HomeMy WebLinkAbout430 ~' --... \ \ \, 1/ ORDINANCE NO. 430 AN nrWINANCE OF' THE CI'L'Y OF P,ANF'C'RD, FLORIDA, RFPEALING ORDIi~NWr:: :w. L' Cl3 EF1'I'l'LED "AN OHTINA~!C~ IMPC'SING AN ANNUA,L LICEN~'E TAX UP"N PYPf'('M, }'I1:1T on COHP(\R~II'Iot!S OPERF.TIHG CERTAIN DEVICES COM1'ONLY {!\T0;1\], AP "PUNCH BOAPDP," ANn "lrr,;JADE POA;:::>l)F" D; C01'nmCTION ~'iITH ANY ("l'HTl'R rUSINESS OR OCCUPA'I'ION OF SUCH PFnBONS, FIP':S OR COHPORATIO!--:S IN THE CITY QIl' SANFORD, FLORIDA,~rm UPOT:1 DISTPI1:: U'l'ORf OF SUCH "PUNCH bOAnDS" on "TnADE bOAR.Df',"; PHOVIDINGr FrR THE I ~C:;U k~JC~ OF SAID LICENSES A'1D HlpnSnW CERTl'-It\! TAXES UPON C', 'CR iF-VICES COi'!JfO~J- LY KiJQi:,N AP "PUECH BOAB])S" AND "TF:ADE HOARDe"; RECUJPITJ('- SUCH TAXES TO BE EVIDENCED bY STA}4PS '1'0 }-E FTJREIf'HED BY 'I'HE CI'l'Y '}'O BE AF'FIXED TO SAID "PUNCH BOARDS" AND "TFADE BOARDS" BY DIP,T"IPUTORf?) OF SUCH IlPUNCH BOA-DS" AND "Tc!-\.DE BOARDS"; Nil.KING THE Uf';E CF' CFH'l'AlN "PUNCH BOAHDE!" AliD 11 TRADE BCAHDf"" UNLA,ji'VL A;'H) prWVlDHW- A PENALTY FOP THE VIOLATION OF' ANY OF THE PPOVlflIONS OIl 'ERlS OHDH1ANCE", PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 23rd DAY 01" SEPTFEFER, lQh6. PE: 1'1' ENACTFD BY 'IFfE pre: PLE OF TH'C CI 'Y~ OF' S';:;F'OHD, FLOHIDA: 2ection I. That OrcHnance Hn. hO; entitlec IIAn Ort1infmCl" ImDosinv An Annual License Tax Upon Person, Firms Or Coroorations Oper2tinp' Cprt8_in Devices COillrnonly Kno\'m Ar "Punch Roarcie" and IITrsde Boards" In Cormection iiith Any Other BusinPE's Or Occuo2_tion . ~'! , ' Of Such PerQon8, Firms Or Corpor~tion8 In The City Of Sanford, Florida, And Upon Distributors Of Such IIPunch Boards" Or IlTrade Boardell; Providinv F'or The Iesu2.nce Of SE_id Licensee And Imposing Certain T~xes ~pon Such Devicep Commonly Knovn As "Punch Boards" An~ "Trade Boardsll; Recuirinr Such Taxes To Be Evidenced By Stamps To Be F0rnished By The City To Be Affixe~ To Said "Punch Boards" AnC1 "Trctde Boards" By Distributorr Of Such i'Punch Boards" C',ndIlTrade Bnare!s!'; MaKinr The Use Of Cert8in "Punch Boards" And "Trede BOB-rap-II Unla:I>'ful And Provid ing A Penalty F'or The Violation Of Any Of The Provif1ionp Of This Or('inancpll passed and sJ30Dted on the 23rd day of Seotenber, 1?Ll6, be ?_nc. the same if! hereby repP?led. Section ? Th:o,t all Ord.inancPf' or partr 0f OrcUnancef' in conflict her,,"'i th be 2nd the f!8J1lP 81'E' hereby 1''''Of'2leo. Section 3. Th.qt thle 01'(1 inan c p shall bpcome effective immedia tely UDon i tfl pS.8save =.cnd adootion. Papsed and adopted this 26th day of January 1 gL: (3. , .. ATTEST: /':,. ~ ~.r:" .' (. ~"-p-V' Ci tv Clerl-c, v . r /' /' * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * *** * ** * ** * * * * * * I, H. N. sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 4)9, passed and adopted by the C4ty Comm~ssion of the C1 ty of Sanford, F'lorida, on the 26th day of January, 194e, was POSTED at the front door of the C1ty Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 31st day of January, 194!. .,~ ~~/ _,,1... er r' /" ";;r