HomeMy WebLinkAbout426 \. \ '\ " OF~INANCE NO. 426 I I &~ ORDINAHCE OF THE CITY OF S.h.NFORD, FLORIDA, Alv::F-:NDING SECTION 4- OF ORDIi'!ANCE NO. 328 , PASSED cc..:m ADOPTED ON THE 26th DAY OF OCTOBEF., 1942, .-_:m :?-:NTITLED "AN OR:JINAI\CE OF THE CITY OF SAN- FORD, FLORIDA REQUIRING EVER.Y PEBe,ON J FIRlVI OR CORPOF~TION DESIRING TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTING PASSENGERS FOr. CONPEXSATION IN; tJiOTOR VERI CLE'S OF ':'}IE CAP ACT TY F"FfiEIN DEf,CiUBED, OPe 1;HAT IS COl\~MONLY K:~m;N AS TEE ilTAXI-CAB ?,USI- l\1ESS" IN THE CITY OF SANFO~DJ FLOHItA, TO OBTAIN A P~R1-'II'l' SO TO DO FEO}l THE CITY C0l-1HSf"ION OF SAID CITY; Rr~~UIRINc:. '::,'\,:CH PFB?,ONS, I,'Im.:s OR COR- PORATIONS TO FmnSH IN<:'-URANCE TO PROTECT [,UCH PA2-SENGERS AND THE PUBLIC AHD PROPERTY FROH DAHAGE OCCASIONED BY THE NEGLIG-EFT OPERATION OF C:-UCH NOTOR VEHICLES; lvIAKING CERTAIN REGU.... LATIONS FOE S~~I D BU!3INFSS; PREseRI BING lliiI~InmK A:m NMHiilli RAT:E~S TO BE CH1-i.RGED BY SUCH PEHSONS, FIHhS on COr:-20PcATIOl';S EimdGED Il~ SUCh BUSINESS AHD PROVI:JING A FEKALTY FOF TIrE VIOLi~TION OF THE I,ROVISIOr-:S OF THIS ORDINAl~CE. Ii BE IT EHACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Se~tlon 1. That Section 4 nf Or~inance No. 328 of ttF Ci ty of Sanford, Flori.::)::.:.., pSff.4ec. anc_ adoptE',a on the 26th c_o,y of October, 1942, ana entttled" "An Or'cUn::Hlce Of The Clty Of Sanford, Florida Rpqtj,irlng Every :Pel'eon, Flr'l1i Or Corpor- ation Desiring To Eng~ge In The BusinPBs Of TranRporting PaS8ent~er8 For Compensation In Motor Vphic1es Of The C::cpaci t;y Herein De8cribecl, Or \il12,t Is Commonly Kno\-'n As ThE' 1'To.xl-Cab Bupilwseu In The City Of S::nford, l<'J.nY'ir':a, To Obtalu A Pt;::{,f!!i,t So To Do Fi~m Thp City Jnmrnission Of Sald City; Re~utring Such Pel'i'ons, ~"1rr:18 Or Cor)orutionf! To FUl'(,isl: InSUr2J1C€> To Prott'e'f:, St;.ch Paf1.t-~Enfer'8 AI.:. Tte Public Ancl prOptc :'ty Fr-cm Damat~e Ol:caf.i):d:ocl By ThF NegligE-'Ilt. Operation Of SU.c.h i.loten" Vehicles; \of ' C'" ~ R ~ t' Y'1 F S l' B i . T)r'''''.''.c'r~ l,~.n:.,' l'.8KjngC('l>adl EgU.LS- J.O.1E: or 2. G ~-lef.~, ..~,..-, _~J..:, M1 ni mum And ~'iaxirnui1J Rates To ~€ Ch,u~ged B~r S\~cr-~ :P \}'Bordo, Firms Or Coroor?tions E'lf'S.~'f,lC, 1(1 Such DUf,irlr;rs Ac.c Pl'oviclirw ~ ~. ~- ~ A Pen8-1ty Fr:,r The Vt()ll:'\tion Of 111-.e ProVi:::1onF Of This (),'::~j;:~'LGf'.li 'b~ al1C trlY- F[...r:lt:. ~ ;~~'. (Jt"\rei:rs' SJ l;::rl::!.f.C1. F.() ~'~f) tc, lif-al:" aF' :c.1J,r/'",iS: ~'"_.. ~ Section Li. T:-..D.t thf' persons, firms 01:"' COP- pora tlone er.csged lr: t:-:e i-'ti.8~GP f,(! de f: cri bE"'d, in Section 1 hpreof rh~11 char~e ~0t lefs than the eurr: of Fifteen Ct"nts (150) al1c Hot mOY'F tho.,n the 8U.1n -"" Ul Thlrty-five Cer:.tc (35(/) for the t J"anspor- tation of each pasrenger to OP fpom ~ay ~olnt in the Ci l.y of S(cnfcrc, north of 25th Strpct, alpo known D.8 Geneva Street, 2~f Fifty Cr~tF (5ot) for thE tr~nsr0rtatlan of p~ch ~arr~nger to or from a4:~~jt iirJt ir1 ~'l:-..C G~~.tJ of Sar)f{)~pd. tOU~'}l of SCt~~{! '"' c: +--:-- .:...,,,,,,,, 1..1..... st reE:t; aleo knoVJ11 c.-e Gf':1,c,va Street, awl ~. 1'""'.... "'T i' -,' . +. ""l {r- t, 1'/ ) .' J. \-"J v t::!; I,; 8 ~)V'f' f01~ tI,E' trCirlE;l)Ol~tatiorl (~f ctriy fJae8u'i-'f~1 to ,...1' from allY )l.l:1t j f1 the 01 ty of S:.rLrCii."~ bl')":;~,rt'en 1:00 olclo(;k A.~'I. ane 6:00 o'clock A.~i. 6er:; ti{)(l 2. Trlat Cll..i. o:c:=l ,lricu1cef~ OJ~ :Jal"ts of Ol',::t- rla..n.ce~) ifl \.;c)'("iflict 17~f;~tl~~ri tl1 0t~ ~rHJ tIlt.. f?ClI1ie al~e l:lf'{.eb~r r'e- peal eO. Section~. Th~t this ordinance rhall become cff~~tl~e 011 t~0 1st day of November, 1947. l'f1f:sed cLl'l=! aiJ.()1Jtt~l4 tl:ls 27th da,y of Oc tober, 191;-7. 'M~~_ 'er:r~~~ ~..~~ ~-~~~~\~. '::'8 +-.'-1" '"'it-j ,"l"'),,,.T'iC<'l.'I)I'<, "f\""'--" .....- \),j,..l.... \.)""'" tI v".],.....:..L ~}~... .1 I) \W-IJ...., '"' ,0"". -"" C ,,,." -" F"' tel "'.I. lJJ' '.il ;;;l,--:~, ')J'\" .Lor a At t iel ;'~ t : ?/.. . " I f), Clerk ~/ .'l!....L_ ,,,,..J_ ~ I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby cert1fy that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 426, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of sanford, Florida, on the 27th day of October, 1947, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 2eth day of October, 1947. -~- ~.".c. ( . (;1 ty eI! ,< the 01 ty of ~ . Flor1da. <<"", / ( )..;;::').l.",.