HomeMy WebLinkAbout443-Not Passed ~y-- ~;:::/ . _/'~' ) ,t~<;, \ .....~~I L." . {;y . ~~1 \. "',::) '\ ~~'\) " -- -- - ,- CHDINAl'C.a; ~JC. ~" y" .t ~ l~J O~\l)J~l/i':;"~;~ ....~}.~J\II!'~G CH!JTrJJ,\r"~.;,;i',; ~':C. 276 C~t' tr:<r~ CITY C i' 'CHD, !~OHIDA, ;Cl;! ,N!'nir-::;"UU [;J! t) ~3~u 1) ~..' C;l" c:~ G /\!" ~3. ..i\r~ J D';.~l I~.rI!'lC; T ;.~:i, r /.:, ;:. }~i;:~~,!l T ~'r~ ' G 1.11 C>:!" ~:l,L:: r'r'.t\J: ;t;~3 j~!~(D Dt;'T'I~S, llf~:D C:VI T)TtIG I).:r .I\I t-I ~;.3 I.r l{;,t;G,.f\:) ..t:r{:~TC t l'j\~J~)I~:) 1) jl.~)r ;--TIt:J ,;) "10 ..,!:l ~~ 1. 2, 10380 .," "'I"'I""a rUT!' 'T':;':'V" "t.Tlr"c" CtJR D': ',1 ",n, "",.'10 II.- . J.. .. J i ,1' ...J....J .6.,"#c '\ ..'1~J &.if....~ H ..dl~, ,Li\. , 1,.,1 _)on, C,,~,' lL..AL,.,R", !1'[ 3;;n Chf(;,~L., ;;N", ':\~;D .':,:;' Ci\H ~A: ,~:).u..AN" ,n GIU ., 1 ~r C jg~" IE T ,qX ,'C' f~ ! ';:, ,JAR DH~.t\I~_~1\~3 i'\r~.:} ',~ :; i;~~ili D;~~llI1!;,f\ 't, /:~1~'I) r(~ '~"<' ~~ .,'~"~ .: ,R RRPll~~~12~""frArr:~VI:;~1 C1" AG:J,:rJCI:~,;3 ell D~~:,~~~ :,~:{~>j T1> ~ .,.: :Y""If) U83D :':c';r:\ ~~,\y<; .rOll ,\G'~Ncri" (";~ .1':1(; i,',': 'r~' lIC iG!';.J\:n ny 'l'H!'; CITY CI .3AN'?f'HD, '~:~, :aH TWTG Brn~;;~3'} 1,"',:JATICN ;jTANUAHD,3 "le, r ;'C' ,;,\H !)': '.1:' '" \ TI'! 'l^\ l' 1(""'1'1' '<I' n 'k'n'U I l) t!OUTl"lLTm(' 'i' ^R' ~"", 1; 1> 'D T':.' ,n t". R ") 'l' ,;. , " : , , J'l.t t.J _,' ,'.J"'-"''''';';~J''' .L.'l~"'t=. -l.\'c;D1.'&'.lIj..1f':.1V ,;\". ~',4' J~' '~I,.Jh.",J!.j '.,.J :oj-, ,~.I.-:.A.J.i..!. ,j, AliD CVIDING A l'EN~Jt"f'Y ":::, \'Jt1.,-"'''c'' r"",,':') ORD!NANCE. BK IT .J;1~AJT;:';D r:y r;. .1 M>PIL:. C:i' ri'E:S CI':"Y U";, H 3'( D, "1 c- J ;)L : Seotion 1. Ordinanoe I':c. 2?6 of tho City of ,)Hn!" I'd, rlorida, entitled "An ordinance regulating saI JC ct' used fGot or cars by new car und used cur dealc;':s, leflnlnp; tr.e t,c;:r:';t~ "n'~w 0<:->1" rlO';ller" ~ . ~ r, , "u.ed oan dealer", "~aed car salasman", and "new cor sn~esman", D1"8- scri binR: a 1 ioense telX for, nO'N oar deal ers end d~e""jcios, and {, sod ~ oar dealers, o.goncien and salesrr,an, and for seleBLen or rer-rcHwntatives of agencie~; or dealerB in new a~cl used motor ogre '..vf,tch ,jpencios or dealers are not li.oensed by ti',e e1t;, of Dant'ord, an,] providtL:'; and penalty for the violation or t.:l1s ordinance", 'pae!3ed ere! Gdonted Deoember 12, 1938, be and the same 1s hereby repealed. :3eotion ':. D>'n;!'!'!cru: (8) The term "n,~\'1 C:.'lr rje,:)] or" when used herein shall be construed to Inolude every in1ividual, partnership, oorpcrat 1. on or trust hol d l.ng a rew ("otor c ';!, agen c" cr tranohise selling new motor curs, who ta!<e used '3 uter c'l:111!";s or 0~ Lor used motor vehl cles in eXChange or in p:lrt payrr(~r: t r or 'lew aute r:'cbi 1os, i or oU.ar rr:otor vehioles, and w1:c n:ay also ')urchase U:'H3d autc~'Qbj.lus, or otrler used motor vehioles, for cash or an equi va 1 ('!nt medi U,IT; of exohange. (b) 'The torm "new car saleamen" when ust:~d herein shall be . oonstrued to include every person who is ~mployed by ~\r ..~'1 fT' or onr '\ l ij. dealer, duly licensed by the City of' ,>;anford, on 8ithor d salt,ry or ~I.J ~~lSSlon basla, or both, who, aot.s as agent for or in b,::l:.,dlf of s',ch \'r - new oar 4l~aler in aonduotlng, negotiating for, or ()r~'d()U nf 'nUl'CLaH0S, 1/ Bales or exobenges ot new snd csed automobiles or other motor vehicles. I ~"~ -- .~ , ,1 \J _.../ ~. '~f' ._,f!ci/' .~. // (0) 'rho +,rn' "u:'F~(l our 'lt3aler" \}J,d. lL;!(.:;d hi;;!"';n, ;'~ l} : ,) oonstrUG' to ina'uln p.very \;i:'~.lon other t~'5n', ii,',", r~flr ,1(~'lln';-', ':~ hereinabove (1eflncl,N'ic C,td';(Jt.g t'C) h;!.~:' ",',3 "':' ';Il;d.n,'''', ;;(:I.l'n;.C' C"C; deal1.ng in used '0 C."": v(:;hir;les, prcvideJ t t roe t::-le :m"x . 01' thls seoticn it '0ssu~od ltct , sin n. l' CJ C ar :,. :" ~.: r _' ..: n . L,r' ;., .~ .~. .~~ , ,j., more such ,ran socU ons j !1Vrl vi r~ US.: if f"J.f' r. "t-~ \'." ~, ... ' .~ va; j Il) C8 do r:.r ,(" f^ . .1 t "lifC l~lC f months rt:;!'~.{)d is ocnctuot5rw E:F1jd b:, n\::H;6. :' l i \ \ \ , \ ~."""" ~~"" , ;~ t', ...~ \ \ i',\' . ,,' (d) t;ho t0rr: Itn~3nt{ oar saJonm(1n" f" ~"r.. r; 9f: ~J ~ c r (~ 4 n , JJ be ccnstrUOtl tc ' ," ...:~ c~.v':;.ry per:'3c'{1 ~v -c In ~ r 10;7 :'1 t)h';' ~ L~".~j-)-~ Dnl"t dealer, duj,'.' 1~.o:2\::;)d by t.ht~ Oity 01' iucl.' crd tel': e5" r"'l ~'. ' ,"\.... ''I'" .J ;...... : <',i... ,J or cC'.lmsr.1 33 :ton ;-):1131:1, or beth,';'J: c aots as af1::- nt " n' C' ~ n bo '1 e ae ~u. c'] u.ed oar d€.hder, inconluct:r.", negctl;.;:tinft f'c;" (:2 ,:.'j'f'.;ct:ni~ <<u;'C":1'l'3:l, aalea (,r exorH3ne,es of' ,used ': J.tom(1),1e::'I cr ['t f.r ::-:-3: ctcr vehlclqf:;~ {i;~) Tj'he :err~ · rcon" wlen USC:1 ",~C()~ ;', ;11' J J be ccnntruod to inolude~jny it~:ii.'litil,al, sHo;olatlcn or .ind.~ "lJj :t: J :"), Y)~)rtrler::'~:1.p, oorporat ion, cr t'r'U:l+, t ~nc':'rcd in (' ori'! rr "1. .....,.,"11 \..' .~~ ~,:' 'h,lC; n !:~;3St::. ~ herein reterr.)d to. 3ect~cn j. "'0 t"1';;.ClJ shell lJ r:,'.lft()i' c;r,,'::':i"€, ~ n + \ , ;'0 1 .' or ocoupatton cr ! >1\' 08t' de~1}"~Y', at, ;.tj't"~" bov!,; iel'lnt:;d, 'i,'it.ilcut '1 "tlt , (H)mplyinr,~ t ;.'~ t: f} . ;:. ~ 'v i c ,~( ,', ot~ t l j ,.' \..1 l i i I r \ j" (;.; ~ ( , ~, ' I. ut ,'i' u t proouring .A lioe R~ .. ~:) iJ ~,/ \L~ 1. i i ."j.... 0:' r'~ ..J... . :..;. II e (~ .::' ,"\:. Ordillt:lnGe ; G. ~r,:)'L ~3.:.;. 0 1..,1 (..11 ~'+-o ';VO;"Y Ii ),')('l e,l'(' j',n) : T' ,b 1.' . '1,r ] .:. ()~.; ,,", f~E~X ot threo .." C.'l ) ~ ..;.~, i I4 S ( ;')Or:. 00 ) PC) t .' :::1'. l' " " \.It, . >€ :; t .1 (I: ;j . :..i:J'r ~~"il'~srL . ~ , " ,',: ... ~ ~ ," 'OJ ,1 fJ, 1 t~. ;":~ n',f; v' ~lf~T'f-11 n- '.. l...;...' above de:C:ln;Hi, ~.: r~u1 rc " ~,~ '.t.,." .If.. '-' '. l. ..~,;. ~'\ ::~ \... J i",. ~ .~ O'V: I J '1 t (:\,~ f~.JE: tax Lereun'!er. "JDction d 4 '~i.l (~~~nH'~.rJ or r n . ,1'1, ~ :'. ~'...". ~: ~r, l' . \; :',~ . r~ l" .~ ; j....,.L .,.... ,::"1 . " ('(I' (:C de-I, '''''_Y'''' 1~."'''1 "", ",I n '. u Y;.J" ...i .i.....""~. ~A"\.",- l....-'..... used [,oter a r.-': .i "",,";,",;> 'n ..r.;-,~(:ri.'J~ ~B ".~ ',. .r ,.lCLi1 '1 ;:"":'8, not )1oens~)d tole. bu:'\in'-~G:,. cin the ~1.'v :.i'; .:1"( "r~, ~1t !.31) '3'.<~n 1:1'," ~1Y\ annual 11ceDsl) tu.X of 'hrpi': ...~ t\ \ . if: ." ....... ]. ,~:l f~ . 'dr(,~ '. ~:3(1atSori '"';'1 ':'j0:eCl~j'~-"; :.ny 11:;s~n ...\. "" ", ;; j ~; ~ ;;~Jt1 r~ ~~ t c, .,U "11. - Oht "or :1 110('n:; J "1(,,:)u;11n:~s$ ", --:;u c: n :i,J'~nt ,..~ (-1 ;'~ :1 0 ~'~t ~ ',; ";" 8b.ll :1rst sutiJi: '~',a :Jit7 'jlerk t-hnt .. 't., '""I 1, 'n . ~ r~ "~; S~j~ r ?'l le\" hf;in+l)n:1s to do bU8i 1', ;)~'C '.: ".~ .~ '}'~f i c: , 'J 'r '83 U"C: ;-f ".,'" C c r Li t r' 11,,3 roJlc"'1J1R: ..f ...... c, m1nirlU.m S6lTiti:d;1:11 ,jr:,d sel'vice aqul"i:'11 .:;: dT-"'18: ,~:r.~ ',_ , ,......- .---- ,":. ~~~t~: . , :~,t~ JI;' , l' . <<; ''\, " ... ~ .~ 1';. ~~. '~ ~ ....f1,j.. 'l . J' 1(" r ! i. \. -*" --...""..\., .......,... , t ." "I. 't ,. ..,..' ..J .......,.. >., / ,.* ~;~-- (11" San~ tat j on Jtan:lard _. Thore s!u)l bo ins 1 1 ,1 H n d . ""ic enolosed in a fimitl'lble n't:el j er, OOl1l.3t-rncted 1n''lCcrrac1rae with ,he bul1d1ns oode of .;;11e City o23aLt"Ord, and h/;;ivinr' T\T'CrAX'lstnr oonnectloLs as pl'cv11ed in "'c, n]t."::bj:,;,, 0c~') or the suoh prerdsea ,it l!~e,;t one (J) V'latc;;" closet t~td ere ll) I' , "upply and 8~ lity ot .....a:1tord, the buil Hrw to bo L3ed aIled theretn sewage ccnnootior;2 for ~t' ()r sal d 'I)U l' nc .3 f) t c:, h f1 V If:) 11r-ail]'lF"e ') nr; sanit1ry ~urpo3ea. 'the City of Santord. oonneot J onB tc be made b ,; nrovl dod b.y tho Dlur:)l ~'ig cede ot 011 suoh premises a bUll:lng ccnstruct.::d in Lcoordance "lith t~-e nro- (b) Servioe ikulpr.oent 3tuILlard. 'j herd 81':811 bi.:'>' r'i'dntu' ncd .i.1ons or the building cone ot the Jity 0:' --:'anf'ord tnv1r:g equipment .8114 floor spaoe surrlolont to serv:f CG il1d r,~ pb ir tit 1 '~!;.; at thr(~e (~~) .tor vehiolea at the same tlm(), ann d J 80 f.hldi t.iClldl spnco ter the ,.toraga of at least five (5) automcbi]\:iG, dnd 'iJith prop(~r ~3Awage .~.ct1ons fQr drains.... and .1lnitar.'! )U1'''''" '''. .h!id sew.ge OCoMct. ,~ to be msd.. as provided ; n tLo p] u"hl ll' 0019 of the Oity of 4,f.,ord. ;-..~:.-- "- r" f r Co) Every ni'!t~) car ctealer s~..':11 r~cdr;t,a'in !,nd keep ODen ".:118 rea:1onahle bUBlness .hr"J's a 7: rio", cut p]':cc l't' bi1s1ness in a t.01ty ot Sanford, i.l'lcrlrla, ;:ontcrcdn" tc 1 he rdllimUf'l requiramenta tait.btully oomply and oonl"orm to and with all l'ul"3, ree:u.lations end .. ,. sanitation and service l';(.~uipn:ent as ,~~r\dn sPOCif"ied, ,In'''i shull orUaanoes or tLe iJlty of "jant(rd,/lcl'i'ia, no"} c..xistlng. or that , ...., lie hereafter enact ad wit h r" ape 0 t. 'L t ice t"ll d 11 n,. . st c,rt nl' and r--' ..111ng ot gasoline, 011 s &.rlfi otheru 'hI Y in.'} nmmnble mater1 ala. 01t.1 or 3anfol'd, nor be issued '-1 J loen:H) lJ" t:,{i! ';;1 ty cC .>anfcrd tor ot n.. car dealer cr usee! O..,r J-:-Hi!.Jr.. IHH'ulnfd)C've dl"t',;r1cid, in tbe Jeotion 8. No p~rson shall I:mgage in (" iJcn lu::t tbe bLlfliness 8Q,Oh OOOup8tlon until .f$uch P'.;;L3cn hhS been :L'):,d :.:, ,3eOcndhand dOlcllers 11..... by th-allotor Vehiol(; Ccn'f:Jls~\lon <.:1' tre"",tate of ji'lor1lia, in aOoortano. with the provisions ct Jection ....;:?"O.~~7 /10:;'1 1a .)t~itutes, ,~l:'4l.' as amended by Ohapter ;;,C60 I.w., cr '; 0"1 d. ] ~4? r~ ,.~, \~-:#-~, ...-j.' " _..~w ' ~ -- '-. _.~ '-'-'- 3eot:ton 9. 'The violat:lm T~ any or- thE:'. pccvL.;j or\:! 0;' till I ,.1 I1Dce sh; 11 bu dacO'-;o , ....:1:). ..:J t a n ~1 C f: n :-:h. _i;J u C be 8 sep9Tate ~nd ~1st_ \ O-~l t' ~~ r. ,/ -~~ f,~ 1" C I;: ., ,::: y t ,~, ~.. .";\ 5nctin.('~ t:_~~. ~_..:'li"o "::~J~ tc Sfj!/lrntf) "'-rc:tJeci;';"ir'~"S e () r~ D ;<.~~ e ~'; -';1 r d t)VC r; '! ;:~:/ ~"1 n ~;' tt; '" 1,:.\.'CI1:: : C . ,~ }. r f\ f' t11 r~_a v ec~ :l~3;'/ ,)(; v'lol.:'l3d. ~3e.:)t:: ;:!1 1 t) 5 t'l.r Y' Y')Gf' -i.C: r. vi t lat 'trie'" cf t, i'-t~.VJ. ~:ilcns +:..~18 ("r\'14.nan(}(~ :St. 1.1 l.~;)(.L. '_'~c;-,victJtc.!t tLe'r~:;','~.c' \ : it ~ i 1 :1 ". d. t; Y r:; ~ i fl e {<1, n;: t r.;CI'd tLan OO.,OG l.....l"f: ~_. - ~, ~.':'i; oap:, 1't t' C'-~:' T1C ~" . ('1.' a '~'"~ ~~1;1 sl:.{+', 't/ 1:" 'f"';;l <,'" ./ ,.') , :......,.1 o!' by t, ( t L ..:; u h '1 n ';" j i d .1 ~~ c.r: rnel1 t, . 'oJ t .~ 01; :1 1 . J ~ 't n 11........'" t IV:1 rl:;{; }, B {\fJO , ',,'nc;{ C.f: :J S U 'C ~:':; ,:"l r~~ L~ 'J ti e ~.1 U fl r c' '-:7. 0: :1 '11,': . ,r.,. . ":1' t.. Cr1' t 1 fi r:t~c,'t ~~,lt ''j,()D ~,:i_l1 ,] f~ e 11 f::~ r ~:; 1 'fl' (; 1:" fJ. rt.: 1" t l. e~ () i L 01 71::) r: ,',,1 r;l t:.-C: .;.t:~) " ( 't "':1 n f' c r .1 , "JOl'J at r,nd sba]l t ~ /":;' o.;:t"-., at i: ~'..!~!i l~.it';:-;]:J II ~)(:,n 1; 13 afloI}ticn,. .,L~ot:on ]t.:. ,,11 crdlfiLir,o'.lS tc..d,:'ic,rt. · or~1nsnC09 in con- .i"1ict with t)-,i s Vrdinar;ce, ~.,(, I'::: tIie Sg ~ ::"1'U i' :: '('13 a) fHl. 1 .,'; ..: "~,~) Lie.," 1:.:D thJ.~ _ day of 11~>ce...l)<Jr, 1 ~4;8. ::e;'or' -.;..,---~---. AS the City CormlA9io~ of the City cf Janford, 1lorida. .t;~ CT'}" ~:.. 3r1' : Jity Clerk