HomeMy WebLinkAbout446 I "'-.. '- '-, \.. c.:.J:l.~._.~::':'"-, L C. 446 ...k C,...L..)I~~..:il.8~ c./ T;_..~ GI:.2~ C.J' :3.-;~L/C~L0, .J"II C...i.II.J...~, l!~"l~.Jj (;- I~l 'Ll:~~~';'rJ." 1, ./C...,- .I..~:i. J:~~l~~3C'1 :1"C :~~~ClI(j~I. ~Y Cl~ it~ILL-}lL:~.Y ..~, L,' l.~~I";=C'L~LY ~:L~~'~~, D:2~.LT...,~iJn Cft D~3T'~-{CY ~~~.Y 1:~t(,I'~i~r:.L.Y ;:k' ..:~...,(;~l...~~'l, ~lrT'.L-=~r( ~ 1..) iJLIC ,/'f en hGV ..~TL, . i1'TEn; 'I:~..l.o 01 'l'x CJ .J.nl~" C::U, ..::1L CU D",;', { ....,'~ l:'.L{C"'lIDI:~G .... ~eJ~J...:-i~~.iY _/c~~ "':lI CLn 1. Ill. C,.}\ T~=E F'}{C' ilI;.:3ICl.~ li~I{~Cif. =~ I'll ~.~AC1l~D BY I.GG i.,~ C/ ~':~ CITY CF -.L....J".oL...I 3.nl~.J' el.m, .JTC~ILi\.: 3SCTICL 1. That 11(; 1:er3on or per.:;on3 shall either negligently or willfully an~ caliciously injure, Jef ace cr destroy '.ii thin the Oi ty o!' 3an:[' erd, i!11ori da, any property of another, ei tber real or personal, public or pri- vate. 3:;':';0 TI Or:, 2. That any percon convicted of violating the provisiorls of the fOl"S3oinG section shall be punished by a f i11e not exceecling ,w200. 00 or by imprisomJ8Il t ~lCt c,x- ceedillG llin~.ty days. .s~Cr:2I()l~ 3. That all ordinances or yarts of ordi- nances in ccn~lict l1erovl:ith be, m,d tl-;e saD:'.e are, hereby repealed. S-i:CTION 4. That this ordinance becom.e effective il.ll,18diately upon its passage and adoption. P.i'I.SJ~D lJ,D iillCPFED this 10th day of January 1949. / ATTE6'l'1 ..' / "" ~\ \/ .. " . C er \ ./ , ---- -- ~/ ~;; I Mayor ~ ~ ~&vJ I \j~.e {f!kuJh ':k~' ( . ~ . \ \ \ I, H. N. sayer, City Clerk of the city of sanford, Flor1da, hereby certifY that a true and correct oopy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 446, passed and adopted by the city commission of the city of sanford, Florida, on the 10th day of January, 1949, was POSTED at the front door of the c1ty Hall in the city of sanford, Fl~r!da, this 13th day of Jan- uary, 1949. AS of