HomeMy WebLinkAbout434 ~, .-- , "'- .1 \ , / j'" ,/;1 I' ,I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, ~LORIDA, FURTHER REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTING PASSENGERS FOR CO:hPENSA'rION, Cm.lfIlONLY KNOV,i!'j AS THE "TAXI-CAB" BUSINESS; MAKING ADDrrIClNAL RE- QUIRENENTS FOR THE ISSuANCE OF A PEElJfIT TO OPER- ATE SUCH BUSINESS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF AN IDENTIFICATION CARD TO EACH TAXI-CAB DRIVER, EXCEPT AS HEREIN PROVIDED, AND RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING IDKJTI}'ICATION CARDS HERETOFORE ISS'jED BY THE CEIEF OF PC,LICE TO TAXI CAB DRIVERS; 1<lAKING rr UNLA\'iF'UL FOR THE DElVER OF A TAXI-CAB TO DRIVE A TAXI-CAB AFTER T\VO CONVICT- IONS OF T1'~AFFIC VIOLATI"'NS AS HER'HIN PP0VIDED; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR SUCH OFFENSE AND FOR THE r'ORFEITURE FOR A PERIOD OFONE YEAR OF THE IDENTI- FICATION CARD FOR THE DRIVING OF A TAXI-CAB AFTER SAID TWO CONVICTIONS AND AUTHORIZING APPLI- CATION AT THE END OF SAID YEAR Tn THE CITY CO~M- IssION FeR RESTORATION OF SAID IDENTIFICATION CARD AND MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DRIVE A TAXI-CAB AFTER THE FORFEITURE OF k~ IDENTIFICATION CARD AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR DRTVING A TAXI-CAB AFTER :B'ORFEITURE OF IDENTIFICATION CARD. ORDINANCE NO. 434 BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THF CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That if any applicant for a permit to en- gage in the business of transportation of passengers for compensa- tion, commonly IIDown as the llTaxi-Cabll business in the City of '$ ~ ~: Sanford, Florida, as provided by Ordinance No. 328, passed. 8,nd adopted on the 26th day of October, 1944, i8 not known to any mem- ber of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, at the time application for permit is made, said application shall be 4 accompanied by letters of recom~endation from three responsible citizens of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 2. That no permit to en~a~e in the taxi-cab business in the City of Sanfor~, Florida, shall be franted to any person who has not been a resident of the City of Sanfor6, Florida, for ninety (90) days or more immediately preceding application for permit. Section 3. That no permit to enfa~e in the taxi-cab the filing of business in the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be granted to any oer~on who has been convicted twice in any Court or Courts of a charge of careless or negligent driving of a motor vehicle, or con- victed once of driving a motor vehicle 'l'ihile una er the influence of intoxicatinp- liquor. torfeiture of an apnearance bond shall constitute a conviction. Section 4. That before any person shall be allowed to drivE" a taxi-cab, he shall ontain from the Chief of PolicE" an identification card 'tvith his name, adclrE"ss, color of hair and eyes, weight, height, ar-e and his photograph thereon, and sifned by him and countersi~ned by the Chjef of pnlice of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the identification cards herptofore issued and dpli verec by the Chief of Pnlice to te.xi-CB.n c1 ri VE"rs are hereby ratifif'c and confir'med anc said idpntificatinn cards here- tofore issued and hercafte~ irsued shall be evidence of the right to drive a taxi-cab. Section 5. That no identificati~n card shall be iscued by the Ohief of Police to any person desiring to drive a taxi- cab who has not been a resident of the City of Sanford, Florida, for a period of ninety days immediately prece(Ung the application for such identification card. Section 6. That no identification card shall be issued by the Chief of Police to any person desiring to drive a taxi- cab who does not hold a State of Florida chaufferls license. Section 7. That no identification card for the driving of a taxi-cab shall be ~ranted to any perron who has convicted twice in any Court or Courts of 8 charge of careless or negli- p-ent driving 0 f a motor vehicle or convicted once in any Court of driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liouor. b'orfei turf> of an appearance bond shall constitute a conviction. Section 8. That it shall be unlaWful for any driver of a taxi-cab in the City of Sanford, Florida, to drive any taxi- c~b after a second co.wiction of said taxi-driver in the Munici- pal Court of the City of Sanford, Florida, or the County Court of Seminole County, Florida, or any other Court, or one con- viction in the Munici9al Court and one conviction in said County Court or any other Court, of a violation of any ordinance or ordinances of said City ref.1:ulatinp-- traffic, or Dart or parts thereof, or of any statute of the State of Florida regulating ,.. traffic, whether driving a taxi-cab or some other motor vehicle on which said charge is based and it shall not be necessary that the second conviction be of the same offense ae that for ir<rhich the firf'-t conviction W8,S had. Forfeiture of an apnear- ance bond shall con8titute a conviction Within the meaning of th:.s section. Section 9. That any person vimlatin~ the provisions of the next above section of this ordinance shall, upon the conviction in the Municipal Court, be 0unished by a fine not eyceeding T'!.vo Hundred Dollars (ffi:200.00) or by impriRonment for not eyceeding ninety (90) days or by both such fine and im- prisonment at the discretion of the Municipal .Judge. Section 10. That upon the second conviction of any tayi-cab driver as provided in Section 7 of th~s ordin8nce, such taxi-cab driver shall forfeit h1s identification card and the Judge of the Court in which his ppcond c0nviction was had shall require the surrender of such identification card to the Judge of the saidCourt who shall deliver the identification card to the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, Such forfeit- ur€'shall remain in effect for one year when the holder of Baid identification card may apply to the City Commission for the restoration of said identification card, 'vrhich restoration may or may not be granted as the City Comrn.ispion may deem proper. Section 11. That it shallbe unlawful for the driver of any taxi-cab in the City of Sanford, Florida, wh0re identification card has been forfeited, to drive any taxi-cab in the City of sanford, and, upon conviction in the Municipal Court, such driver shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) or by impriRonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both fine and imorieonment at the discretion of the Munici- pal Judge. Section 12. That any ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict hereWith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 13. That this ordinance shall become effective -,. immediately unpon its paspage and adoption. Paseed and Adopted this 19th day of April , 19 4e . ~~Q,.,~~ ~ _-1rJV ~~?::: y "./ /?~./d (-d~ /' ~ . Attest: C~e/l City Clerk / As the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Florida ._~f1'" *********************************************************************** I, H. N. sayer, C!ty Clerk of the City of sanford, Florida, hereby cert!fy that a t~le copy of the forego!ng Ord!nance No. 434, paf'Fed and adopted by the C!ty Cornrn~ss!on of the C1 ty of Sanford, Flor! ja, on the 19th day of Apr~,l, 194~, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall ~n the C! ty of Sanford, Florida, this 20th day of Apr!.l, 194e. >,r" (~ ~ C!Y, _r' ;' '~~'