HomeMy WebLinkAbout361 SIDNEY M, SWOPE, MANAGER TELEPHON'E 2-0744 - t)~ 7'U/Ue4tt ~,ji ORANGE AVENUE AND WEBER AVENUE 'I" ORLANDO, FLORIDA Nov. 27, 1944 City Clerk Sanford Florida // Dear Sir: This company has applied to Florida Bank at Orlando for a loan and the same has been granted and will be evidenced by our note to the bank dated December 1st, 1944. Among other collateral, the bank'has required that we assign to it as collateral security, the Franchise originally granted to Sanford Equipment Company, by Ordinance No. 327, adopted by the City Commission on October 26, 1942, r' as amended and assigned to our'Company under authorization contained in Ordinance No. 346, adopted January 10,1944. Under Section 21 of the first mentioned Ordinance, it is required that notice be given to the City Clerk of our intention to assign the Franchise at least sixty days prior to so assigning,' and it is further provided that the City Commission shall, by ordinance, give approval to such assign- men t. Florida Bank at Orlando is forwarding to you a copy of the assignment which we have executed under date of November 25th, and is sending you a'proposed form of resolu- tion for adoption by the Commission. We herewith give notice of our intention to assign said Franchise for the purpose aforesaid, and request your im- aediate adoption of the necessary resolution granting approval to such assignment. Very truly yours, "./ ORLANDO TRA1~SIT COMPANY / By~~ , LI ~-~__ ~"__291, .' c C~( SI',lII' (1 F T r~_',~: ~~ 'if!"'" ':;c''''; , or T) C,T\; _ ':::;'11:' SHY OF ,,~:~j~,=}~ (';'F' (T'f.:iC: f'i;'":,' r'i' r"CPI) !I r:1 ,'~' ~, c'i'-;;i" - 'r-~ f.~EIJ,rrr j~D """""'."" , . , 'DO, ^-i~~ 1 C r:J,T) 1,)[,( .....-.1- j C ~':I~_T ,Al._ ?I~i\:' I f!-- ~.~L :..'.L 1",,1 ~\: 'E/}U I j.;-: ;...J llTl CF A ? ;~i.:"~ J J: (. CE.l' ()1':- '~1 :2.~: .~ SPCTfr~\.T ~"C~\I SYST-~:;~:,;I I ~'T DR TEE S'JD CITY I.~{ C I ~:\I.t:,:'C E ~,-; (). , 7 j~S S ~~~2", .t<ND ,ADO.FT '~~r:, C.':: rI'll!:,' ..' ",.t~ , ';.) ,'\:- (:1:.:" OC1'CB"':~R" 1. :~ :!' F:\/-~: '1' ~':~.r r'::l" ~. '- ; :<:c--,' "c. P 1\..3 SED .t..:;:Ij II ~~_I ::"~. ~-;'t .1 1 .{.'. t ';;~;?-7ICr~ FE./..,:'; n_~.~ ST:~I J'J:fr EY ;3 f:J.:;~"i - C.'T:' 7) :~ ~.~'/\G ;',;:)~~=_""mI:.:D ~ C L.- L-~";) C T T~ ,-_}J S 'I;' ;TVI",iTi:T-:rr -,'. -.' ....,....'... !\', "T,:'Y .... ., -. T"'C:'-, \.r:'I'r', :33J01\_1 tT Y'- ? ~1~ \T~P~~(J'\,''''' ~\J:) ~,~. ;,'f ":."::,~,1m rTl ~:;'Z .;-~'F ');' ':.'T::~::; CITY C';' SANFOR,D ,.. l _ :~D f:Y . ,_. 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L c., ~ J,. .<) '.0.- ,.~ .,/ ,,'~t~/"~," ~~'f.~~'1,,</:_j;2,~~,~ . , ... >-,... -{. . ,,/;.~ A~ ~y ~:~ '~'."<T':: ~",~, .f .; r .>' "i'~":~~.<':~ .,-/ /, ~ o-7Jr.t,:', ,,_ . ~I'"~!~ 7;~?''''-~-'---:;:- L.___ ~s;:: ",__\j-'___~;" ,,,7 ''y - ATTEST:" ~ -.-? / ~:: "-f;:I~..../' ~}lrk __""~"'._ ,__._..__,_.'~_...---"~ ..___""_Y'__~ _.n___. _,_______ i. \.-. i~ :-. ~'4., '1J C \"""'".t"~.~ '''"; -: ~;'l~: ~) (. ~'f. E' ('I... P ,. ',,~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the Oity of S~nfOrd, Florida, hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 361, pas ed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 29th day of November, 1944, was POSTED at the fr~nt door of the Oity Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on this the 29th day of November, 1944. ..<~ ""'. : ''''~. .__......., ,'" A:"- ~~~i~:~~f~!d~~ty