HomeMy WebLinkAbout432-Not Passed " ~ -.- " NOT PASSED" OF-DINANCES NO. 432 AN OEDINANC? A1ILENDDTG SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO.8, E!;TITLED II AN ORDINANCE PP0VIDINC F'OR 'fl1E SPEED LIHI'l', SAFE DHIVING, AND PARKING OF AU'rOHOEILEt1, AND orrw::"p VEEICLES AND FOR THE C ~_HPYING OF A LIGHT AT r!IC+HT ON ALL HORPE;.i;DRAWN VFHICLKS ON THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUPLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF ShYFOHI', FLOi:'IDA, AND DE- CLAHING THE SAME TO BE AN EHERGENCY MEA~URE NECES9.,-,-1'Y F'01=) rrHE SAFJ!~TY OF' 'l'EE CITIZENP I PEDESTRIAlJS A>1D orrHER PERSONS USING THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND OTHER PUPLIC PLAcrs IN THE CITY rF SAN~'ORD, FLORIDA, BECAUSE OF' 'n-!F FACT THAT THEPE IS AT THIS 'I'HIE NO ADE- '~UATE ORDINANcr IN FORcr Al'TD EFB'ECT IN THE CI'l'Y OF SANFORD, FLOB-IDA, GOVFPNIHG THE~ SPEED LIMI'!', SAFE DRIvnw, AND PAR1:ING OF AUTOIWBILEP AND OTHf? VrHICL}1~S AND HEC,UIHING THE CARPYING 0F A LIGH'l' ON ALL HORpe _DT::A''.H v'qnCLFF; AND ppnVIDIW' F'OP. A PE:tt..LTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF 'I'HIO ORT1INANCFIl PAQ9ED ON 'l':HE 9th DAY OF FEBRUAHY, lQ20, SAID SECTION 9 REGULATING THE SPEED OF V1~HICLES ON. ANY OF THE STR'S~FTS OPe ALLFYf', IN THE CITY 0F SANF0Hf', FLOHIDA. BE IT ENACTED PY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF f:Al'\'FORD, FLORIDA: . Section 1. cthst Section 9 of OrcUna,nce No. 8 enti tIed "An Ordine.nce Provid1nr for the Speed Limit, Se,fe Drivinv 2.nd Par~inf of Auto80biles and Other Vphicles ?nd for the C~.r'rying of a Li~ht at Ni~ht on all HorsE-dravn Vehicles on the Streets, Allpys end Pu,hlic Ple.cPE! 1n the Ci rJ of SanforC', :&'101'108, and De- clar1ng- thp Same to be an Emerp'oncy 1-{p8.8Ure NeCEssary for the Safety of the Citizens, Pedpstrianr and ether Persons U8in~ the Streets, Alleys 9nd. Other Public PlaceR in thp City of Scmford, Florid?, B~c8uBe of the F~ct that ther'p is at th's Time No Ade- cuate Orfinancp in Forcp and Effect 1n thp City of Sanford, Flor1(a, Govr:rnlnp: thp SDPed Limit, Safe Drivinr 2nd Ps.rking- of Automohiles Gnc Other Vehicles and Rpcuirinp: thp C2.rryinF of 8. Livht on all Horse-draJ:,rn VehicleF, 2.nd Provicinp' for;:; Penal ty for the Viols.tion of this Ord1nancpll passed on tte 9th day of February, lQ20, be end the 82.me is hF-reby amend_ed to 80 ac to read as foll0i-'rs: gection 9. That in no case shall any automobile or vehicle of any ~ind be driven or ooerated on any of the streets or alleys in the City of Sanford, Florida, at a greater rate of speed in a businesR district, a8 hFrein- after defined,th~n fiftppn (IS) ~ilpE oer hour or at a preRter rate of ppeed in a residential district of the City of SRnford, Florida, aA hereinafter defined, than tventy five (25) miles per hour, or at a rreater rat~ of epeed in any of the school zones in the City of S8nford, Florida, as hereinafter defined, than fifteen (15) miles per hour. That a BurineeR District vi thin the mefnin[" of this to section shall be the territory contiruous/and inclueing a street or 2venue ph~nSOog or more of the fI'ontal2':e there- on for a di8te.noe of 300 feet or more i8 !Occupied by huildinV8 in use for business. That a School Zone within the meanin~ of this section shall be the territory contiruous to an~ a street or aVEnue im8edia tely 0.:;)')08i te a public school buildinV and ext endinr for a distance of 300 feet in each ~irection along the street or avenue measur~d from each corner of the school land. That a residenti8.1 district ':..i thin the ffiP8nim: of this section shall be the territory contiruous to and includinf a street or avenue not comprising a husiness district when the property on such street or avenue for a distance of 30n feet or more is in the main improved 'k7i th reeid ence or resid~nceB and buildinrs not in use for ~u8ine8B. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here1:Ti th bt1 and the same are her8by r8pe81ed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be~ome effective immediately upon the paR8a~e and adoption. Passed and adopted this day of 194,_. Hayor. ArrTH~ST : As the City Commission of the City of Sanfor~, Florida City Clprk PRESENTED FOR FINAL READING AT REGULAR MEETING OF FEB. 9, 194e BUT WAS NOT PASSED AND ADOPTED. 1 .. .L"'--" .,.-