HomeMy WebLinkAbout423 . 42.L~__ ,. ":~'" ..:-~. "1 ";.. ...-'~. -ElETY__ -'">., n_......._ ..-... ..::'l, i ... J__ - . 1 r. .M.- .:';' ..;.;;....-J ....~.. ~.~...,. - ....... ..-. ... ~.,...c~ T;~~~ ,- -.-f1 f'~ ... ,';'" tpenty- f.J.Y~_ -r , fifty ...' ~ '""'I -""'" .-- -, .M. ' /~- G~tp:./{ ,/ - ..../' , ;-:- /~<'"- ,-.-.'.------.--..-,---..-.--.-^- ..... - .. .,. ":':".. ) - .. If (PUBLISHED IN 'rHE SANFCRD HEHALD AS LEGAL ADVEH'l'ISEMENT ON SEPTEMBER 29, 1947) , /' f I' ID4t ~utt,fnrb latralb An Independeht Newspaper SANFORD. SEMI:tyO'LE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before tt?,' n~igned authority personally appeared___________ _n__m__________ _ _____ / l'-" ~. . ---____n____~---..---n-, ~-, .'~n--n~-J-n--n~~n--n-----..---n---n---n",Th, 0 on oath says that he is I'~ . __un____________ - mn4-n--m-1~n----n-----of the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- lished at Sanford, in Seminole Coun.ty, Florida; that ,the attached copy of advertisement, being a'-'~~m_m__m -..--nn------_n_____nm___h_____nm___..m___._ -----__u_____n.in the matter of Q,~ -n-n---n------------__n_~________u___n~___n_n_n_ ----n---.,---------_n____n____n______________n________n________________ . --~ :~:P~~;i,~~ i~-:id-~:~'pa~:;;~:he ;ss~~ -:f~W':;~/-~;;2~cou'" ---- -- -- - - - - --- -- - - ------ - -- - - -- - --.- -- -- ---- - --- -- -- --------- - - --------- -- -- -- -- -- - - ---- -- -- -- -- -- ----- ------- ---- ----------- -- -- --------- -- ~- Affiant further says ,that the said SANFORD HERALD is a newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole Coun ty, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the a.ttached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to' and subscribed before me this --un-v ..AiA(_day of ------m.,.4)~- -~ -~. --______A. D. 19_~) , , ------------ -~ --.....- - ------- - -- - ------- --. :::----- (SEAL) XOTARYJPtJB:/O_ ~, Ap'/j , .rGJ I , I ORDtNANCE NO. 423 AN ORDll~ANC,E: OF, ThE CITY O:e SANl<~URD. FLORID<\" }<' 0 R l:s I Li- VING THE KEEPING OR l\LAIN- . TAINING OF LIVE -FOWL" L'F ,- ANY KIND WITHIN FIFTY F'EET OF ANY DWELLING HOUSE OH I APARTMENT OR G<\,RAGE APART_ MENT OCCUPIED BY' HUMAl'I' BEINGS FOR, RE, SIDENTAL PUR- POSEs IN THE CITY UF SAN, l<'ORD. F'tJORIDA. EXCET'T AS HEREIN PROVIDED, AND PRU-I VIDING A PENAL'l'Y FOR Vn)LA- TION OF THIS ORDINANCE f' BE IT ENAC'r,ED BY THE" PEO-I P;LE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: " I SECTION L. Tha. t it ,Shall be, unlaW-II I f~l for any person, firln, or corpOra_ tIOn to keep or maintain in the City of Sanforo" Flenda, live fowls vI any kind within 'fifty feet of any : dwelling house or apartment Or ga- r ra~e apartment occupied by human bemgs for residen tal llUrposes in t~" City' of San Lord, Florida" pro- VIded" however, that this order sb all ~ot prevent the OWner .01' keeper of: h,:e fowls from Keeping such fowls WIthin twentY-five feet of the dwel- ling house or apartment huuse or Ii apartment or ga,rage apartluent oc- cupied by such owner or keep ~~r, so long as no other d welling house ! Or a~artment Or ga,:cage' apartmellt , occuPI"d as aforesaid is within fifty feet of said fowls, and provided further that this ordinance shan not pr"vent the keeping of live fowls for' sale by merchants. . SECTIO:r:; 2. That any perso'1.. fIrm or corporation found gullty in the Municipal Court of the Cify of Sanford, Florida, for viola tion or I the, provisions of Section 1 of thIS , ordmance shan be punish"d by fme I not exceeding $200.00, Or tmprisGn- ment fa,r not exceeding ninety days, or by both fin" and imprisonment eet th" discretion vi the Municipal Judge, SECTION 3, That this ordinanc" I :,'shall ,becom" "ffectiv" immediateiy , upon ItS passage and adoption, PASSED and ADOPT,ED'the 23rd: '?ay of September" 1947. \ ' Robert A. Willia\l1s Acting Mayor Lea It. L~sher Andrew Carraway Geo. D. Bishop As the City Commission of. the City of Sanford, FlOrida. \ ATTEST: H, N. /,jAYE~ City Clerk (SEAL)