HomeMy WebLinkAbout420 II I \( ( ORDINANCE NO. 420 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING PARAGRAPH (d) OF SECTION 12 OF ORDINANCE NO. 274, GOVERNING ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION AND THE SALE, INSTALLATION, USE NAINTENANCE, AND REPAIRS OF ELECTRICAL WIRING, APPARATUS OR EQUIPMENT FOR LIGHTS, HEAT OR POWER, INSIDE OR ATTACHED TO BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND CREATING AND DESIGNATING THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, AND DEFINING THE DUTIES AND THE POWERS OF SAID BOARD AND OF THE BUILDING INSPECTORS AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ORDINANCE, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE lothday of October 1938. - I I I BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Paragraph (c) of Section 12 of Ordinance No. 274, entitled "An Ordinance Governing Electrical Construction And The Sale, Installation, Use, Maintenanoe, And Repairs Of Electrical Wiring, Apparatus Or Equipment For Lights, Heat Or Power, Inside Of Or Attached To Buildings In The City Of Sanford, Florida, And Creating And Designating The Board Of Examinere Of Electricians Of The City Of Sanford, And Defining The Duties And Powers Of Said Board And Of The Building Inspectors And Providing A Penalty For The Violation Of The Provisions Hereof." passed and adopted on the loth I j \ day of October , 19-18, be and the same is hereby amenc,ed so as to read as follo1'lS: INSPECTION FEES (c) Before any permit is granted for the install- ation or alteration of electric wiring, device or equipment, the Master Electrician making application for such permit shall pay to the City of Sanford a fee in such amount as specified below: (l) Concealed work: For each outlet, including outlets for wall switches flush or surface type, or for pendant switches - $.10. (2) Open work: Fnr the wiring to each fixture, drop or receptive device or to each wall switch, or pendant switch not attached to fixture, including fixtures, drops or rece~tive devices and sWitches when installed at same time as wiring - $.10. " (3) Lighting Fixtures: For each lighting fixture, not including drop lights, '\1all or flush receutacles or other receptive devices not having-soldered joints - $.05. For each drop light, wall or flush receptacle or other receptive device not having soldered joints - $.10. (4) Fans: For each ceiling or bracket fan permanently attached to circuit wires - $.25. (5) Motors: For each electrical motor of three-fourths horsepower or less operating at a potential of 600 volts or less - $.50. For each electrical motor of over three-fourths horsepower and not over five horsepower operating at a potential of 600 volts or less - $1.00. For €8ch electrical motor of over five horse- pOY1er-operating at a potential of 600 volts or less - $2.00. For each "high potential" motor operating at a potential of over 600 volts, regardless of horsepower - $3.00. (6) Generators: For each "low potential" electrical generator 600 volts or less, of not over 1 K.W. capacity, including switch boards, instruments, and other accessories - $.50. For each "low potential" electrical generator, 600 volts or less, of over 1 K.W. capacity, and not over 5 K.W. capacity, including switch board" instruments, and other accessories - $1.00. For each "10"1 pot ential" electrical generator, 600 volts or less, of over 5 K.W. capacity, including switch boards, instruments, and other accessories - $1.50. For each "high potential" electrical generator, over 600 volts, including switch boards, instruments and other accessories, regardless of capacity - $3.00. (7) Motor Generators Sets: For each electrical --::\.. - / motor generator set when motors are directly connected for generators, the same fees shall be charged as fixed for motors and generators, separately, or like capacity and potential. For each set of storage batteries for light, heat or power, installed in conneotion with generator sets - $1.00. (8) Rectifiers: For each rectifier o~ less than 1 K.V.A. capacity - $.25 For each rectifier of more than 1 K.V.A. and not more than 5 K.~l. c8,pacity - $.50. For each rectifier of more than 5 K.V.A. capacity - $1.00. (9) Transformers: For each transformer where the primary potential exceeds 600 volts - $1.00. For each transformer where the pri~ary potential does not exceed 600 volts (not including instrument transformers, bell ringing tr9ns- formers, or others of similar type) - $.50. For each bell ringing transformer - $.25. (10) Cooking and Heating Devices: For each Electrical cooking or heating device, consuming more than 600 watts of energy - $.50. (11) Electric Signs: For each electrically illuminated sign requiri:lg less than 1650 watts of energy - $.50. For each electrically illuminated sign requiring more than 1650 watts of energy and less than 3330 watts of energy - $1.00. For each electrically illuminated sign requiring more than 3330 watts of energy - $2.00. (12) Flasher: For each "flasher" used in connection with electrically illuminated signs $.25. (13) Changes or Alterations: For changes or alterations such as installing neW service Wires, changing centers of distribution or installin~ new meter connections - $1.00. (14) Miscellaneous: For miscellaneous permits such as general repairs to defective wiring systems or installing temporary work - $1.00. (15) No permit shall be issued for a fee of less than one dollar ($1.00) except as specified in paragraph 16. (16) For the inspection of any electrical equipment for which no fee is herein prescribed, there shall be charged for each hour a fee of One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50). (17) On all jobs of wiring for light, exclusive of service and switch, only where not more than five outlets are installed, no permit fee will be charged, provided that the proper application is made to the Building Inspector and a permit issued, all such permits will be marked UNo Chargell. SECTION 2: That all arm nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 25th day of August __, 1947. /,,,,,, '--' ?~~f~E " . /~ Mayor ./ // /~-) /,/, /.( (// /.,{;u~ '4.,1 f 1'1(./77...; // ,. .-' /").,. ,/ ._~......, >\J"{' ~ "'~~:-- ,/ Ii -1L. t" , 'r r \.-. ~~)' ',\. ~ ,', - \. " "'-.....- . -. "7 ATTEST: ~' As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florio.a -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I, H. N. Sayer, C1ty Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby cert1fy that a true copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 420, passed and adopted by the City Com- mission of the C1ty of Sanford, Florida, on the 25th day of August, 1947, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, F1or1da, on this the 26th day of Augu s t , 1947. As of r' >~ " ... .' ~- 'j)J) // C1 ty . . of the City StlJl,ford, ,Florida /