HomeMy WebLinkAbout448 '>- .~v ",. -f C<RDnLAl\~CE I~O. 448 Ar OHDINArc:..; Ofj' TEE CITY Ot' 3i.KFORD, FLO:UDA, Al:.sLDING C~DIlJAFCE ro. 362 OJ:!' 3AID CITY, PA33j,CD j..l:D JillCFT:ZD O:~ r;,,:,~.3 26th DAY OJj' D:~OEI :s:;m , 1944 ""'AID C~DT"'i' "',TI"':::' B':-TTTG ',~T C'T)DT,,~' ;'''''''''Y' y",rpr"B ./ ,;:i ,.t'l ...!....L......'1.1,jV....:J __,J..J 11.L. )..."\ ..l....,..d..l..~v.......:J ....:.J;.:.'\_.", - LI ....TiNG " 7Q1,-rTG PIT . rI""rrr r:-'--"C I"'IG"":,r 0'" .-, ,,~~-;-C'~~D .d''''"-:I~D' J:_.. "'-lD~::'H;;' :;;") .,,'~-,:;~:R.wRlvlTGJ.'..('~r"'.T'1\T u.cii'<..c ,il. , ~J1. .lL. __.:.1:' ' i: '.~2~1,~..L 1~)...ciJ. '.J.~ ~ .i.',.j ',J~l.... 1.lU...L\ TJ.:R:UTO:1Y II:- Dr '3T:nCT H-2, G~~r,'lun rr.=:RRITOR r- DI:3TRICT R-l, ..:~rD C::':;~{IJ:1..,ur T:~mnTORY Il: DIS- TRIOT R-l A TO DISTRICT 0-1 11: 3AID CITY. B=:; ITrACT:~D BY TIE P~OFL~ OJ' TI:-S CrL'Y O:B' S..:"Xtli'ORD, J'=C:1IDA: Section 1. That Ordinance TIo. 362 of the City of 3anf ord, i!'lorida, passed and ado~}ted cn the 2Gth day of Decerlber, 1944, and entitled "An ordinance establis:linc; a zonilv:: ~Jlan VJi thin the Gi ty of :Sanf ord, creating nine (9) distr icts, regu- lating and restrictinc the location and use of buildinGs, structures, land and water for trade, industry, residence or other ~.u.r~:)oses, tlie heiGht and size of structures, and size of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a map of said distr icts; defining terns used; providing for t:18 ad justnent, en- forcenent and amendment thereof; and prescribing Denalties for violation", be and tte saue is hereby anended as follows: (a) 'I1he property zoned in District R-2 (Eul tiple Fatilily District, bounded on the l:orth by 12th 3treet, East by Alley between Park and L~gnolia Avenues, South by 13th Streot, and West by Alley bet~een Park and Oak Avenues, is hereby transferred to 0-1 (Retail-Cof,1mercial) District. (b) The property zoned in District R-l (One Sin~le racily District), described as Lots 4, 5 & 6 of Block A; Lots , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 of Block 3; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ~ 6 of Bloqk c; and Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Block D of 3uena Vi~ta, located and abuttins on the 30utll side of Celery ..:~vanue between l-8110nville ~..vel1ue and the -~ast bClmdary line of t: e City, is l:erebv trars- ferred to 0-1 (Retail-Cor~lercial) District. (c) The property zoned in District R-l A (One 3ingle 3amily), described as Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Block 1, Highland Fark, located at southeast corner of 20th Street and French Avenue, is hereby transferred to 0-1 (Retail-Commercial) District. (d) The property zoned in District R-l A (One 3ingle jj1anily), described as Lots 156 and 157 of Sanford Eei::;hts Addi- tion, located.at northeast corner of 20th Street and lFrench Avenue is hereby transferred to C-l (Retail-Commercial) District. 3ecti on 2. That all ordinances or -!)arts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby re:gealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective imLediately upon its passage and adoption. I'.Ass=m Al:D ).DOF'T:::D tbis 2eth day of February 1949. ~~" ~ ~P/~), ~~ ~ No;') As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida .--.' A TrrJ;ST: '~~ 1)itY~-1er ...../ ? I, H. N. SHyer, c~ty Clerk of the c~ty of sanford, Flor!da, hereby cert!~y that a true and correct copy of the forego~ng ord~nance No. 442, PASSED and ADOPTED by the C!ty comm~s81on of the city of sanford, Flor~da, on the 2eth day of F'ebruary, 1949, wes POSTED at the front door of the C!ty Hall ~n the C!ty of Sanford, Flor~da, on th~8 the 4th day of March, 191~9. ~ .... I ' ." y -C!ty aI'r ....-) / .)' ;:: ,/