HomeMy WebLinkAbout428 \ ~>A, '-_ \, ,)~~INANCE NO. 428 lu"J OR:JI:~ANCE OF T;:TE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUTHORI2.Ii-!G THE CITY CLE::\:K OF S;.ID CITY Iro TAKE AFF'I~A.VITS FOIl AH?2f:T FOR VIOLATIOr: OF CITY OR~nH.l-1CEE A:iD IS;',tTE .{iARP~NTS fOR SUCH hI1P.I:S'1.'S .--'.i~: AU7EORIZII1G "'FE CHIKft' OF POLICE or TE~ CITY O~., S.nNFORD IN THE hE~.F:\~CE FRON. ':::'HE CITY HALL OF TTTF CITY CLERK TO ':::'hKE AFI<I- DAVITS FOR ARqESTS FOR VIOLA~ION OF CITY O?DIl\1."-i<CFS .:"i'!D I G~1;E V'.'ARP..ANTS FOR :-'t!CH ARRES'l'S, AND r>.UTHGRIZDm EXECUTION OF sneH JABRANTS IPPUED DY 7HF CITY CL8U: OR CRI:r'f' OF POLICE BY ANY POLICE OFFICER OF THt: C17Y OF SA.:JFOB.D. BE: IT ENAC'I'ED ?Y THI. PEOPLE OF THF. CITY OF Sli.NFORD, FLORIDA: Sectlf:'n 1. TJ:i.at the C1.ty Cls[>1< of tt.t" 01 ty of S&nford, E'loric,3., be :",_Y'1(" ht\ lEI h"I'eby autbor'j z.ed to take affidavi tP. for &Y'I'F'rtt.:\ (.If ,-~n;)r pE'PF\on 01' pel'61JnB :L'ol' t:-,t: ITioL:tion of arlj~ C:;.ty O'-'(~inc.n~~es of ~-;:f' City of S~nfr,Y'C: a(J' ir<PUE: \"&l'I'Clritp fnp such [iYlreflte, Y-fl-:icl-:.. V,'&)'!'ants I:1&j b(~ ~''':;.c-uted by any police off'lC'er uf t~e City of S&~ford. SE'c.tion 2. Th~.:. t In t}~e . 8..0f~ en.c 8 trOLl 'eLf< Clt~1 H&ll of t~-lE Cl t~l Clel'ik t1-~f:~ Cl1.1pf (if Poltee of sa.iG. Ci ty ffi&.Y take ar! affidavit for the arr~Bt of any person or per~onB for t~e vlo- latton of a~,'j orainancet', of the City of Sc:.:..nfoT'n. an:': i8td..:iE a 'WE.:rq-'&nt fop 8\1c11 arl'f"ftJ l'1".10h i"ap['c,nt may be serve:'!_ by un;y pol iC'~ of fie er of t}-, f' 01 ty of San foy'c_. Section 3. That ~Il or~in~nceB or parts nf or~inances in conrllc~ hp~p~lth be &n~ t~e same are hereby repealed. Section 1+. ':::'hat tr~i8 orC'lnance shall oeco11lf' effective Imfl~diCltel;y UP()D 1. ts pafl83.€(e ar"cl, adnption. PafH;ed ana. &coptpc. thiEl 29th day of ::JE'cembE"i', 1?L;.7. Attctt: ~ ~ ,Y As the C~ty Co~mlpplon of the City elf Sanfore., Flori,'ia ~\. I ___7' --;.... I, H. N. sayer, C!ty Clerk of the City of sanford, Flor!dR, hereby certify that a true and copy of the afore~o!ng Ordine.nce No. 1~2e, pef3f~ed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florl~a, on the 29th day of December, 1947, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall !n the City of Sanford, Flor~.(18, thts 31st day of DecAmber, 191+7. ./ ---xs City er of the ord, Florir'a. ~ '---