HomeMy WebLinkAbout431 ORDINA~CE NO.Jl)l, ,.~. , t ) AN ORDINANCE OF' 'l'EE CITY OF' S.;...N.F'ORD, H'LORIDA, REGULA'J.1INC' ':'HE P/.,,L"iUNG OF AUi'OJ:.ICbILE TR~ILEHc, OCCUPIED ,hY HUHAN BEINGS l"OR LIVING Q,UARTER8, IN 'l'RE CIT'! OF' SANl"ORD, FLORIDA, AND REQUIRING SUCH AU'l'01-IObILE 'J.1RAILEHf', TO BE PARKED IN A REGULARLY LICEH8ED TR~ILFR PARi\:, EXCKPT AS HEnEIN PROVIDED, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY H'OR THE VIOLA'l'ION OF THE PReVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. ]--'T IT ENAC'I'ED BY THE PEOPLE OF ~\BE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Cection 1. Ths.t all automboile trailers occupied by human beinfF', for livlnp- oU2.rtere in the Ci ty of Se.nforc, Florida, shall be par~tE'c_ in a refularly licensee 't'r:e..11Ler ~}r,provid ed that such automobile tr~i1er8 may be parked elsewhere for a period of not lonfPr than three weeke upon the o~ner or party deelrinf to so occupy the same, obt3.ininr from the Oi ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Sanford, Florida, of a permit for such three WeekF parkinf. The the same o~ner of such trailer or per80n deeirinp to 80 occuDy~ha11 ma~e application for such oermit, statinv the name and place of reei- dencp of the O\'ner or person deeirinp- to occupy the same, the mSKe and number, if any, 8.nd 8 tet e 1icene e numbpr of 88,i6 trs.iler and the place vhere it is dppired to parx paid trailer. Only one oermit for three ~eeks temporary par&inp phall be allowed. Section 2. That any person, firm or corporation ~ho shall Dar~ an automobile trailer contrary to the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a oiedFmeanor ~nd shall be punished by a fine for not more than two hundred do1larp (f0no.no) or imprisonmpnt of not more than ninety (90) days or by both such fine ana. imprisonment at the discretion of the ~~unicin8.1 Judp'e. Section 3. That all ordin~nc~p or parts of or~inance8 in conflict here~ith b' and the same are hereby repeale6. Section~. That this ordinance shall become effective imr'led.iate1y u'Qon thp'J8-PSafe and adontion. Passed and adoute6 thie ~h day of yebrU!:l,ry r -;fr , " ,,- . i."'" , "',..J- tJ'J.t (A lA.),Dif:-z, -r,!T~_:w"'~o J'j...,.,~ , 1 q 4e. ATTEST: ~.., ;i? . . ~.iJp;]::;' ~ "(",' -." ',1- ".. , ( - -- ~ c;.;' L...-il.~ CiTy Cler .~ the ~ I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 431, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 9th day of February, 194e, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 14th day of February, 191p~; . ( ~~~.~. C.1 ty C er ..~..,.