3- E. Side Yard ~.ecuired 'There sllall be si::J.e yard:3, the wid.t:, of each shaJ 1 not be l',::u; t:1HU ten (lJ) feet. F. Rear Yard ii-equired There shall be a rear Y'll'i not less tC18n twenty (?O) feet in depth. ;.:;.. }'irst :Floor ,;,rea :F\eouirements for Single hu,i1} ,)wellinss i:(-4 ::~-5 (a) For s two and one-llali s to ry dwellin.s, (b) For 8- on,; ~\ll(l one-Lle!lf f',tory }wellinLs, (cl YOI' a one stor.' dwell 500 sq. ft. 300 sq. ft. ~)l"CTIOL 10.. OCC:C:'-<Ai CY: R-l iiL ,-1 .A, H-l, It-2 DdELLLJ..HSrrrUCTS. In B-1 A.A, R-l .1.'., R-l and R-2 Dwellinc:: :Jistric:ts, no buil.dh 01' put t:181'80f shnll be occupied or used by (} persor; or persons of the negro race; provi1ed, how- ever, ttmt this E,ection shall not be interpreted to prohibit m,y of the followin~: (1) 1.; S8 or occupancy by a negro servan t, chauffeur or other employee when the employer resides in the same builciiW: or ire f1 buildLl{.l UpOL the sqme lot. (2) Use or occupancy by any person, who, et the time of taking effect of' this ordinilnce, is the owner of the used. or occupied. buildir.g or of' the lot upon whicil such building may be erected or who at s8id time shall have contracted to purch'lsc the S'lee by [, valid 8Ld enforceable contract of purchase, or by his succeS:30r in title by will or desceLt. (3) Dse or occupancy by c. member of the imrnedi'lte fardly or servant or lodger or boarder of lessee or tenant of any person de scr i bed. in the above para- graph (d 6 t H.;~,y or all ti;l16s durin.r2; his concurrent ownership and. resi- dence of, in or on the build or lot. (4) Use or oc~upancy durin!, the period of the tenancy or lease, by e life tenant, lessee for a term of yc':;rs or other lessee of the used or oc- cupied buildin2: or lot, such te:lallt or lessee beins of the negro race, or by tIle successor in title of Bny such lessee by .vill or desc8Ht, in case s in whic h the ter"ancy or le3se was created before t;18 time 0 l' ta k:i nf~ effect oj'" this or'linance and is unexpired fud in force and effect at said time. -13- (5) Use or occupancy by a person described in the above parc1grBph (4) dur- ing the period of an extension or renewal of any such lease, in cases in which the right of renewal or extension was created previous to and is ir.. force and effect at the time of the taking effect of this ordinance. (6) Use or occupsncy by a member of the irrr:rlediate family or servant or lodger or boarder or lessee or tenant of' any persor described in the above par- agraph ( 4) at Bny or all times at which both t.t:le tenaLcy or lea se or renewal or extension :iescribed in the above par8.grap hs ( 4) a-,"d (5) s ho. 11 be in full force and effect and said person himself resiles in or on the building or lot. (7) Continuance after the takiLg effect of this ordinance of the resi:iential use or occupancy of a buildim.: by p~,rsOI;S oj' the negro race in [:Jlly case in which such buildi C is use:i or occupiel for resillential purposes by pe:r'sons of the negro race at the ti:-:e 0:' the tatring effect of tilis 01'- dinancs, or, if' such buil:iir.g be vac(~nt at snid ti:rre, then il: COlly case in which the l::i st suc use or occupancy previou s to s '3:Ll time was by persons of the negro race. SECTI01'1 11. OCGli?J,lliCY: ~{-3, H-4, R.-5 D'iiELLIhG IDIS'IRICTS. In R-3, H-4 fJ ,d h-5 Jwellin,~: J istricts, no building or part thereof shall be occupied or used by C.i person or persons oj the wllite race; pro vided, however, tc~a t this section shall not be interpreted to prohibit any of tae following: 1. L se or occupancy by a white S81'Vi:mt, ch1:lUf'feur or other employee when the employer resi:ies in tHe 831:W buildilk or in ':1 building upon the S!:ime lot. ~~. Lse or OCCUP'311CY by 8ny p8I'SOL /1110, bt tie tin,e of tlle ta~ine; effect of' this ordiLdnce, is tIle owner of the used or occupied buildin,;:; or of' the lot upon which such build in~ may be erected or w110 "t said time shall have contracted to purchase the sC1tne by a va.lid 8.11d e f'orceable contrclct of' purc~!9.se., or by 1"11s successor in title by will or descent. 3. t se or occupancy br a member of tne imHediate family ~)I' :'oI'vant or lodger or bO~irder or lessee or tenarlt of any pel'son 1escribed in the above paragrapll (2) at any or all ti!'bS >irir;g his concurrent ownership and residence in or on the build iniC: or lot. -14- 4. Use or occupancy durin:;; the period 01' the tenancy or lease, by :) life tenant lessee for '3 term of' years or ottler lessee of the used or occupie.l build ins or lot, SUC~l tenant or les.~;;ee be illl? 01' the whi te rclce, or by the succes~or in title of an7 such lessee by wil~ or descent, i~ cases in which the te'Jancy or lea se was cre'; tcd before tne tine of taKing effect of' this urdilumce ani is unexpired and in force and effect at sa id time. 5. Gse or occupancy by U pen'son descriced in tile 3,bove paragraph (4) dur- in~ the period of an extension or renewal of any such lease, in Cases ill which the right of renewal or extension vias c2eated previous to 311c1 is in force and effect at the time of tns tatdLs effect of tht S OI':iiumce. o. L se or occuJ!J.ncy bye'. member of the immedi'':\ te family or servsnt or lodger or boarder or lessee or tenant of any person de scri lJed in the a bOITe paragraph (4) at any or aU times ut which both t:le tenancy or lease or renewal or extension described in the above parazraph3 (4) and (5) shall be in full force and effect and snid person himself' residbs in or on the buildin,::, or lot. 7. Continuance after the tati:ing effect of this ordinance of the residential use or occupancy of"i buildirw by pel'SOi, s of the white race in any case ill which such buildiu~ is used or occupied for residential purposes by persons of the white rCJG8 at thu tLi8 of the tCi.King ef:'ec~ 01 tnis or- dinance, or, .if SUC!i buiLli'ljJ" be V3clnt at said time, the]1 in any cc~se i" whic:l the last suc.h ~3'J or occ'uiancy previous to saLi time \'Ia5 by persons of the white race. BEeTlO.!'! 12. 0-1 RETAIL COMILi:.hCI"L JlSTHICT. /i. l.J ses Permitted 1. .Any use r:ermitted in the ,-2 Jistrict. 2. .bgencies, includi;},s financial institutions, insurance, rent",l and real estate offices. 3. 1.:er80::al service establishm nts, includinG barber an':;' teautl shops, clinics. 4. Offices, includiu,; medic81, dental, legal, scientific, engineerir; fine arts a;;d literary effices but not inclu.lin:>. f'cl'tur:.e tellers or -15- psychics. 5. 'l'rade service establishments, includin::: cleanilJc; and dyein,q:, hand laur;dries, shops for the sale m-cd repair 01' batteries, radios, bi- cycles, guns, shoes, trees, typewriters, watcnes and jewelry and other mechanisms, sho ps for interiOl-'lecorators, pa in tel's, pa pel' hangers and plumber",; addressing and Llailing; advertising a1..d dis- tri buting, mul tigraphiLg, printiLg and. ~:hotography; la bora torie s; automobile filling and parking sta tiors; automobile sales rooms. 6. Vocational schools, including trade, secretarial, art, professiollal, music, d31wing and dramatic schools. 7. Commercial amuserrlents; including tileatres, ball rooms, commercial gallies and sports. 8. ftetail stores, hcluding department stores, drug stores, restau- rants and cafes but not including lumber yard~~, jUIlt\. dealers, auto wrecking, mechanic6.l garages, or any busir:ess wIlers thE: IYJaterials sold are not housed withi~l 8 building. g. J:'uneral nome s. B. Building ~ieight Limit. The maximum building heigllt shall be ,seventy-five (75) feet. C. Bu ild ing 3i te 10rea r-.eouireJ.. No minimum requirernen ts, except that in no case sha 11 a si.agle, two fam ily or multiple family dwelling be =rected OIl a si te whiclL IJrovides an area le ss per family than is re,.,;uired urLder the minimum area provisiOI;s stipulated for 1.-1 and R-2 D istri cts. J. Front Yard Recuired. l~O front yard reQuired except for dwellin);s, 3.nd. in such cases, the TJrovi- sions pertinent tc the class of dwelliIlf! erected shall govern. E. Side Yard Reouired. - ]:,0 sid.e Y-J.rd for cornwercial builclin'-;,'" In case of (lwellings t:18 provisions pertinent to the class of dwellins:>: erected shall ,;:;overn. 1:'. F:ear Yard r.equirements. There shall be a reoI' yard not less than tv,enty (20) feet in depth. -16- SECTIO.!:'T 13. C-2 COMI\:liliCIAL - IR:JUS'lHI,L DIST'rlICT. <~';- . Use s Permi tted. 1. 1iny use permitted in the C-l uistrict. 2. 1\ny business or establishment of a general retail, wholesale or service type. 3. light manufacturing or industrial plant. 4. Lumber and storage y-a.rds. 5. Industries not detrimental to the hehl th and welf3re of' the cou:.- munity by the emission of odors, dust, smo~e or fumes. 6. Canneries for citrus 3.ld vegetfll11es. B. Build ing ~ieight l.imi t. '1'he maximum building height shall be fifty (50; feet. C. There shall be no minimum area, front, side and rear yard requirements except as they pertain specifically to dwellin~'s, in which crise the provisions for the pg.rticular type of dwelling shall govern. j\mple and ecleouC! te space she,ll be left around and About each industrial p18~jt or other development to ]:.e rmi t ready and easy 3ccess of fire fi3hting apparatus Ln ca,,;e 01' fire. D. Building Jite ~rea rieouired. No minimum requirements, except that in no case sf.i&11 E~ sL.gle, two fi'illlily or multiple family d wellin~; be erected on a site whLch provides an area lE;ss per family than is required under the mnL-nurn area provisioLs stipulsted 1'1)1' ,::;'-1 and }\-2 Jistricts. SEc'rrO.N 14. l,DDI'IICI>J\L EEIGTl' -"L:D L;E;Ji RGGUIil1'IO~'iS. The following requirements or l'egulstions qualify or supplement as the case may Le, the district regulatioLs or rec,uirements apjJearir:f: else-;,):1ere in this ordinance; (a) rublic or se;ni-public buildi!l'~s, hospi t'3.1s , sanitoriums, schools -':md churches or temples, where permitted in 3. :iistrict, BIIElY be erected to a height not exceeding seventy-five feet (75') when the front, rear and siJ.e yards are in- creased. an addi tioJ181 foot for each foot such buildinl.'s exceed the height limit otherwise provided in the district in iYhicl1 the buildiGf is built. (b) '3ingle Family s.nd two farrily dwe1linc:s in the dwellint'; clistricts may be increased in height by not more thac. ten (10) feet wI,en two (2) side yard", of -17- not less tilan fifteen feet (15') each are provi:ie1. ~ch dwellin~s, however, shall not exceed three (3) stories in height. (c) Chirnneys, water tanks or tovvers, penthouses, scenery lofts, elevator buL-cheads, stacks, ornamer,tal towers or spired, wirGless or broadcasting towers, monumel~ts, cupolas, domes, t8.1se mansc3rds, p~lr'.::pet iV6JJS, sirr:ihil' structur~s end necessary mechanical apiJurtenanC0JS may be erecte} to a height in ~iccor:Jan,:e wi th existir'cc' or here~Jfter adopte~ Ol'Jinullces 01' t~lS (;i ty at Sanford. (1) iln t~ccessory build ill::: may occupy not more thc:n thirty per ce:.t (30.,;)01' a re'Juired rear yard, provide:'], no \veve1', ire the ease of reversed f'ronta,~e no '1 c- cessory blJiHi1l9~ shaH be erectec. closer thn,~ five (5) feet to the line of the a bu t ting lot to t !e re(1.1'. (e) In the case of group hcn,ses or court ,clpal'tments, Luildin7s may .;,'ear uJ.;on tl18 required side Jlri. provi:led: (1) for group hoc;ses the required sile Y&1'l shull be inCj80.Se'l by one (1) foot :f'CJr 8c1cn buildin~: abt.ttir,": trlcreon; (2) for alJartr'ielJt houses the reouired sieie y;,r1 s::a11 be increased by one foot (1') for eac~ stairway opening onto or served by such side ynrd; (3) the wilt:l of' t'18,)lace or court shall not be leE,S tt18' three (3) times the width of the si1e y~rd as requir~d in this ~rovision, provided t:JEtt ops;c unenclosed pOI'C:les "lay project irto a reauired place or court not urore ttlbli tvV8nty per cent (20%) of t~lEo vvid th of such place or court; (4) where B rOBd.ay is provided i~ the pl&ce or court the 0ilth allowed for such road','Ia',' shall b" in ',dclition to that required above; (5) all other reCiuirements i:rcllldi'ig front, side ald rear yards shall be complic~d wi th in Llccordanee wi th the district in wLich such group houses or c,:;urt <JJartments are located. (f) The side :r':lrd reQuirementb fer dwelliu!;s shall be waived where dwellings are ere c ted a bo ve store S OJ' ShO]J3. (g) III cornputint'~ tile depth of' a rear Y~ird, for 'il;y building where SUCH yard OJ.;811S OLtO ~Hl alley, one-hul~' of' such alley InU,! 'e assurr;eJ to be a portion of tae rear Y3:[,l. -18- (h) Every part 01' a required yard or court shall be open from its lowest point to the sky unobstructed, except tor the Cll.'dinary projection of sills, celt courses, cOI'Tlices, buttreoses, ornamental features and eaves; provided, however, tbat none of the above pro jections she:, 11:;1'0 jc c t into 1} minimu.. court more than six inche s (6") nor into a miLiraum side ye,rd more than twenty-f'our (24) irches. (i) .No cornices shell project over the street line more til':lL fi~\~e (5) per cent of' the width of SUC:l street, ard shall in no case project more than four (4) feet. (j) Open or ellclosed fire Fescapes, 1'i1'erroof outside stairways and balconies projectin!': into 3 minimun yard or court not more than t'r.1'8'J'3Jd one-half (3~) feet and the ordinary projections of chimneys ':incl flues f:1;1] be permi tted by the:cuilding Inspector wherE:, seme ere so plsce:i a s not to obstruct the lLcht ~l.:;,d ventilation. SECTIO~T 15. NmT-COU}Ol-G,rr~,G uSES. (2) The lawful Ut'2 of' 3. "building' exist [1 t tlls ti:ne of the pessage of this ordirnnce may be contiriue:i, aItho such use 1C'28 rot conform to tile provisions of this ordinance; and such Ud" riley be 6xterdecl thruOl;t tlC build , provi.led no structural alterations, except those reocired by law or ordinAnce, or ordered by an authorized. officer to '3 ssure tt18 safety of tlie tuildig, are rr:.",,,-de therein. 0 such use sha 11 be extended to occupy any land. outside such build ing. It such non- conforming building is removed or the non-conforming use of' such be ild i:1g is dis- continued for a continuous period of not les::; thar; one hundred eighty (180) deys, every future use of such prenises shull be iil cod'ormity with the provisions of this ord inanee. (b) The lawful use of ''If-md'' existill:", '3t ttlG tine OJ the passage of this ordinance,sltho such use does not cOl~form to the provisions of tiliE (JrJirl:3nee, msy be continued; provided, however, tlrat no such nOlJ-conformilW use shall be er,largei or increasei,,_ nor shall !iny nOIl-co~'formine: use be (~xteIl':'led to occupy a greater area of lan:i than that occupied by such use at the time of the passage of' this ordinance. If such non-conformiu:; use is discontinued for a continuous period of riot less than one hundred eighty (180) days, aw' future \';38 of s':lid land shall be in conformi ty.vith the provisions of' this ordinance. Provided, hO'.;ever, that where "land" wIdch is now use,:i for a u"e excluded from the District ill which such "land" is located ana. such use is not BE ,,2ccessory to the use oi a main build- '~i' -1<;)- ing located on the 8a::16 lot Ol"3l'Ounds such non-confermiL!; use of "land" sha] 1 be discontinued 'lId e.ll material completely removed by its owner not later than tLree (3) years from the date of the passage of this ordinance. (c) If no structural alterations are msde, a non-co.n:f'ormins use may l~e ch9ngsd to '1 use of the same or hip;her classificatioL according to the provisions of this ordinance. ,Ihen a district shall herea:f'ter 1::e changed, any then existing non-confomiag use in such changed district may!)e co;,ti nued or chs'lged to a use of a similar or higher classification; provided all other regvlations governin,''S the new use are complied with. ,;henever a non-co: f'orminr uc:e of a buildinG ha s been discolltinued or cllanged to 3. higher classific'3.tion or to 3. conforminG 0~se, such use shall not thereafter be changed to a non-cod'orming Ui38 of a lower cla ssif ica tion. (d.) .othiw" in this ordinance shall be t3.tl:en to prevent the restoration of a buildinQ; destroyed tr thE: extent of not mars thel, seventy-five (75) per cent of its assessed value by fire, explosion or other caslslty, or Gct of:"od, or the public enemy, nor the con tin1.led occupancy or use of such building or part thereof which existed 8 t the time of such partLl.l destruction. (e) .'ill buildings and b.nds, the use 01' w ich is non-conformini"'; at the ti:;ne of the paSSR{'e of' this ordinance shall, to preveEt congestio~l, facilitate fir'e protection, promote 3.:nd protect the health of' the inhabitants, be co~averted into conformi n.': uses within teIo/ears frOI'l the df1 te of tile 8pproval of thi s ordinance by the I./layor-Commission. SECTION 16. BOA?8 OJ' ADJl Sliv:=:.".i:. 1:1 Board of ildjustment is hereby established. The word "Bo'3Td when used in this ordinance shall be construed to mean tne Loard of' hdjustment. 'Lhe :Soard shall consist of' five (5) memt,ers appointed by the Ci ty Commission. 'The organization and procedure of' tne t'oaI'd, its meetings, method of handling <.ljJ- peals, and other related matters, shell te in co.,f'ormity with tne proVisions 01' Section <2 of Chapter 15,939 (Iw. 544) laws of' J! loridr:, 193<2. Vvhen there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letters of this ordin3.nce, appeaJs to tile [Oal'.]. may be taken by any person ag~a'ieved or b.' any dephrtriient OJ the governiJl~: bod:; of the C1 t:r of Sanford, affected by any decision of the ~1dministrR ti ve official. -20- The Board shall have the following duti s and powers: (1) to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in ':lUy order, requirement, decision or determination made by the administra- tive official in the enforcement 0:1' tllis or-'linance; (2) to authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variance from the terms of this ordin8nce as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, 8 literal enforcement of the pro- visions of the on:linunce wi 11 rosul t in unnecessary hardslip, and. so that the s ;1iri t 01 the ordinance shall be observed and substnntial justice done. In exercising the above mentiOi,ed powers, the Bosrd by the concurriw" vote of four members may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may mod. ify the order, reouirement, decisio:::1 or determination appeflled from and may ma(e sucb order, re- quirerr,ent, decision or determillation as ougiJt to be made, fl'lcl to tlLt end shall have all the powers 01' the official from whom the appeal is tai<;erL. In considering all proposed variations to tni2 ordinance t:le Loard shall, before making any f'i.rrdin,; in n specific l:ase, first cietermine that tne proposed variation will not constitute a:y chanl';e in the Distric:"s shown on the L.oning Map and will not impair an adeouate supply of light and air tu ad.;acent IJroperty, or materially increa::Je the C01l2'jestior. in public streets, or incree,"e the punlic danger of fire and safety, or ,naterially dirninisrl or impair established pro- perty values wi thin tne surroundin: aree, or in '3.ny 0 thE;;r resl;ect im':)['lir the :mblic health, safety, morals r-mcl t;er;era}.velfal'e of' the City of 3anford. finy ,osrsoIi or persons, joilitly or severally, a:-.:grieved by any decision of the Boarcl, or3uy t3xlxlyer, or any 01'1'1 cer, or departmc'nt c.1' the governir, bod.! of the Ci ty of JanfoI'd, may LJrese' t to (1 court of r8cord a peti tior~, duly verified, setting forth th", t sucn lecisio,. if. ill egal, ill .vhole or irj IJart, specU'yiYiZ the ground.s of the illegality. Such peti tion shall te i'resente::l to tne court /Vi t')in thirty (30) days c.ifteJ the filiw' nP the necic,io' in the of+'ice of the Boe.rd, otherwise the :lecision of the I':0'il'1 will be final. SIGCf~lIJN- 16. C~RTII]'IGi:~rrl_~ \~:J:' CCGCI.I\r\C~{. ,0 vaca:"t lani; saall be occupi85 or usel, except for egricultul"cil, gvove, p'lsturage or aV1i.ation purpo::08s, '~.rr:i 110 buildi lie1'83fter erected or structurally ~;' -21- altered sh311 be occupiei or used until a certificate 01' occupAncy shull :lLve been issued by the Building Inspector. CEHTn'IC;:'I~~ Of UCCC?i,'CV 1"0::: }, PUnDI'_.. Gertificntes of C)ccupancy for 3. new builiing, or for the 31teration of an existing building, sIwll be applied for coincident with the application for 8 buildinG perBit and said certificate shall be issued within three (~')) d~1Ys after the re,!uest for sume sh311 have been made in wri tileg to the i'uildin::,: ~nspector Cift21' t:18 erection or s.lter'ition of such buildiW:: or part thereof shall hElve been COllJplt,ted ia eOEforwi ty wi th tne provisions of tnese regJ11utio]8. :"8ujirL~: t~18 i~;Sl.lanC8 of a regular certificate 9. tew,orary certific3te of occupancy may be ii3sued by the~:uildint: Inspector for a period of' not excee,iin" six (,:,) months, durLi" tne ccmfletion of 51 terations or during the partia 1 occupan\~y of ::.i buildillC: Ll'S its completioll. ~)uch tem- porBry certificate shall not he construed '3.s in any ',lay 81 terin t.le respective rights, duties or obligation~i 01' Lie oJl1lers or of thE' city relatil>; to the use or occupancy of the ]Jremis6s, or ':iny other ria tt::T covered by this ordinance, and such temporFlry certifi C':lte shall not be i 2.';w:,d exee ~)t under such restri ctions end provj,sioLs as will a.iequately insure the s'lfety of the occupants. CEH'l'IFICh'TE OF OCCL:?l\LGY FOd L,l,J). Certificate of occupa nc:! for tile u~e of vacant land, or the Char188 in the character of the use of 11'Hl'l, as herein pro- vided, shall be applioo for before ar.y such land shall be occupiec'l or used cll1d a Certificate of' Occmpancy shall be issued wi thin tnree (3) dacTs eSter the appli- cation llas been made~ provided such use is iL cod'orrlitYNith the provisior:s of these regulations. Certificate of Occupancy s11":\J1 state til.at tile buildings or proposed use of a building or lard cor:Jplies with all tile oc'ilding 8:11 health 1m,s and ord.inances and with the prOVisions of these r8gul3.tior:~-3. .1:, record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of' t'Je:-'uildin7 Inspector fllld COpiE s shall be fur- nished, on request, to any person havir;'j a proprietary or tenancy interE:;st in the building affected (no fee shall [,e charged for a Certificate of Occupancy). Ho psrr~i t for excavation for any building shall:e issued before application has been made for Certificate of Cccupancy. t\ Certificate of Uccupaney shall be require,'~ of all I\on-Cor<forming [ses. Application for sucb certificate ot' Occupancy shall be filed with the Building -22- .... Inspector within twelve (12) TIonth,,' from the effective dwte of tllis ordinance. S'ECTIO: 17. IJL!l TS. .:..aci. applicatio), for a builJin,:; permi t shall be accompanie i bJ a plat in duplicate, drawn to scale, showin,~ the actual dimensions of LIe lot to be built upon, the size, shape and 10catioL of" t:le build to be erected and such other information 3S may be necessary to provide tor the enforcen18::t of t,'1is ordinance. il record of such applic'-l timeS ::ud plat.s shall bel\6pt in tLe oIfice of t)le_ uilding Inspector. ,here a Pl'lic<:l t iO;1 is "lade to enlar0e an exi sting non-conformins use, the applicatio::J sila11 be accompanied by an affilu.vit giving the description of tlle premises owned at tne dae of the ~Bssage of' this ordinance. S.2;CTIOL 18. ILLr~?i:(i,,'l'AIION, ItHlCJ_, keD CO'fLI8r. In interpretiw..:; and apj:.lyilJg the provisioJls of this ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for tile promotiOlJ of the public heal th, safety, morals ar~d general evelfare of the cOIlli'TIuni ty. It is not intended by tnis ordinance to interfere with or abrogClte or annul any easements, covenarlts or other agreements between parties; provided, however, that WJlere t:.lis ordinAnce imposes n greater restric tion upon tlle use of' buildings or premises or upon the height of' buildings, or requires larger open spaces than are imposed or required by other ordine.nees, rules, regulations or by easements, covenants, or agreements, the provisions of :ohis ordinance S11311 control. 11', bccau~"e of error or omission in the L.oning :rvIap, any property in the:Jity of .';anf'ord is not ~3hown <"IS being in a i..oning Jis- trict, the classification of B1Ach property shall be E-l .'jingle Fmiily, unless chentC;ed by amendment to the L.onin~' Ordinance. SECtl'IO~ 19. Clli~1\1'J.-iS h,'CJ ANIl~rJD1/_;~i.:li\:T';). '1:'he Ci tyJomrnission may from time to time amend., supplement, change or re- peal tae regulations, restrictior:s or district boundc~ries set out in tIlis ordi- nance in the manner prescribed in Section 7 of Chapter 19,53'.: C:o. 5'~4), .Laws of' .HlorLi, 1939. SECTION 20, ENfORCE~/lENT, VIOLA'I'IONS Am .FEMLTIc.:S. (a) 'rhe Building Inspector is herebyC~esignated and 8uthorized. tu enforce this ordinance. (b) -bny person, f'irrrl or corpor'ltion who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resi:::;ts the enforcement of any of tile provisioEs -;:;~~)- of' this ordinance shalt be f'jnc'J ):ut less tc J:' ive )011'.:.1'3 ( .UO) nor rucre than :Fifty Jollfir3 (~5Q.U{j), or ELeall be; imprh;o' in tic l~itJ <ni.l, l.or not more thLr: t~lirty (30) d.ays, or both, in tlu::o :Hscretio;, of' tLe C;01...1't, Li1Cll (l(1:l tllCit vj. ola- tion is pernlitted. to exist suall COllstitu e n sep'il'nte oil.ense. SEGnor: 21. ViLIJI'.l.Y. Should. ~j;;y section, clauss or provislorc oJ thi S ordinclnce be declared by the court to be invnlii, the SElle sh'Jll not affect the validity of tL6 ordinance as a whol", or any part thel'eof,othel' than the pcH't so decL'red to be invalid. 1\ , , .J:.;.J... ard inances or pDrts o:f ordi:~n.nces iT: conflict herewith or inconsistent with trie provisions 01' ttlls ordinar,cE are ;18reby repealed. S--G CTI U.L\J 22. //l-lli; ; :; ,Ill' _,::; '.;. I'IL .. This ordinance Sl1911 te publislkd in 8. newspHper publis!h'>j in tLle CitJ of 8'1n1'o1'.1 one tir'le within terl (10) days after its pGSS')J~e 'md ~)pprov~il by the City Commi::..,sion and 8l1e11 be posts':: on the bulletin board in the lobby of thsci ty ',all for tsn (lJ) days and shell Lecome c.ffective 'j ~J.rOVi(lcd 'oJ law. Pi\,SS~) BY Tlli!; CI'I'Y COil,J:3:3I0 01' thc]ity of ,Sanford, .l:lorid~l, tLis 26th cl3 Y of December ...': . . 1 gLi,;.i. ~ "', ~~1 l1!1 ,( \ '( As the City Commission of tne City of S~nford, Ylorida. ATTEST: I, H. N. Bayer, City Clerk of the City of Banford, Florida, hereby certify that the foregoing Ord....nance No. 362 of the City of BEnford, Florida., as passed B.nd adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 26th day of December 26, 19411, was PUBLISHED in the Banford Herald, together with the Zoning Map, on the 2nd day of January, 1945, and further certify that a true and correct copy of the afore- said Ord:tnance No. 362 and Zoning Map wes POSTED on the bulletin hoard in the lobby of the Oity Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, for ten days, beginning on the 2nd day of January, 1945. L~~./" Oi ty g!~r~m'" the Ci ty of Sanfovd, Florida. , ID4t &unfnrb latralb A n Independent Newspaper SANFORD. SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE __n_~~o"~:~~,,d:~::O-=~:Y~~:~ ----~____12z~~-------of the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- lished at Sanford, in Seminole Coun,ty, Florida; that ,the attached copy of advertisement, being a--.-----tt:J~~m---___m__m__m_________________m_______________in the matter of ---------------______________~---m----------- ____________________________________________________________________________ -----------------------____________________ _ __ ___ n____________ _ _____ .________ _____________________ _______.i n the___~_ ____ _ . _n _________ Ceurt, w"P:b~~oo~n,.id. n'w::~~~tb:~S:~~_ (;:!!~=~~~;._=~:~=~= Affiant further says ,that the said SANFORD HERALD is a newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole Coun ty, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the a.ttached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and sUbs~ore me this ~-.----n~=n>;:i~:iF _n_--D:<~n:~l~~ (SEAL)., -N~J~f4J(~..B.j LIO . ' / ~p.tl t/ l,:o , _f'. . C~'..r --______!~~__~~,:\Alil)/\!~,,_~E~,_,__J__c.:L~.Li.:/ ....1. ID4t ~-a;nfnrb latral~ A n Independent Newspaper SANFORD. SEUZlVOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before ~dersign.ed autho~:~IJ: appeared------------------------------m-------:o,;t ---------~/7-~~----------~-m-------~~------------------- who on oath says tha,t1 if is ----~.__L~!:':~1~'~_~-------------- of the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- ~::ed a~~__~~inole Coun.ty, Florida; that ,the attached copy o~ advertisement, _ .g__=~<fL;==~~.::::::-;_==;======n==,,,the-:a::o~ :~~~--~-~~~~-~~:~--~:--~:;~--:~-:~p~~:~-~:--,~~~ - i~~-~-~:- -~~-~1?~~~=:;~_t~~:-:--_.-_-"_-_~~--_-~__~n~:_-_~:,~~~~~~ ~ ~--- ------~ -------- - - --- -- -- -- ------------------ -------- -- ---- ------. - Affiant further says ,that the said SANFORD HERALD is a newspaper published at Sanfard, in said Seminole County, Flarida, and that the said newspaper has heretafore been continuously published in said Seminole Coun ty, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, far a period af one year next preceding the first publication of the a.ttached copy of advertisement; and ~ant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm ar corparation any dIscount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to' and subscribed bef?J me this ---m-------------------.:t;Z~:"!:;-~I-_-----day af ----------~~y~~t~A. D.,.19___~;~~ vi/"/'/ -'-<'" j ~ :-./ ___n__n___~:!~--l':Z~-"--~_~__~i2.,.~.:..-~,:.,' i_ ~.~ ~""'-....... (SEAl.) N C' T )\e;'i--;;fi~}B~~-- ~: i.e' i.:';ornq:-;; f~ s in rt f::< G i res ,-,~/" 1. i." \ -j '0' A . . ,.,-. \ ~ . ; -. "! \'~ , i ;\,' /' i 1, \ ,_ : -I' " ---- --,-l;..;c,c--:-\..L->L-V.-_,,__...__----r-c:L-~~,c__&." I i I- f 'f l I I I '1 I. - "l ~ ------ .....,--- I III !Hilllffa : ~IouaLI ..:....,:'j..;; AcnH' .. ~ "!.~:'PIIIf ~ III...,. ,. i ~~ IdoIIfJ IDqt ~unfnrb Etrulb A n Independent N ewspoper SANFORD, SEMINoLE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before the urd~ed autho!ity personally appeared________________________________._____~ .____...___..___.___._.....;;:;!~---~-.who on oath ,"y' th" ~;' __~_.___~__of the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper ub- lished at ~ord, in Seminole County, Florida; that ,the attached copy of advertisement, being a.____~------.-------------__------------------.-------------------------_______________In the matter of ,::~i~~i:;h,~::~:li2i:;~-;~-~~~~c:=" Affiant further says ,that the said SANFORD HERALD is a newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole Coun ty, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the a.ttached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commi~.sion or refund for the purpose of securing this adveItisement for publication in the said newspaper. ----f'<<,~AA~J,-----c----------------L-;'------- NOTIC. E U..,' PUB. 'LIC REARING I' ON PROPOSED :;r.ONTNG CHi. DINANCE FOR'I'HE CITY OF I SAN FORD. FJ,ORIDA. . . i Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held "t the ,office of the City Commission in '. the City Hall in the City of. San- lord, Floriaa, at 8:00 P. M. on the 14th day of December, 1944, {to consider a proposed zon!ng" ordi- nance for the City of Sanford, Florida, and the regulations, re- strictions and. boundaries therein 'I contained. All parties in interest. and citizens shall have an oppor- I tunity to be heard at said meeting. ! By order of the City' Commis- I'sion of the City of Sanford, Flor- ida, this 27th da.y of November, ] 944. I (SEAL) H. N. SAYER, I' As. City Clerk oJ the City of I Sanford, Florida.