HomeMy WebLinkAbout436 I j 1.'(1 I I I' ) ! \, ORDI~ANCE NO. 436 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOHIDA, REGULATING THE KEEPING OF DOGS WITHIN THE CORP0RATE LIMITS: REQUIRING ANNUAL VACCINATION OF DOGS AND PAYMENT OF ANNUAL LICENSE TAX; PRO- VIDING FOR DISPOSITION OF UNLICENSED, UNVACCINA- TED, VICIOUS OR FEROCIOUS AND DESTRUCTIVE DOGS AND CERTAIN FEMALE DOGS; AND PRESCRIBING PEN- ALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. . ~ ~j ( BE IT ENACTED BY THS PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That every owner or ~eeper of Gogs in the City of Sanford, Florida, shall have each dog t~o m~nths or more of age vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian bet'\r'een the first day of March and the first day of May of each year. The veterinarian shall furnish a certificate showing vaccination and the date of such vaccination. Section 2. That all owners or keepers of dogs in the City of Sanford, Florida, are hereby required to obtain from the City Clerk on or before May first of each year, beginning with the year 194e a license tag for each and every dog owned or in their possession, 'tA'hich license taf shall only be iSEmed upon the presenta- tion of the veterinarian's certificate Mentioned in Section 1 hereof, showing that the dog has been vaccinated. '~~_~~ \1\\) '\1,~ ~ection 3. That a fee of $1.00 for es.ch dog shall be paid for the license tag mentioned in Section 2. hereof. If said fee 1s not paid before the first day of May of each year, the same shall be $2.00 for eachdog, except for dog'E' reaching theage of tv:'o months after the fir8t day of Mayor each dog brouf!ht 'Hi thin the cor~)orate limits after the first day of May, the fee shall be $1.00 for said license. Section 4,. That each and every dog for which licensE' tag is issued as herein before provided shall Wear said license tag fast- ened to a collar around ltEnec~ at all times. Sectio~-i. (a) That it shall bF unlawful for any vicious or ferocious dog to roam at larp:e 'Hithin the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida. r :~ (b) A vicious or ferocious dop within the meaning of this ordinance shallbe one that is of a ferocious or vicious nature or snaps at people or hap bitten people or attempted to bite people, and that roams the streets, avenues, alleys, or public places of the City of Sanford ,Florida, wi~hout a leash by some person or persons in charge of 8uch dor and muzzled by a muz7,le sufficiently strong' to prevl"nt such dog from bitinf! or attempt.,.. lnf to bite people. (c) That any ferocious or vicious cog as defined in subparagraph (b) of this section, shall, while on the premises of I / I the owner orkeeper thereof be securely confined by a chain or wire, and not allowed to be loose on said owner's or ~eeper's preDises. Section 6. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep any dog or dOfS, confined or unconfined, in the City of Sanford, Florida, which by reppated barking or howling, shall di8- turb the comfort, peace, quiet or re-oose of any person or persons residin~ in the vicinity of such dog or dogs. Section 7. Th2,t it shall be unlawful for any per80n ovming or 1ceeping a dog th~ t is destructive of property to allow s \lch dog to roam at large wi thin the corporate limits of theCi ty of Sanforc'1, Flo- rica, and upon co~plaint of any person to the pblice department of the destructive disposition of such dog, the owner, if he or she is ,mown, and it is prarticable to do so, shall be notified by a police officer of the destructive disposition of such dog, and upon failure of theovmer or lteeper to res train such OOf, same shall be captured, t if practicable, and Lnpounded, and, if practicable, the owner notified Keeper. I If it is not practicable to capture such dog after reasonable I each of 8 ucb impoundment; and upon his or her failure to redeem saic) (of," vli thin ten days by payment of the sum of $3.00 and 25~ a day for day said dog is impoundecl, said dog shall be disposed of by the pound- effort so to do, it shall be the duty of any police officer to,~111 1 t. Section 8. That it shall be unlawful for a female dog, while in heat, to be allo'\Ared to run at large in the City of Sanford, , Florida, anc'l upon failure of the owner or keeper of such dog, after notice by any police officer 80 to do, to im~ediately confine such dog, it shall be the duty of any police officer to seize and confine such dog, in the pound. If it ie not practicable for any officer to promptly notify the owner or keeper of such dog of her condition, or / 7 the ovner or ~eeper is not mOl'm, it shall be the cluty of any :?0lice officer to seize such dog and confine her inthe City pound, from which she may be redeemed by the owner or ~eeper upon payment of the sum of $3.00 plus 25>i a day for each day said cop' iF; impounded to the pound~eeper. Upon the impounding of l':'-Uch 00&: the pound- K€eOe~ shall, if practicable, notify the owner thereof if he or she iF known. If said dOf has not been redeemed after being impounded for ten days, she shall be disDosed of. If it is not oracticable to capture such dog after reasonable f'ffort to do so, it shall be the duty of any police officer to till her. Section 9. That if any do~ belonvinf to or in the poee- esei on of any person rf'sid.ing in the corporate limits of theCi ty of Sanford, Floride., be found, at l8.rge by any police officer itli thout havinE' the aforesaid license tag, or any ferocious or vicious dOf: be founf at l~rge, any police officer or officere of the City shall im- Dound such dOr in the City pouno, but if it is impractical to capt- ure such clog for the purpose 0f im:-)oundinp:, the police officer ofj";< officers shallkill such dog, The ovmer or O'\i'mers or party claiming posfespioh of any impounded dOf may secure its relearp upon payment to the City Tax C0l1ector of the sum of $3.00 and 25~ for each day saic1 dog is impounded, E-~nd if such dog has not been vaccinated, \'7i thin the period of time hereinbefore stated, sale] oog shall be vaccinated and said license tar' obts.ined before saia d,og iR released, or if such dog has been vaccinated vithin the time required, but said licenRe tag h2.s not been obtained, the same shall be obtained before saia, dog' is released. If any such dog impoun(~ ed hereunder' shall not be re- deemed by the owner or partydaiming posseerion as herein required ,.Ti thin ten daye after the impounding ther,;;Of, said dOf- shall be dis- posed of by a police officer or the pouncUceeper. All dog's impound eO. shall be properly fed andcared for until redeemed or disposed of. If the owner of such dog is known and it is practicable to do so, the pounclkeeper upon the impoundinv of such dog shallnotify theolt!ner of such impouno.ment. Section 10. That any person found guilty of violating the provisions of Sections 5, 6, or 7 nf this ordinance shall, upon conviction inthe Municipal Court of theCity of Sanford, Florida, be .,: punished by fine of not more than $200.00 or by imprieonment of not more than ninety days, or by both flne cwo. imprisonment at the dip.cretion of the Hunicipal Judge. '1' Section II. hat all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here"l^Ti th be and the same are hpreby repealed. Section 12. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its paseage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THle 24TH DAY OF MAY ,1948. ,/" C~~,w'~ ~; , Mayor y':-:::::-'//" /~,,~~ /,J! ~',-~r tZ/.M ~~~Id / -4, '; 'j, ! ~ . -~ - -i1UMr&{/ .; '~. v /1/1 U,:f/P f/P 0:U/PA) As the City CommisFion of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: . ~#'~ / .{ ./"' .' , 'rt'/ 'City _~/ , ' I ,iT ,,~~. ~/ /"" / * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, H. N. Sayer, C!ty Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true copy of the forego'-ng Ordinance No. 436, passed and adopted by the CITY COMMISSION of the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, on the 24th day of May, 194e, was POSTED at the front door of the city Hall 1n the City of Sanford, Florida, this 25th day of May, 1948. ('~ . ~ ,7 n:~. r ..: Fl ... J - --- -- ----- li'- " ij Ii II III . il I' 11 'I Ii i: :1 II I' ,I " i, Ii ;i II I' :! II I, I' II Ii II " II il.:r !I Ii II II 1 I I I I I , , I i I I , I I I I ,J 1;'1 q II! , II II I' II III .il uj iil li :II Ii I I II :\1 !1 II II " d ,.., :i.1 "j "'1 1, ., ., l ~ 1 'll i! , "i :,1 ~I'I '11 :\! '.i\ '1'\ ..lj iii' ! i ill :'1 I , [', I I I : , I ~ I! t II ----~~-~~::;._~-- ~.~ NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS ORDINANCE NO. 436 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLO- RIDA. R,E:GULATING THE KEEPING OF DOGS \VITHIN THE CORPORATE LfM:ITS: REQUIRING ANNUAL VACCINATION OF DOGS AND PAYMENT OF ANNUAL LICENSE TAX; PROVIDING FOR DIS- POSITION OF UNLICENSED, UNVACCINATED, VICIOUS OR FEROCIOUS AND DESTRUCTIVE DOGS AND CERTAIN FEMALE DOGS; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION O~P THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, I~LORIDA: Section 1. That every owner or keeper of dogs in the Cit~, o.f Sanford, Florida, shall have each dog two months or more of age vaCC1- nated against rabies by a licem:ed veterinarian between t~e f.irst day of March and the first day of May of each year. The .vetennal'll~n s~1all furnish a certificate showing vaccination and the date of such vacematlOu. Section 2. That all ownHS or keepers of dogs in the City of S:mford, Florida, are hereby required to obtain from the City Clerk. on or before Mav first of each year, beginning with the year 1948 a hc:ens2 tag for ea~h and every dog owned or in their possession, ~hic,h l,icens<.' tag shall only be issued upon the presel1tatio? of the vetermarml1 K l'er-- tificate mentionerl in Section 1 het'eof, showmg that the dog has been vaccinated. Section 3. That a iee of $1.00 for each dog shall he paid for the license tag mentioned in Section' 2. hereof. If said fee is not paid before 1 he first day of May of each year, the same shall he $2.00 1"1' each do~;, \:'xcept for dogs reaching the age of two months after the fin-It day (If Mayor each dog brought within the corporate limits after the fin~t riay of May, the fee shall be $1.00 for said license. . Section 4. That each and every dog for which license tag is issut'd as herein before provided Rhall wear said lieen~e tag fastened to a collal' around its neck at all times. Section 5. (a) That it shall be unlawful for any vicioui:\ Oi' ferocious dog to roam at large within the corporate limits of the CiI;y of SantoI'd. Florida. (b) A vicious or ferocious dog within the meaning of this ordinance shall be one that is of a ferocious or vicious nature or snaps at people or has bitten people or attempted to bite people, and that roams the streets, avenues, alleys, or public places of the CitJ, of Sanford, Florida, without a leash by some person or persons in charge of such dog and muzzled by a muzzle suffid0uily strong to prevent such dog from biting or attempting to bite people. (c) That any ferocious or vicious dog as defined in subparagraph (b) of this section, Rhall, while on the premises of the owner or keeper thereof oe securely confined by a chain or wire, alid not allo\ved to be loose on said owner's or keeper's premises. Section 6. That it shull be unlawful for any person or persons to keep any dog or dogs, eonfined or unconfined, in the City of Sanford, Florida, which by repeated barking or howling, shall disturb the ccmfort, peace, or quiet or repose of any perSOll or persons residing in the vicinity vi ~ueh ,Jog or dogs. Sed ion 7. That it shall be unla,vfuI for any person owning or keeping a dog that is destructive of property to allow such dog to 1:0am at large within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, and upon con-lplaint of any person to the police department of the destructive dispoRition of i'\ueb dog, the owner, if he or she b known, and it is pi'actieable to do so, shall be notified by a police officer of the destructive disposition of such dog, and upon failure of the owner or keeper to re- strain ~:uch dog, same shall be captured, if practieable, and impounded, }tnll. if practicable, the owner l1otifli':d of such impoundment; and upon hi>j or her j'ailun:~ to redeem said. dog within ten days by payment of the sum llf $3.00 and 25c aday for each day said dog is impounded, Raid dog shall be dis::::::,2d of by the pound keeper. If it is not practicable to capture snch dog after reas0nable effort so to do, it sha)l be the duty of any police officer to kill it. , Section 8. That it shall be unlawful for a female dog, while in heat to he allowed to run at large in the City of Sanford, Florida, and upo~ failure of the owner or keeper of such dog, after notice by any police o1::icer so to do, to immediately confine such dog, it shall be the duty of any p,)Jice f,fficer to 8eize and confine such dog, in the pound. If it is' not pl'aeticab!~ for any officer to promptly notify the owner or keeper of "ueh dog of her condition, or the owner or keeper is not known, it shall be the duty of any police officer to seize such dog and confille her in the City Pound, ftom which she may be redeemed by the ovmer or keeper upon payment of the sum of $3.00 plus 25c a day for each day said dog is impounded to the poundkeeper. lJpon the impounding of such dog the poundkeeper shall, if practicable, notify the ovvner thereof if he or she is known. If said dog has not been redeemed after being impounded for ten days, Rhe shall be disposed of. If it is not practicable to capture such dog after 'reasonable effort to do RO, it shall be the duty of any police officer to kill her. Section 9. That if any dog belonging to or in the possession of any person residing in the corporpte limitR of the City of Sanford, Florida be found at large by any police officer without having the aforesaid license tag, or any ferocious or vicious dog be found at large anv [Jolice officer or officers of the City shall impound such dog in th~ Cit~,. Pound, but if it is impractical to capture such dog for the purpmoe of impounding, the police officer or offieers shall kill such dog, The owner (Jl' owners 01' party claiming possession of any impounded dog may secure its release upon payment to the City Tax Collector of the sum of $3.00 and 25c fo!' pach day said dog is impounded, and if such dog has not been vaccinated within the period of time hereinfore stated, Raid dog shall be vaccinated and said license tag obtained before said dog is released, or if such dog has been vaccinated within the time required, but said ltcense tag has not been obtaincc, the same shall be obtained before said dog is released. If any Ruch dog impounded hereunder shall not Of" 1'(.'- dpemed by the owner or :party claiming possession Uk' herein required within ten days after the impounding thereof, said dog shall be dislJoRed of by a police officer or the poundkeeper. All dogs impounded shall be properly fed and cared for until redeemed or disposed of. If V~e owner of s~ch dog ~s kno.wn and it is practi~able to do so, the poundke"l1er upon the Impoundmg of such dog shallnobfy the owner of such impdUndment. Section 10. That any person found guilty of violating the TJrovisions of ~ections 5, 6, or 7 of this ordinance shall, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the City of Sanford, Florida, be punishclI bv fine of not more than $200.00 or by imprisonment of not more than ninety days or by both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Municipal 1."),.,, -:...-. ~L'--'I V'i! I: :i II il 1. il ij 11 Ii I! II 'I II il !I :1 I, II !i Ii II II II Ii Ii II Ii I, I II , I I I I! II d II i I I ,I II I II i i i i I' II Ii -I II Ii II 'I II II II II II II !, II II II i I i I :1 II I, I l I r 1 4