HomeMy WebLinkAbout358 ORDINANCE NO. 35g AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN OHDINANGE DE'I'ERMINING 'THE AL:OU~:rl' AND FIXING THE llArrE OF TAXATION AND /",,,,," )'. MAKING 'illE ANLUAL rJ'AX LEVY OF II'HE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOHIDA, E'OR THE YEAR 1944. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 10 That the amount determined necessary to be rais~d by taxation in the City of Senford, Flori~a, for the year 191~lt, for the ordinary purposes of the Municipal! ty and the Department of Debt Service is the sum of $144,000000. Section 2. That the mill~lge for the yeer 1944 to be assessed upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all of the taxable property, except Homesteads to the assessed value of $5,000.00 or less, wi thin the corpora te limits of the Ci ty of Sanforcl, Florida, i8 hereby fixed at 30.0000 mills, to be alloce.ted as follows: Departmen t of Genera.l Governrnen t Department of Debt Service 15.0000 mills 15.0000 mills Section 3. That the millage for the year 1944 to be assessed upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all Homesteacls to the assessed value of $5,000.00 or less within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby fixed at 15.0000 mills, to be allocated as follows: Department of Debt Sertrlce 15.0000 mills Section It. That there shall be and is hereby le,ried for the year 1944 upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property, except Homesteads to the assessed value of ~5,000.00 or less, wlthin the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Flori('1a, a tax art' 15.0000 mills for the purpose of real- izlng a sum sufficient to meet and defray the necessary ordinary running and operating expenses of the ~,; .. ,. - ,tL."'I:t).,z,..~~[;"'''N_,.;","''''-~_. City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1944, and ending September 30, 1945. , Section 5. That there shall be and is hereby levied for the year 1944 upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the' corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, a tax of 14.7279 mille for the purpose of realizing a sum sufficient to pa,y interest coupons ma,turing March 1, 1945, and September 1, 191~5, on Refunding Bonds Series A, of the City of Sanford, Florida, dated March 1, 1937, and maturing September 1, 1977, and to create a Sinking Fund for the purchase or acquiring of bonds of sa.id Series A, and a tax of .2721 mille for the purpose of realizing a sum to apply toward the payment of interest coupons maturing March 1, 1945, and September 1, 1945, on Refunding Bonds Series C, D & E, of the 01ty of Sanford, Florida, dated March 1, 1941, and maturing September 1, 1977. Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 7. 'rhat this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 25t.!J."'Y of September, 1944. .:.:f.. f'/ /~/4E;?- i /Mapr c;/ t7 //!l/.l: ~~A . / /' / 'Y7~~ /',,/ "j f' ~ ~. A.I~k~:= of the ATTEST: Ci ty of Sanford, Florida. I, H. N. Seyer, 01 ty Clerk of the 01 ty of Sanford, Florida, h b t~f th t t. f th f i Or0.,~ncqnce No. 3~~ ,ere y cer _ y 8 8. ,rue copy 0 ,e _ orego. ng --- ~ :.JO, pa R sed and adopted by the Ci ty Commission of the Ci ty 0 f Sanford, Florida, on the 25th day of September, 1944, WAR POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 26th day o f Sept- ember, ]c.l1{.Il..