HomeMy WebLinkAbout440 \ ORDINA>ICE no. l.f40 .,,~-------'" AN ORDINANCE OF TH: C Ij"Y OF B~;,,:':FORT, FLORIJA, ??"ESCSIDING Nl.l'E;-j 're: BE CHARG:SD FO? ~"ATER FUK:ISHED BY THE CITY OF SAl\iFORD, FLORIDA, l~~m THE TIKE TI-L~'l' SAID RATES ?"fIhLL BE PAID. BE IT ElirACTED 13'[ THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANI.'ORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That 1later fur'nished by the City of Sanfore, Florida, shall be paid for upon thp basi s of a minirnu~n of 4,1.1.20 gallon8 of "1ater furnj shed monthly to each user of 'lt1ater, i^Jhether saic1 amount bE" useo or not. Section 2. That wat~r furnished by the City of ',I Ii ~ Sanford, Florid2, shall be paid for monthly by the userF there- of according to meter measurempnt at the followinv rates: For the first 2000 gallons of water used 58~ )er thousand. For the next 3000 f2llons of water used h3~ oer th0usand. For the next 5~no r~110n8 of water used 36~ per thousand. For all ov er l~, QGO fallons of Fat er used and not exceeoinf 51,000 f~llons of water used at 29~ per thousand. For allover 50,000 gallone of water used and not exceeding 100,000gallons of water used at 24! ger thousand. For allover 10n,000 gallons of Fater used and not exceedin~ 20n,O~~ ~allon8 of Water use~ at l5d ~er thousa~d. \ For allover 20n,ono callon8 of water used ano not exceeding 3on,onn g2ll6ns of water used at 10i )er thau82nd. For all water use0 1n eycess o~ 300,000 fallons of water at .075~ eel" thousand , - gellons. Provideo. that the minimum ch8.rre for '\'Jater furnished shall be $2.20 per month. Section 3. That the forpg'oing rates shall be charged for all water measured by meter rea0ings after October 1, 1948. Section D,. That this 0rdinance shall beco:ue effective ) , ~ ."".._~-.;:#-"''''''--'''''' -. -----..- .-....' .' ..-",- ---,_....,.~,.~_.,~-" ....'.....-, ". \........ -'" .-----..---- October 1, 1948. Section 5. Ths,t all OI'cUnances and pa rte of Ordinances in confli.ct here".7i th be and the 8E..me are hereby repealec,. Passed anc Adopted this 27th day of September, 19l.18. , . ~-::::;:> ." '~", ~ .";; -':1"-'---'" ,. ~~~ ~~~-~~~- /- ( t::/ t~",,--d'~_ ~~ . ~ ~-'- / Ae the Clfy COillDisslon of the City nf Sanfor~, Florlfa. At,test: ,..--. (~~.~ Ci ty pt'r' * * * . . . * * * . * * * . . * * . * * * * . * . * * * * * * PUBL-:SHED IN THE SANFORD HERALD AS A LEGAL ADVSRTISEMENT ON THE 29TH DAY OF SEFTEMB~~R, 19'I,e. wl1t ~unfnr~ ltItrul~ A n I ndependent Newspaper SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA i COUNTY,OF SEMINOLE '- _____:retL~tign~~authocitY=,W~IY~:,ac~~w~o-O~O~;;:~;t;:~;~~: _________~- ___ _ ___~-------of the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper u lished at Sanford, in eminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, bein g a______2L-~_________________________, _____________________________________________________in the matter 0 f _,_"'__,__________~~~___~__~__ _S:(_K_(2________________________________________________._________" :~~;l~;~~-;~_=::::;~~h~:~:-::~~:t~;:~-I=~~L~o: Affiant further says that the said SANFORD HERALD is a newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole County, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper, ,1ft~ '/ ., ----"--, ------------------- \'f -.. >..H..J 1 ~, .'" \, ~q.P'" ~'.. ~ r: ~i,r~. , .1 I: , i 1 i ii, :r water used 36c For ~ll over 1(), "~a ter used and 50,000, gallons at 29c per thou B'or all over 50, water used and 100,000 gallons at 24c per thou For ,all over 100 water used and 200,000 gallons at 15c per thou ..',;..., For all over 200 .~to1Uf water usedane.~~",!l1JtCliliidt,i 300,000 gallons oC;"Wa.bil: ,'lis., 'J" at 10c per tho ' "'. , '.'t~' For all water 'I.CtJ~ of 300,000 gallo a.t&iH'i!''': ,075c per thousa ' , ",{ Provided that muJ11t charge for' ws.l1'~' shall be $2.20 p Se('tion 3. That ratp.~ shall be ch water measured by $111 af~ October 1, 1948,; :;- Section 4. Thal: t'..., shall become effectIY.';' 19.4~;. .... ' Sedlon .5. That ,,1'1 and parts 0'1' Ordlna~&,$' herewith be and the $Ii by rep~,aled. '. , passe'd and AdoII' elL' day of September, ' LEA, :8. ,< l" -AC~;;G 'I'!I ANDREW' JOHN KRI RANOALL As th'e City the City of $ d' (Sli;AL) a.) At ~st: H. N, SArnR i City Clerk