HomeMy WebLinkAbout500-FP&LW ~r~- Request No. 1616539 Sec.9, Twp 20 S, Rge 31 E Parcel I.D. O~,-20- (Maintained by County Appraiser) Form 3722 (Stocked) Rev. 7/94 EASEMENT ~ This Instrument Prepared By Name: C K Johnson Co. Name: Florida Power & Liaht Company Address: PO BOX2149 B[~ SANFORD. FLORIDA 32772 CL pg 1_ of_1. The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable conelderation, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company. its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an RE[ easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of overhead and underground electric utility faciliUes (including wires, poles, guys, cables, conduits and a~purtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct. improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as. the size of end remove such facilities or any of them within an easement 10 feet in width described as follows: IllllllllJ II Illll III J I J I JlJllIJ II J III J Iii Jl Yh,,,,~E MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT NOLE- COUNt Y 06044 PGS 1027-1029 ERK'S # 2005217772 OROED 18/16/8005 03:89:17 PM DOC TAX 0.70 )RDING FEES 87.00 ORDED BY G Harford SEC 09, TWP 20S, RGE 31E, BEGIN AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 53 OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, P.B.1, PAGES 75 & 76, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FL., RUN N.00°I 1'11"E., 45 FT. TO THE EASEMENT POINT OF BEGINNING. RUN S.89°34'42"W., 955 FT.; RUN N.00°l 1 '11"E., 270 FT.; RUN N.89°36'30"E., 30 FT.; RUN S.00°11 '11 "W., 10 FT.; RUN S.89°34'42"W., 20 FT.; RUN S.00°11 '11"W., 250 FT.; RUN N.89°36'30"E., 945 FT.; RUN S.00°11'11 "W., 10 FT. TO THE EASEMENT POINT OF BEGINNING. Together with the right to permit any other person, firm or corporation to attach wires to any faciliUes hereunder and lay cab e and conduit within the ,easement and t? operate the same for communicaUons purposes; the right of ingress aqd egress to said premises at ~1 Ureas; the dgh o c ear the lana and keep it cleared of al) trees, undergrowth and other obstructions within the easement area to trim and cut and keep tr tamed and cut ail deed. weak. leaning or dangerous trees or limbs outside of the easement area whch mgh n erfere with or fall upon the lines or systems of co.m,m.unications or power transmission or distribution; and further grants to the fu es extent he undersigned has the power o grant if at all. the rights nerelnabove gran ed on he land here ofore descr bed. over. along, under and across he roads, streets or h ghways adjoining or through said property, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on s, s.ed and d ,vered thep.enceof: /'~ -/' ~' - .~J,~ ~/ · ~ (J~orporate's name) (Witness' Signature) y: -- .j Print Name: (Witness) f c. '~ [ - (With e~'s~ Signature) C (Wi~s) Print Address: Print Addr,s: ~ (Corporate Seal) ~STATE ?F A~ND. CO. UN_TY OF ~. The foregoing ,,ns~um~nt wa.~. ackn. owledged before me this / ~"-day of tPresident~andCF'fyC'~f~,Secretary~of£/~L. Fo'~ '~)~:~¢c'~'1 ~---(-- ,aF/--~iAt¢¥~rpora~'on, on beha~f of said corporatio~, who are personally known to me or have produced as identification, and who did (did not) take an oath. (Type of Ident~ication) My Commission Expires: ot~q"~'~ P ublic. Sign~e Pdnt Name j ~k~F-~AiiN ;~--;k ¢~,AWFORD I I { ~ N0taty Public, State of Florida I ~ ) My comm. expires June 27, 2006 m NO 00129436 I Bonded thru Aoh,0, Agency. Inc 1~0~)~511:'~541