HomeMy WebLinkAbout359 ORDINANCE NO. 359 AN ORDI:tmNCE OF TEE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AHEIIDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINAl,iCE NO. 312, PASSED AlID ADOPTED ON TKID 12th DAY OF MAY, 1941, AND ENTITLED "AN ORDINAl;Q]) LIMITING TEE NtJl.iffiER OF PBRMITS AND LICENSES THAT Vl.AY' BE GRANT}jJ) TC VENDORS OF THE BEVERAGES, EXCEPT WINES AND BEERS, DESCRIBED nr ORDn~AlrCE NO. 256, PASSED AIID ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, Ol\f THE 28th DAY OF JUltE, 1937, AND PID~SCRIBING A MINIM'tJ}l DISTANCE WHICH THE PLACES OF BUSI~'"ESS OF SUCH VElIDOR SHALL BE FROM EACH OTIDJR, BUT EXCEPTING FROM T"iiE OPEBATIOl'l' OF THIS ORDINANCE HOTELS HAVInG TiVENTY-FIVE (25) OR MOIDl ROOMS, AND PERMITS AND LICENSES HEJ:'..ETOFORE GRANTED." BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE 0]' THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That Section lof Ordinance No. 312 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed. and adopted on the 12th day of May, 1941, and entitled "AU ORDINALCE LIMITING THE NUMBER OF PlCBMITS MID LICEUSES THAT MAY BE GRANT:E:D TO VENDORS OF THE BEVERAGES, EXCEPT i'iUTES AND BEERS, DESCRIBED IN ORDHIA.,CE NO. 256, PASSED AND ADOPT]ID BY THE CITY COJl!.IISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFOPJ), FLORIDA, ON THE 28 th lAY OF J1J.NE, 1937, AND PRESCRIB IHG A MINIMUM DISTANCE 'VlRICH THE PLACES OF BUSINESS OF SUCH VENDOR SHALL BE FROM EACH OTHER~ BUT EXCEPTING FROM THE OPERATION OF THIS ORDINANCE HOTELS HAVING Tl'i'ENTY-FIVE (25) OR MORE ROOlvIS, AND PERMITS AND LICENSES HERETOFORE GRANTED." be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1 - Tha.t permits and licenses to vendors of intoxicating liquors, except wines and beer, shall not be granted in excess of one permit and license to each 1500 persons in the City of Sanford, Florida, according to the last census thereof, Stete or Federal, as the case ma..y be, nor to any vendor of such intoxica.ting liquors whose pla.ce of business would be located within 500 feet of an already established place of business of any other vendor of such intoxicating liquors, provided. however, that the location of all such places of business and permits granted on and prior to the date this ordinance becomes effective shall in no way be affected by this orct1nance and are hereby approved. md that any regularly established. hotel in the City of Sanford, Florida., having 25 or more rooms shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance, and. the same shall not apply thereto." Section 2 - That all ordinances or parts of .ordinances in con- flict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3 - That this ordinance shall become effective imme- dis.tely upon its passage ancl adoption. Passed and Adopted this (S) ~~ Q....", .--/ (,{ ~~)- <:.- ..' \' As the Ci'\;~, Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: ~/. Oi ty Oler~(/ ,/ /- t/ _ I, H. U. Sayer, City Cle'~~'k of the City of F)p.nforr F lorie< a, he:ceby cert:l..fy thet [; trl1e eDoy of thA forsu'o \ m/ Ordinance l~o. 359, pasRed and Foopted by the 01 tv CO~r:1i8pion of=' ... h '~~ t f S n F -" o~ I. e v_ y 0 DnI arc ,1ori(1 P., on the Ibth dr:y of October ~J4t, 1\88 POSTED at the front cloor oi' the C1 ty Hell in the ' ~ity of Sanford, Flori R, on this the 17th day of October, 1944. (