HomeMy WebLinkAbout445 ~ . ~'';. ,:=". l -~ ." ,---; C:_~~..JIr:-~~i~'~c~~ 1-: (l. '1;' ~._' . ,~~/ i~ .AN ORDI~~iL~~a3 C~i' ~'~_...J ';11"Y C,:? J3i~~"Jj"tc~~~..), .2LC:~.~ID.L'~, r?=~~t;'I~-{I:\"Q TRANSIEI>~T .i.'.J~D/ CH I':L'I~~J;J.i.~~T 3ClIC:::::~'C~~3 TO C3TAIP i. l~::'~~~- EIT TO SOLICIT 3'RC. CITIZ~:8 C2 3AL..j'CRJ, 1!"LC~1IDA, AND ?rtCVIDILC T1::';; JC~DI TleES C} ;:2:,~":; I,33U~iT~08 O.r:'StJ Cd l~a- IvIT T . BE IT ~;AO'l'~D BY 'l'~~~ I1WPLE 01' SIE CITY Cl SAlTJ'Ol:1D, iLo~n.JA: SECTION 1. It is:Jjreby declared 't,}"e policy of the City of Sanford to protect the health and general welfare of the City of Sanford, by requiring transient and/or itinerant solicitors to obtain a permit from the City l.~anager of theJi ty of Janford, and subrr.t.i t proof' to him, before the issuance of such pern:.i t that such individuals be free from any corr~unicable disease. 3ECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any transient and/ or itinerant solicitor to solicit orders for goods, wares, merchandise, newspapers, .magazines or periodicals or any other matter, without having first obtained 8. VJri tten pend t fror:i the City rJianager of the Oi ty of Sanford. SECTION 3. The Oity LIanacer is hereby authorized to issue a permit to any person or individual, upon proper a]plication to solici t orders from the cj tizens of the Ci ty of Janf ord, but only upon exhi bi t i on to him of proper cred' :1tial s and a heal th certi- Il ,i ,[ I ficate signed by the Oity Physician of the City of 3anford, and such health certificate shall certify that such ar,lica~t is free from any cOLJwnicable disease. TIle City rhysician is hereby authorized and directed to make a charge of ~3.00 for such service. ,JEOTIOlJ 4. Any person, firm or cOl'licration violatinc; any of the I>.L'ovisions of this ordinance st.eill upon cor..viction be , punished by a fine of not more than .;~2CO.OO or by imprisollLent in the municipal stockade or jail for a period of not Llore than ninety days, 0.1' by both such fine and irupri soncient. .' // SECTION 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances ~onfliot herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergenoy measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the publio health, peace, prosperity and safety and shall take etfect immediately upon its passage. and adoption. PASSED AND ADCPTED this 24th day of January 194-2.... ATTEST: ~~/ ~ 8'74? fJ;7 ~>&--~--- ~?J1~ \ Jkr\J ~, the City Commission of the ity Sanford, Florida. JpIi" '1.// I, H. N. sayer, City Clerk of the City of sanford, hereby cert!fy that a true and correct copy of the forego!ng ordinance No. 445, passed 8,nd adopted by the C1 ty Comm!ss!on of the City of sanford, Florida, on the 24th day of January 1949, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of sanford, Florida, this 26th day of January, 1949. . -/' . .~ / ','.' '-~ - - y A~/ ," er or tne ~~ d, Florida 01 ty