HomeMy WebLinkAbout356 ~....: vJ uRD nLiJ~CE NO. 356 AN ORDIN.A:NCE OF 1.':12 CITY OF S;J.'~FORD, FLO:~nDA, RE,~UIRIN,J. EVERY p:2RSON, FEl. OH CORPORATION BEFORE OBI'LINING- ,i.:" PERMIT OR 1IC21~SE '.1.'0 3KJ.AGE IN TBZ CITY OF S~~F?JPJ)) FLOIUD.f~, IN THE BUSn:ESS OF TllAHSPOHTLJG l;.AS,_,EN':J-ERS FOR COL.I'El~S...:"TION, COlvlvIONLY lillO";n:T ;,5 T~:'E "TllI - C~\.B BGSn:ESS" , TO FURNISH SECURITY ;,8 D.; THIS ORDIN;U\iCE 1: :::;OV2:DEl), TO INDElvltU:fY P;'.3SENG3RS ;3f0 TIE PUBLIC RECEIVI1\lG PERSONAL I E:JtJRIES BY ~'N ACT OJ.!' IGJ.LllEtICE IErHE OFii:iU:r ION OF ]u\fY MOTOR VEHICLE USED IN S~..I0 BUS r:;::.:::;-.,S A:'~l) iJ.ITPERS ON , FIBlvI on c ORP03ATION OTEEH TJ:L:';'~ nm O.Jl~EH OJ.!' SAID l.luTOR VEHICLE sO OPERATED :,:;'CR D.i!Jvi..iGEG TO PROPERlY BY iJ'IT ACT OF lTJ.:GLIGENCE IN TF...2 OPERA.TION OF lLNY lLOTOR VEhICLE USED Il\ :3..;.ID BUSIJ:\~SS; .:..ND FROVIDING Fon TEE DISBURSE- I.:EN'I' OF ii,NY Cc'3i:i DEPosIts Lir..DE HEREUNDEP. FOR TIIS FURPOSE AFORESAIJ .AND iTORBIDDING THE IS:3UiJ~CE C]' A IZRi.:rr OR LIC:Sr~S:':: T I) ;.lIT PER,::) ON t "FIRl,: 0.1.1 C OFl:f'O Rii'T ION 'f 0 ElTGAGE IN A T.L~ _ CAB BusINESS UKI'lL Trill l-.aaVISIONS OF TIns ORDI- IGJ\i"CE .AJ.-{8 COli::PLr2G ,lITlE, MTO R2Q.UIRnm I'dE BEODKITY HEREIN I~E~UIR3D TO BE FUR:::IS3ED 1'0 BE SO 11JK::ISHED .:U~NUi,LLY B3- FORE ISSUIJ~CE OF A LIC.0L...JE :F'GR SliD 'flJG - CAB Busnmss. BE IT ENACT2D BY 'lEE PEOFLE u}!' .1.'::'3 CITY OF SAl::FOHD, FLO?IJ1\.: SECTION 1: That every pe~son, firm or corporation before obtainin:::; a rer:Llli t or license to engage in the business of transportin; passengers for compensation in motor vehicles or what is cor;ill1only known as the lTtaxi- cab business" in the City of Sanford., Florida, shall furnish ei tiler a surety company bond issued by a surety company authorized to do business in the State 1 Ij tj .. . fl.,.-,:.. '..' :j I ;1 ..~ t of Florida, or an insurance policy issued by an insurance com- pany authorized to do business in the State of Florida, said bond or insurance policy to be approved by the City Commission of said City and conditioned to indemnify passengers or the public receiving personal injury by any act of negligence and any person, firm or corporation other thar!. the owner of said business, for damages to property by any act of negligence, in the operation of any motor vehicle employed in such business, the aillOunt of liability to be covered by such bond or insurance policy to be as follows: (Each Person , Five Thousand Dollars C~5000. 00) Bodily Injury Liability (and subj ect to that llmi t for each person (Each Accident, Ten 'rhousand Dollars($lO,OOO.OO) Property Damage Liability (Each .Accident,Five Thousand Dollars (~5000.00) In lieu of said surety bond or said insurance policy, such person, firffi or corporation before obtaining a permit or license for said business may deposit with the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, the SOOl of $1000.00 in cash for one motor vehicle to be used in said business and ~500.00 for eac~ additional motor vehicle to be so used. SECTION 2: That if the cash deposit or deposits pro- vided for in Section 1 hereof have been made in lieu of the bond or insurance policy, any passenger or any other person receiving personal injuries by any act of negligence in the operation of any motor vehicle employed in said business and any person other than the owner of such business or motor vehicle sustaining damages to property by any act of negligence in the operation of any motor vehicle employed in such business may have any judgment against the person, firm or corporation operating such business satisfied out of such cash deposit or deposits to the extent that such cash deposit will reach in satisfaction thereof and the City shall be authorized to disburse said deposit fOr such purpose or may disburse the sallie upon agreement between the party sustain- ing injuries to person or property and the owner of such business. , SECTION 3: If at any time the liability under any bond or insurance poliey furnished hereunder is exhausted or the cash deposited hereunder is Wholly disbursed or reduced below the aforesaid minimum amounts, the person, firm or corporation engaged in such business shall within thirty (30) days thereafter furnish a new bond or insurance policy or make a deposit of suf- ficient cash to amount to the aforesaid sums required to be deposited, if cash is deposited in lieu of bond or insurance policy~ and upon failure so to do) license shall be revoked. SECTION 4: That no bond or insurance policy furnished as required by this Ordinance shall be canceled by the company issuing the same except upon thirty (30) days' notice to the City Commission and upon such notice being given by the company issuing said bond or insurance policy, the permit or license of the person, firm or corporation engaged in said business shall be revoked , unless a new bond or insurance policy shall be filed and approved by the 01ty Corrunission before the time for the can- cellation of said bond or insurance policy arrives. If the cash that may be deposited hereunder is withdrawn at any time, the permit or license for said business shall be revoked. SECTION 5: That no permit or license to engage in said business cOIDlllonly known as the tttax1-cab businesstt shall be issued until the requirements of tl!is Ordinance as to furnish- in; a bond or insurance policy as hereinbefore required or deposit of cash in lieu thereof as hereinbefore provided have been com- plied with, Provided, However, that any applicant for a license to engage in said taxi-cab bu~ness for the license year of 1944- 1945 shall have thirty (30) days after this Ordinance becomes effective to furnish said bond or insurance policy or n~ke the cash deposit mentioned in Section 1 hereof. SECTION 6: That the security hereinbefore required to be furnished by persons, firms or corporations engaging in the taxi-cab business in the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be furnished annually before issuance of a license for said taxi- cab business provided that the cash hereinbefore authorized to be deposited may remain on deposit from year to year, subject to the requirement made in Section 3 hereof for its re.plenishm8nt upon disbursement. SECTION 7: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewi th be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 8: That this Ordina~ce shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. FASSED and .ADOPTED this 25th day of September 1944. i:..TTEST : y /<" ~/:~~!~~-'Y~' .~(A<<7/;~.IYA (/ (" I " ' " ~. '/ '. . ! .>J/' . C./ ~ re'- /I!'-'-''/~iL-'~ - /, i0'1P~ .~~- ~~~ As the City Con~ission of the City of Sanford,Florida