HomeMy WebLinkAbout426-Arthur & Phyllis GrindleGRANT OF *EASEMENT · THIS INDENTURE, made this dayof ~..J:~,~ ~-~ A.D. 199 ~_., between 'T'J(~-~, ~N¥~S ~. ~ ~*~-;~T~ whose physical address--~s ~ I ~1~, 0 ~ ~ ~ ~L ~, ~ ~J ~ - 3~ , Coun~ of ~J~ . and State of FLO~I D~ ' pa~ of the first pa~, and CI~ OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, situated in Seminole Count, Florida, pa~ of the second pa~; WITNESSETH, that party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants and conveys to party of the second part, its successors, assigns, licensees, a perpetual and exclusive easement, as described and illustrated below, which is to be under, upon, and across the property situated in the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: Do~mo~tary TGy Pd. (See Attached Legal Description and Drawing)$- I~tanglb~e PROPERTY ADDRESS ~ r-:~' for City Services, including but nat limited to, city awned utilities, hereafter on said property, such easement including the right of free ingress and egress over and across said property for the purpose aforesaid, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part hereunto sets his or her hand and seal on the day and year written above. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: (Witness) ^ (~/! (Witness} CT) (Printed Name (Printed Name · I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named State and County, the individual __ ,who ~s duly authorized t.o administer oaths on behalf of, take acknowledgements for, and legally bind party of the fir.~ party, d~d personally appeared before me, ,who is legally known to me and all peoJ~e as the Jndlvidual...~, who executed the foregoing document, and who acknowledged before me that'/~ executed the same as -~'~'free act and dee.d. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ha.nd and official seal at ~, Cou~y of ~~-d~, State of .~t~, this _~_, da of~_~_~ ALBERT M. CHIODI, JR. COMMISSION # CC 440917 EXPIRES FEB 22,1999 BONDED THRU ATLANTIC BONDING CO., INC. · p.O.B-~ i N.W. CORNER ~ I , ~or ~ L£GIBILIT¥ UI, IS/~TISFAGIOP~ o m ~ ' '[ ............ i]'i;ii" ........... Z ~8~ ~ ~ _~ ~ ~:-L ...................... ~y~.t~: ...................... ~~o~0~°~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ tROPIC PARK DRIVE % ~ ' ~ ...................... ~lO~" ..................... 1 m S.W, CORNER // ?~IS SKETCH IS NO~ ~ BOUNDARY SURVEY. DATE, AUG. ~5. l~ PREP~EO FOR AL CHIOOI I REVISIDNS, SCALE, 1' = ~0~' BE~I~ STE~TURE ~ ~, m DRA~N BY, ~, L, T, SDUTHEASTERLY R/~ ll~ ~ S. HW. 17 & 9~ , of OrZ~o I~c., LB 44 . -~ ' ~S ~-~ 2012 E. Robi~o~ Si. ~ -~*~ o~ -~ F~NK A. RAYMOND 4~7 OrZ=~Eo, ~Jo~= 32803 ~ - ~ ~ ~