HomeMy WebLinkAbout447 l.- ~ ;. , I 1~,11 9<1 )~ (0 I . , oJ;. {J1/ tfJ>9' ~_ th-Q .49'1 _.-...,""~ C:,:JI~.'.'JW:C 110. 447 1J~ OHDn;.~.NG3 02 TEE CITY 03' SA!7CRD, .?LOJIDA, GRAl~'l'nJG .TOJI:JEEY iL;D:~L';'.V AI.LEl\~, DOI::JG BU.3INE3S AS 3....;:~FORD 7it&;- /SIT Ln:;ES, T1:E AU~Lll10RITY, RIGHT, AND PHIVILEG:8 }OR A / ~'."'::J'- "D' , 0' ""~-!.-'" ,,_..~, '-)"1 mo 'nr'IT1AB~ IOU I'" I-.,-m.i',T'\- "'!'TD O...'..'R . .r .i2J~1.1.... ' '.c J.! 1. \.:::. i..:::...._,~ '.:.. .t.i:J.i. .L ,:;);1,..:.."1. 1; 1. -u..:, ~'i.:.; 'l~...;.,,I; _ . ATE A BUS T..q.AI'SPORTATION SYSTEM IN THE CIrry OF 3ANi!'ORD, , FLOaTJ:'. 3'OR TEE TRANSPORTATION i!'OR COL:?El::3ATIO?J e'i? PAS3.J;;:rGl:as .i:C'D FIXING THE ':::'2m!iS AITD COlJDITIOlJ3 O.E' SUCr: G~~i.X'T .rllTD PRESCRIBING AN Al~nu...4.L LICEI';3E (FAX TO 3E ?':~ID BY TH:8 GRAl:TEZ. BE IT EEACT:':'''D BY TYili PEOPLE OJ? TEE CITY OJ? 3AJ-rl!'ORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. TI~T Sidney Andrew Allen, doing business as Sanford Transit Lines, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, be and he is hereby given the riGht and franchise for a ::;Jeriod of five years from and after the date this ordinance goes into effect, to occupy and use the streets, alleys, and highways of the City of Sant:'ord, Florida, as herein- after provided for the operation of a bus transportation system for the transportation for compensation of passengers thereover, such grant, right, and franchise beinG subject to the terms, conditions, and restrictions here inafter stated and subject to all lavilful ordinances which the City of Sanford through its duly authorized authority may enact in the future in relation thereto. Section 2. TIL;T the rights, privileges, and franchise hereby granted are subject to any and all reasonable reculations that may be il~posed by the City authorities and the Grantee shall at all times abide by all reascnable regulations that may be imposed by the City Commission of said City or other proper authority of said City. Section 3. TI~T the City Con~ission of the City of Sanford shall have authority by proper ordinances from time to time to reculate the speed and class of equipment that shall be required in the operation of such motor bus transportation system. Section 4. TEAT tl1e operation of the motor bus transportation system hereby authorized shall be begun not less than 30 days after the date this ordinance becomes effective. Section 5. TI:AT regl.llar motor bus transportation service pursuant to the grant aforesaid, shall be established, operated and regularly maintained over and upon such routes and schedules ane, hours of service as [!iay be deSignated by the City Comm.ission of the City of Sanford until such time as the City Commission may by Ql""dinance establish I \ ") \ t a definite system of routes, schedules and hours of service, which may be done by said City COIg~ission at any time after not less than ten days' notice to the Grantee. TIL~T mlY established route may be changed, modified or abandoned by mutual COLsent of the City Commission and the Grantee, and additional established routes nay from time to time be :provided by like mutual con- sent, or arbitration as provided in Section 15 hereof. The Grantee may chance, n~oc1if y or abandon any established route, provided that a ',Jri t ten notice of his inte~tion so to do, such notice to contain description of such proposed ch~lge, modification or abandoluuent, shall be served by the Grantee on t11e City at least tVJenty-one days prior to the day on which such change, modification or abandonment i3 propC'sed to be made effective, and published in a nOl,lSpaper regularly lJul:lished and in general circulation in the Gity once a week for two consecutive Decks prior to said proposed et'~"'Gctive date, [lEd such action as tal:en by the Grantee shall be valid, pro:Jor 2':::d effect~ve, and the City shall be pre- sumed to have concurred therein, unl,=ss the Ci ty Commission shall, after receipt of such notice and prior to the da~e en which said proposed change \vould be effectj_ve, notify the Grarltee in ini ting that it disap:yroves of such prOljosed action. The Grccntee shall not be reQuir:::d to operate over an~T establi sted route un1\,;ss t.te ol:erations of the Grantee as a vl1101e in t;~_e City shall a..:'f:::rd, or stow a reasonable prcspect of af':ordinc a fair SEd reasonable rGturn on the cost of ;'":;)\lch operations. If the Ci ty and the Grantee cannot a~ree as to whether or not said operations Dill at t~at ~i2e or DitLin a reasonable )sriod of tiEe pI'cduce a fair ret~rn upon t~:e ::.n',,:e3tl~~c:~t J:H3ces;:;ary for t~je ol)eration t:jereof, t~:e sarie shall be 3ubcdttod to arbitratio~ BJ provided in 3ection 15 hereof, and the Board of .Arbi tration in r;:al:inc its findin.::;s and decision of t:::e question in dispu.te so submitted to t}le[;: for deterr:-:.ination s~]a1J consider: (1) 'I':-:e eff ect t:,at .~ :..~ch opc~ration h?3 er may hCclve upon the: 3afet:/ of t:~e tr8veJin2 1mblic and tLe citizens of '~:-8 locality affected, (2) iflle r ature and condl tion of the i::;treets of sll:::h route, (3) The ett'c:;c;t tLat such operation 1183 upon. tl18 rwed3 o:~ the travelinc -'-'ublic J.nd the 10eali ty 0.'" t1~,." ;-'lOty a'''+' "'c+ ",,-1 a.i-a' (.,) m"., In?';n:.tn' J. I -'- V ...., .J.. ..L t,:; u \......(.J.. , ..l. \ ':;;: ".. L: __~ ::::.. _ r::f ti,r::e tbat t.1~,e [:1"'8 :-:t a s s exercised its riChts and c~erated its business u~der this franchi3o, givinc ~ue Dei t to t:e )robability of a Latural loss to tte 3rantee \ froLl Li s 0J.)erati ons dl:rinc: t'~e iEit:Lal :"081.'S :::f thi s i'ranc >1.3e. 7.r.:.8 GIlQlltee r;j.2"' at allY "t:~L8 ovide for t~e truu3~ortation of Sp:;c:Lsl cllc1r~~,er -'l"'ties e)l' e:{CLlrsio11s ~)eti_)eer~ 2.[2'1," t,"7.,":O ToiTl'~~,S :1_11 t~ ;Ji t~l -\~.'1t!.~out 1)2~:.:1'--' "G(i:"li~co(l to ':0110':: ,SL"tCll \:;stablisl1ecl I'Cu..te ;:.J7 11CLltC~S. "'"": +. ~ .::I8C...,lon u. T=~.,,~l.T ~,~l~e (}ra].j.tee sY~all at tl~~8 1~e'-~i}2st 0:1 tJ'lf:; 8i t:r JOL:~'._i:~Gi011 -':1. ve tet ~)orar::l or ;Jt1..3 sOllv:Lce 011 Cll-i:.i ~lol1te dI3s5..~"i~oted b~r 33.j_Cl Git:,- CJOj'~ ^iSS~_011 .',,'it}~, Ci v~ 0~:.1 (:2 c1Gt(jrl~'iDi ~, \.,' et:LCl1 SllCll 30I'V:~_tJ{3 C8.11 bo . ~de G8=_f-8U.3t~iillin:; t~]at in CODe SL1Ch service rovos to b8 seJ_f- S'. st,3ir::.r1C C.Il 31..1C11 tc~; ~!OI'\~JJ.l~t rCJLlt.c, .1._' (:)l'l Cj18 or CI'(~; l)U.S3:J sl-L~;l} 1J(~ oI~:)r- ,::,~eJ nrJ. ;: ~;L, l'cutc ~=~;:.: lotl~~. '~,~;3 11L~_I:J.llrL~ (31"J.:J ~~ s , :1_! ~ 01 u. ~ i llC: ':1 '....~. =~-"=...' e ci Cl t 1011, C~11'2 l)0l..Cl t}~8}:0b~"', l.;....C;Ti...J~~.J ~_c,i.r~-\l~l~, t t t:'~e '=~rlJrltsc: s:~u]_l llot 1)8 re- ir,:~1 to T1Ul'cl3.u'sc }_~[:3~.} or sclclitlcJ:'2.':l C(_:_:",il:l~(:;n.t :LCI~ L~~;::O 0:1 r;l~ct "'esis- natud rcute, Ul113SS and until it ~:'. :J J iJ ell oven tL~).t bl'.S c;ervic;o tllereon i3 SC1~l-8L~,stail1irl:"'~ E~I1Ci, i...\.C"'T:~J~D .~1- ...:'_~ __J_\. ~~l<::t t~~5.s C~Ji,=;iorl 3~1~1.11 be ef--.l'Jct1.ve 01"11:.. _~011 t~~e te:CL'_ oil 1.":1.'''10 :.TGUI'S l:l'OlJ '~~.~~e \~'.ate t:..is cr(J.=~.,lT~J.:rlce b~cc!~s efrective. 3ection. 7. 7:~_:"T ti~e Gr,jlTtee s: (;,11 U3e l.~od.ern city-tT?G buses, ful1~7 eil)~)cd '.'ith Lode::.'n S6Cet~7 d:p~)liunces, sed of attract~ve iJ.es:.cn. ~';'ll Lotor OllS2S aU"c~torizGd Llr~del~ t' is c:'r:t::<t and cw-tLo:d.ty shall be ;~Cl)t ill L:ood f.lec;-~QnicQl ol'df..;r 8;'r} a si:fficient number 01: bus,:;s s::011 at all h t:~.l c~s ~)(} OJ ~~~ilo:7:.~~(1 to car11:;- C\.J_t t~-u :')Jl"'~J::"(~e b.~~.d. :3c:;i~~i;~_...le estnbJ_isflJ3d b~r tl~8 Git:i :JoI:J.:is;Jion. .....il11)t.~ss:;;3 oIiera,tecl b:.:'" t~~e C~r~(:l.l1tee s~.-~all be SL11)ject to in.[3:~<3ctiorl 0:1' r~~l)1'l1):381.l.t;'J_t.=r_V8S of ti_~c \Jit:/ 213 to L1.ecl18Jlical condition. .3oction 8. '='I::"..,T tLe Grc1ntee s U.~}('~7 unto t:Le City of ,33.nford, ..Tlo:_'i1la, un '2111lUCl lice:,::;e ta:: as follo']s: cl",.renty-f'iv8 (';:~5) D,=lLrc'S for eaCIl bt~,S OrH)1'l3.t8Cll'leI'ett~:,~J.or c1u.l"i1.1[: t~..~c::~ rer_sillJ.Gr 0:[' tJ.:e lic8n.se :'09.11 er~clinc Jepte;,iliar 30, lS~9, undJevonty-livo ()75) ~ollurs for each bus o]erated 1l81"8l1...1,-Ler ~"lcr GaCll lice1J.3l~ .~'-car tJ.li3I'oaf'ter, 3l"tCj~ licons~3 ~-'Ju.r be,~.:';iIl11in~~ Cctcbel"' 1st esch ~"eaI' 81"ld. el't/~.j_11C= ,:J8~..)terlber 30t.rl oZ tho foll()\}i11C~ ~,.'ear 3ection S:'. ']:'=._.'1.' t~i';::; i'ar,;;::.: to l)e c~,arced by t:le C~rantee shall oe lll1iforc, just and re:::lsollable, und sh811 be such tLr:;t ",.'ill ~irovide a fair and rea,sol1able ri::;tul'n on hi s inv8 stlJlen t. '.1..'110 a1::OLUl t of' such fares sLall be detel'Llined by tlIe C~ru}~tee, }Jl'cvidl::d t,e'8t in no case s~~aJ.l the GrsntOG c~arce a 'Teater fsre tt.an tell cents ~2r ~)assenJer for a si~cle rie).e on a continuous trip, in81G(Un~~ any ~~eces3ary traHsfers, bet'.'!een tYJO points -,J:L thin tlle Ci t? J..Jild ts withol). t first [;8 vine J::'eceived tJle appl' oval of t;:e C-i t,- '.111d -.-,', Vl" ded ~,' .l..~. ~ t ." ~ .;', .~ - /,-0 - aJ..."o,O IJj8 ';rran ee 1,J.ay I'educe tl:e fares for s:pocial occaSSions, charter parties, excursions, weelcly and cOGJllutation tickets or tokens, and for school chi1dl'en vlithout the necessity for consultation with the City. The City of Sanford hereby reserves t~e right to regulate from time to time the fares that may be charged by the Grantee for t:je transportation of passengel's. Bection 10. T::=.AT the Ci ty of Sanford shall permi t the estab1ish- ment of reasonable stop zones along the established routes of the grantee for tl~e purpose of enabling the grantee to tal;:e on and discharGe passengers with safety and dispatch; such zones to be on the riGht side of the course in which the buses of the Grantee are operated and adjacent to the streot intersection. Section 11. TEAT the grant'3e shall during the continuance of this franchise keep an office in the City of 3anford, Florida. Section 12. TF...AT the Grantee shall promptly make payments to the City for all damages done or caused to the streets and other property of the Ci ty caused by the operati on of the Grantee's vehicles, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Section 13. TI~T the grantee in his operations shall comply with all general ordinances of the City no':'7 in ef.L'ect or hereafter adopted for the regulation and control of motor vet..ic1e traffic. Section 14. T:tIA.T tr~e grantee shall at the time of the comraence- meLt of his operation hereunder furnish and file with the City Clerk of the City of 3an~'ord, a public liability insurance policy or policies in responsible insurance companies authorized to transact business in the State of Florida and to be approved by the Ci ty Commission of said City, upon each motor bus operated by the grantee, conditioned to indenmify the public for damages or injuries to persons or property or for the death of any person or persorJs resulting from or caused by the carelessness, neGligence or default of the Grantee, his servants, agents or efr~:ployees, wrlich IJolicies of insurance shall be in the fOllo".Jing priacipal sU.ms: (a) Property da;-;.age, $5,000.00 cinimum. (b) Personal injuries (one pel'son in e...l1Y sin:::le accident), \\ ~10, 000.00 minimu.m. \. '\\ t'. \' '~..".\ L" (c) Personal injuries (more than one person in any sinsle acc ident ), $25, COO. 00 minirlUL1. In the event any of the poliCies shall expire, the said Grantee shall secure other policies of like amount and provision and maintain the same at all times in the office of the City Clerk after ap:;:Jroval thereof by the Ci ty Comrnission. Section 15. TEAT in the event the City and the Grantee shall be unable to agree in respect to any matter arising hereunder, the subject of disagreement shall be referred to a Board of Arbitration to be selected in the following manner: The City shall select a person in no way connected with the government of t1.0 City and the Grantee shall select a person in no way connected with him, and these two shall select a third member in no vmy connected wi th the government of the City or with the Grantee, such three (3) members to compose the said Board of Arbitration. It is hereby expressly agreed that the findings of the said Board of Arbitration shall be final upon all issues of fact so submitted to the :Soard and that the expenses of said arbitration, including expenses of the Board, shall be certified by it to both parties and shall be ,;aid by the Grantee. 3uch expenses shall not include any allowance for fees for attorneys or experts for either yarty. Section 16. TK-i.T the authority and privileges granted hereunder shall at the option of the City be subject to forfeiture upon the failure or refusal of the Grantee to comply v'li th any of the terms hereof, provided that the City shall give to the grantee not less than thirty (30) days' notice of its intention to exercise its said option, such notice to specify the default complained of during which time the Grantee shall be allowed to correct such default, in which event no forfeiture may be declared. Section 17. TH...4T the Ci ty reserves the right and shall have the option to purchase all of the grantee's equipment and property used under or in connection with the franchi se or right herein and I:ereby granted, at a valuation of such property real and personal desired, which valuation shall be fixed by arl1i trat ion as provided by law. Section 18. TE.AT the Grantee shall hold the City harmless against any and all liability, loss, costs, dauage or expeDse which may accrue to the said City by reason of the neglect, default or misconduct of the Grantee in connection vvith its rights hereunder. ITotlhing in this ordinance shall be considered to make the City liable for datlla~'!,es on account of a~y negligent act of omiSSion or CO~jussion by the servants, agents, or employees of the Gra:1tee during his operation of his trans- portation services, either in respect to persons or ~ith respect to any proyerty dawage which may be sustained. Jection 19. T:I.n'I in t:le event u' oanl:ruptc:/ or receivership of t~lC Grantee this francllL3e f':CY, at t'l~e option Oi' the Ci ty, [)e 1'01'- l'eited and terL'inatcd in the s.ne manner that other forfeitures 3re l)ro- vided far toroin. :.:Ioction 20. T=::".~T t~..:.is c;rallt and autl:ol'ity i;') ::::.:de upon Vle cOLdi tien t1:'.:1t t}-lf3 . Tantee sl:211~'ile vii trl tl:!e Oi t:' Cler]: of i:,>e Ci t;7 of 3a;'L' ord, ',,II' it ten Loti. ce of tile 2cce.:;ta~1Ce al the SGre '.Ii tlJin thirty (",u) d~"c< a.",.1-"'r th'" ..),,' d,lt.:;,) 1.. Gi...... ....~\:.:.j e:i.";cct . "fIe de:. t u 0:2 t'" e -!)5S sai'-~C ,. . Oi~ tlL~~_ S c:.1 Jirl8.11.ce, Eu-"'.~l ~;.JiJe!1 :J:_lcll l1ctice 0'.: aCC81)t3.11Cb pi q .~~~_18d, tl.}~:_~3 ol"'c1irl'" nee ~ir~_(I "G(le acce~. tc.::ll1ce sLall COl1sti tLl te a contract bet',.'eell t:'aJi t:/ '.:lJ1U t.he '3-'8ntee fDl" all .:'~"_C~ t138S, services ~'lld 2:-)ur~,:'/os~s set l-'vr't~l~ 118rein. 3ection 21. TI-rAT the GrdLteeLereun,ler is eXl')ressl:'~'i ven the r isllt to sell, Clssicn onCi. traLsfer t ':~.;3 1'ranchi se, to':etLer '.Ii til all ric:':. ts and pri vileces Ij,el'elUlder ,pI' eviued t t the ,.'~;ral1t8e sh8.11 fi :rst file ','l'itten ~lOtice ',lith tLe Cit:r Cle:Ll: of the City of ::3anfo1'd of his intelltion to so sell, assicn and tra.sfel' sixty (60) days l)rior to sellin:=.:, assic;ninc 8.nd tr:'1l,sferrin:~: 311.C1.1 i'rancl'ise ::\11d 'lrovideo. further t J.'. at 8 Ci t~y JOL}!.niss:Lon oL tl1e Ci tJr o:~ ~, erd s~all by ordinance, cive its a')'raval and consent to sElid sale, assiL:nrlel:.t or transfer. ...:.luch n.ot ice of as si C]lL1811 t . sJ.'l01 J_ st at; e t 0 ~,.]l~l aDl ;3 !.l\)]'~ COIl ~:;c 1-'.~,')18 t oel a.s ;3i.:~rl[.lerl tis to 1)8 L>=:d8 3Ild tJl8 3cl(J.re~33 0;: SL1Cb. CC\lltG~':l)la.tc~d ass:t::nee. .3ection 22. T::;.:i'l' in t:~e event t1:c Grantee 11':<3 ccntil1uou~,ly 0")orat8d her,,'LiD.;J.er for tile terti. 01' :i:'ive (5) years :J..'c:' ',}>d.ch tlcis fr3n- chise is'~jveIl, :=.nd 1l8.3 coc:,li::c1 ',}j,t1l all~.lle tc;rr.s and cCll(:i.itiollS llc:;reiJ.1 ;3':J~.~ -;....crt~.l to to dOJi8 ;.:1.:1(1 ~)er~Lorj';,c'i 011 l.)..is ~:}.~rt, t:'3>L ",-!~-,'2: :~'~~.~"~t ctIld ~Ll~Ql.~c1~~.is'~ :~el'lcl):,' "i ~lell to C:'rarl.teo sLeil1 Ot:; o:::tell(1ecl aT, tJ'(3 c~Jtion of tIle Gr::.wtee OIl t~.e saLe tel'.,S ,:...:JL c(il1',~i t~Cl1S r,~in set cut ;G~ 811 Gdditiollul r,el'liorJ, o~~ l:.liVG :.~'f:3[lrlS, 8:""C~-~ O"()tiOll to 1;c: G:':"3I'c:L:~-;cl1);,r t_~le C-rar:tee J~ilin.c~ 1.lrt:~ t te11 110t. ice ..: + ~, ~_ LJ ...~. 8 ,.Jit: 'J1e:c1: of: t:JoJi t;, of .3anferd, 210::.'il1a, not 1 0 c.'''' .1-' .-. l~ '-l." c. ,.. \. (c 0 ) v~0 v.;..",u. 1 l.J. .t.!.l___ v~/ ~ da~i;3 ~)I':L01'\ to e=~pil"lclt1on Ol.~ tIie o11i;~'il131 .~}ive :""8 ax' ',cried. l)l'cvici.oc1 :'':;l'el1.ll.der, of hL" desil'8 t::c:,t ;3uch :3:::tenc:ion be -'ranted 3Ld oJ.' l'ji:::; inteLt to continue operation in L:ccol'c1;.=o ."ce 'J~.t.> t~'.e terns J] or 1:;c.l1 (~L..I' i ll~~' ::> L~.cll ',,; :{t e 11Si on. 3ection 23. T:-~....T all ordinances cr~rt,'3 01' 01'd.ina.:'c':;'3S :Ln CO}_-:L~lict IlGI'8"\} ~Ltl~ 08 (::Ill!'} t:J.''J sa:.J8 are llel~eb~l r'o~~;.8al:Jd. --' _3(;:;ct.ioIl ~4. r~l~=_,":..l",~! t:.:~_~J CI'(liJ.l~.-!~..~ce ;3' 011 ~~l~."jecu~f:~ erfGct~L ve ir.:.m8 cU ::.2 to:; 2.:7 U~) CT'c i t S~;~' S :::. ~(; ~3. fic -"It i OD.. ~~~...lJ )_;",D .J _;:X~. ','.J.J t' ~i s 2E'th \').2:' 01' February 1 ~ ,19. ~.~ '; ',.:\ - 0" - )., _ c.... ...... -~ ~. ~:;T~J3r:=' : //"'/~~ /' 0it,~ /- -;-:'::>7 - -. ./...:",~ - ~/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ' - - -~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I, H. N. sayer, C~, ty Clerk of the C1 ty of sanford, Flor!da, hereby cert~fy that a true and correct copy of the forego~ng ord~nance No. 447. PASSED and ADDOPTED by the c~ty comm!ss~on of the c~ty of s~nford, Flor~da" on the 2~th day of February, 1949, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of sanford, Florida, on thIs the 4th day of March, 194~. ......- '~~< -I.. ~. ___ C.~ .ty ,C ' /'" -';J