HomeMy WebLinkAbout418 '~~ ORDINANCE NO. lag AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AIvIENDING PARAGRJ,PH 18 OF SECTION 5 OF ORDIHANCE NO. 354 PASSED AND ADOPTED ON TH:S 11th DAY OF SEPT~~BER, 1944, AND LEVYING M~D IMPOSING CERTAIN LICENSE TAXES FOR lvlUNICIPAL PURPOSES, SAID PARjiGTIAPH 18 RELATING TO AUCTIONEERS. BE IT EXACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SA:,TFORD, FLORII:A: Section 1. That paragr~ph 18 of Section 5 of Ordin~nce No. 354, parsed and adooted on the 11th C~2,Y of September, 19!';!J" and entitled" An OrcinoEce Of The City Of Sanford, Flori~2, Levying An~ Imposing License Taxer: For Hur.iclrJal Fdr~)02eS FaT' The Year Bef~~ning October 1 l,-~:.l+ , '" , An(':, Each Y(-'ar 'I'hereafter Befinning October 1st U)on The Occu)ations, Businesses Or Professio:1S Herein Sta.ted; E'ixir.t And Determining lhe Amount Of Evel: License 'Laxt=-s To Be Pale; Requlrinf EacL Per20n, Fl.rm Or' Corpo~:'8.tion Before En[Cl[ing In S2_iD Occ:upat1.ons, .t:.ur.ii8scer 0:::' Pr>off'sFlons Vii thin The C1 ty Of SE,.nfol'!l, Flol'L'9., To Annually Pay Saie} Licenr fe' Tax Am: OlJtain Licer~s€ FoT' Sueh OCC\..I.f?8.tlon, Busir.ees Or FrofeSfion To bf Engagej In; Authorizing The R€fusal To 16 ['U.(, Or RHle1~? A License And Aut'Lol'izir..r Anc. Provi5ir'i[' For Tr..e Revocation Of Any L:~cE'nEe ISF,l).f'C, He1'8Uno.er Ane;. Pl'eECJ~jl)inE:: A Penalty F'or Etloc'Cin[ 1r'i Such Occupation!::, Busil.eu'\E's 01' ProfE'i:,sic.ns ','Ii thotJ,t Payillt; S&.ie' Liceru=e TC<.x A.n\~ Ct.'c2.iLln[;. LicPilce ThE-refor And He)E8..1ing All Orc'lillEulc8E Or PartE Of Or~inancef 1~ Conflict Herewith," be and the " ..---1 same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 18. AUCTIONEERS: (a) Furmture, per day $100.00 (b) Furniture, by or for a busi- ness which has been in operation in the City of Sanford, Florida, for a period of not less than two years, per day, but for not more than fifteen business days in anyone year 20.00 (c) Gift shop, etc., per day 56.00 (d) Jewelry, per year 500.00 (e) Oriental goods or rugs, per day 75.00 (f) Resident, i~cluding real estate, but not including gift shop, jewelry, new furniture or oriental goods, per year 50.00 {g} Itinerant, i~cl~ding real estate, but not including gift shop, jewelry, new furniture or oriental goods, per year 75.00 Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this ~ day of July, 1947. C .L / ( .' ~(A '~~~t: ~. ~Q ~- ATTEST: ~ ( // :;:5~ As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. I, H. N. Sayer, C!ty Clerk of the City of 5e,nford, Flor~da, hereby certi.fy the.t a true copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 41e, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 21st day of July, 1947, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Senford, Flor!da, this 22nd day of July, 1947. e Florida. '"